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Everything posted by selina

  1. I'll take some leaflets, I'm doing a show down here in Ivybridge a couple of weeks before ESSW show which you have already been invited to, but I want to do this other one as publicity fopr ours so no probs taking your leaflets along to.
  2. She is beautiful, Karen you'l soon find that with improved exercise that weight will soon drop off, dear old girl and 14 you say, she doesn't look it.
  3. hinking of you today Karen is he/she there yet?
  4. Ooohhhhhh Karen I'm really excited for you, a GSD x dobie, sounds beautiful, have you any more details yet, how old etc? You'll have no problems and as has already been said the fosterers mantra is "This dog will be moving on, this dog will be going to its forever home soon, this dog is NOT staying" Good Luck to you, will be thinking of you at the weekend
  5. You're safe, and yes I was exactly the same with Jack I just can't help it. these oldie Springer's have a way of hypnotising you into smothering them with love and yes please keep reminding me 'step away from the foster dog' I can see me balling my eyes out when this one goes to, what am I like
  6. I've got a huge jar of glucosamine and chondroitin which I am trying him on first, these worked for the other elderly springers that seem to pass this way , if these don't work I'll give the green lipped mussel thingies a go , although he holds his paw up after jarring his leg slightly he only holds it up for about 5-6 steps and then happily walks on it again so I don't think it is to bad for him but I am keeping it under constant observation. I don't suppose jumping off my double bed helps, which is where he takes himself when I go out Bailey has also had his haircut now so this is what he looks like instead of a burst couch Playing with his squeaky torch Having a rest Take a picture of my good side please Bailey says "I'm telling you I need A Home, can you hear me"
  7. Thats what I think Michelle He has certainly been very loved, I would imagine his owner is devastated at having to rehome him and very brave for putting his needs first . A couple more pics from today, he's not limping he just happened to be holding his paw up as I took the shot and I just love this one and yes he did kill the squeaky ball
  8. Isobel, by the time he got to me he was far less stressed than it sounds like he was at the beginning of the journey, he has had a very exciting day today, he helped us do a car boot sale this morning, and loved every minute of it, barking whenever we were serving someone and ignoring him . We have discovered he loves chasing bubbles although because of his arthritic front paw we had to keep them low for him, he has brought us every ball he can find and demanded to play catch time and time again. If I'm honest, I expected the worst with this boy because of him not going out for such a long time but he has really surprised us, his fitness isn't to bad considering, and he is so playful still, he has so much to give a new owner, he is one of the most loving and still playful oldies that I've ever looked after, when he goes to his forever home think there will be tears shed again Nearly forgot to say he is completely housetrained, quiet throughout the night, cries a bit in the car, I'm not sure yet wether this is stress or excitement or a combination of the two, he is OK with cats but does need to be told No occasionally as he tries it on with them and he adores my two dogs.
  9. Good Luck to him, he does look like a sad old thing, he really needs a comfy bed and warm heart to love him.
  10. here he is Ball Bouncing Bailey Cooling off in a little stream after is long day's drive and showing his love for tennis balls, he found this one and just loved to play catch, so more than plenty of life in this boy yet, he's going to be so much fun to have around
  11. I'll take the gamble, and I suppose I had better say a springer out of duty to the breed hadn't I?
  12. My guess is October 14th Great way to gain a few extra bits for the dogs in OC care as well.
  13. How did it go today Cindy? Been thinking of him today
  14. That is truly wonderful news, well done Oldies Club, couldn't have heard better news.
  15. selina

    Oldies Rmf

    Good on you Jax39, you won't regret it, for the sake of a few pound spent on sorting that fencing you can see lots of oldies go to there new forever homes. Good on You and well done.
  16. Still keeping my fingers crossed for her, that coat should get her a bit of attention, the dear old girl really does deserve her own fireplace, hope she finds it quickly.
  17. I hope Barbara won't mind me putting these up here for you all to see, Jill from the K9 knitters sent me them this morning of Molly in her nice new coat. keeping my fingers crossed that her new home is just around the corner.
  18. I've just sent the link to Jill at K9knitters to nominate her for a woolly jumper, bless her, I hope she finds a new home doubly quick.
  19. I love this poem, in fact I recently posted it on another forum and it inspired someone to go out there and then and adopt an oldie so well done that person. Tissues at the ready. The Old Dog One by One, they pass by my cage, Too old, too worn, too broken, no way. Way past his time, he can't run and play. Then they shake their heads slowly and go on their way. A little old man, arthritic and sore, It seems I am not wanted anymore. I once had a home, I once had a bed, A place that was warm, and where I was fed. Now my muzzle is gray, and my eyes slowly fail. Who wants a dog so old and so frail? My family decided I didn't belong, I got in their way, my attitude was wrong. Whatever excuse they made in their head, Can't justify how they left me for dead. Now I sit in this cage, where day after day, The younger dogs get adopted away. When I had almost come to the end of my rope, You saw my face, and I finally had hope. You saw thru the gray, and the legs bent with age, And felt I still had life beyond this cage. You took me home, gave me food and a bed, And shared your own Pillow with my poor tired head. We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low, You love me so dearly, you want me to know. I may have lived most of my life with another, But you outshine them with a love so much stronger. And I promise to return all the love I can give, To you, my dear Person, as long as I live. I may be with you for a week, or for years, We will share many smiles, you will no doubt shed tears. And when the time comes that God deems I must leave, I know you will cry and your heart, it will grieve. And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new, My thoughts and my heart will still be with you. And I will brag to all who will hear, Of the person who made my last days so dear. Leslie Whalen
  20. Well done on obviously doing such a great job with paddy that he was ready to move on, huge hug.
  21. I'm selina and I'm a springaholic, oops sorry wrong forum I've always had a soft spot for the oldies and am glad to help whenever I can, sadly I have to be a fussy fosterer because I'm allergic to most dog hairs which is why I mostly stick to springers and I know I'm safe. I'm also a co-ordinator for English Springer Spaniel Welfare which has been keeping me really busy. Always happy to lend a hand with homechecks, transports etc when needed. My current dogs are Rufus the mad crazy nutty Welsh Springer and Titchy (yes I failed as a fosterer with this one) the English Springer and I currently have one fosterer in, Flo, brought over from Ireland, saved on the day she was due to be PTS and WILL be rehomed. ooooo piccy time nearly forgot I've got three cats as well, more commonly known as the boys
  22. 10 years in rescue how awful, run free old boy and run fast
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