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Everything posted by Trudi

  1. I have heaps to do before we can drop the dogs off tomorrow, so why am I sat on my bum gawking at the pooter
  2. Noo I wasn't really moaning just a passing comment (though i'll keep the hugs thanks). See if my ears were to play random Queen tracks or summat this would be good but just annoying tones and things is boring ok i'll shurrup now
  3. That's the only crowd I am ever in I have decided that tinitus is evil, I mean if I have to be deaf and unable to hear the stuff I want to listen to why should I have to listen to radom noises my ears feel like making
  4. Morning, have a good time at MM all you lucky people I will be mostly running round like a loon getting the last bits for the dogs packed then I can start on our stuff One more sleep
  5. Aww fank ewe Ambi don't be thinking too hard about your life - it will all work out as it is supposed to in the end , I too have been drinking the alcohol in the fridge - would be wrong to leave it lonely for 2 weeks I have 4 bikinis in my suitcase, i'm going on my hols and don't care what people think of my blubber Tommy will be having the time of his life
  6. I have salmon marinated in lemon and black pepper and wild rice with rosemary for my dinner. I must be poorly not a chip in sight
  7. Don't go breaking my heart - Elton John and Kiki Dee?
  8. Congratulations Aunty Ange and Uncle Rob
  9. Cos it would be no fun if you did a poll right first time
  10. I'll make love to you - Boyz 2 Men or summat
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