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Everything posted by wiccaweys

  1. Cindy, Steve & Snatch I am so sorry to hear this Cindy, you have the thoughts of both Paul and myself. Bright Blessings on your journey across the Bridge Tango, play happy and run free in the Summerlands.
  2. Ellen Rocco actually has a dog who looks VERY similar to this lad who she adopted from us a couple of years ago. I wonder if it was Nilla the lady saw? People did think Nilla was Spot when he was with us.
  3. Little Maisy passed over the Rainbow Bridge at home and in her Mum's arms, all the family were with here when she went. Maisy had recently been diagnoised with a heart defect and although we all knew she would have a short life, her Mum & Dad were determinded to make it a very full and much loved life. Paul & myself will always remember her and Flo charging round the kitchen, climbing in the fridge to steal cheese and almost getting shut in! Raiding the washing machine and making off with clean clothes and duffing up trouser legs and ankles. Paul & I would like to thank Eve and family for making Maisy's little life a happy and loved one. Though Maisy may not have stayed in this world long, she was here long enough to touch and bless many peoples lives with joy, happiness and love, and happy memories. Play happy in the Summerlands Little Maisy. A candle is lit.
  4. I've been trying to think of the right words all day - and everytime I try to put something down I can't see the screen for tears. Meggie Moo was a bright star who lit up the hearts and lives of all those who met her. She was a genuine clown - and was very good at her 'act' of being a dotty old aunt who'd had too much sherry! She loved to see people laughing. She was an expert sneak thief too..... which only added to her charm and zest for life. Her famous carpet slippers were like her little clown shoes. Moomin's landed on her feet when she went to the Sprogs on foster... and within a day they were under her spell. I'll never forget us all meeting at the services for another run, not long after she'd gone to foster with them - and a very sheepish Dave and Sarah thrusting an envelope at me. In it was 2 copies of already completed and signed adoption forms for Moo.... "just add your signature Sarah..." I think Jazz was there that day too, and there was much crying and hugging going on in the Toddington Services car park to the bemusement of other people. I said to Sarah on the phone this morning - I truely believe that Meg took the decision away from Sarah & Dave. She knew how much pain it would have caused them to judge the right time. And she chose to leave while she still had her dignity and pride intact. I believe that she passed on all she wanted to say and convey to Sarah & Dave through Vashti, and then made her peace with the world. Once that was done and she knew that Sarah & Dave had accepted what was coming, she was able to leave peacefully knowing they would be alright. She chose to leave, at home, while she was with her most special people and her four legged family. Paul & I are so thankful that you gave her such a loving and special home. Moo's heart and soul were pure - and so full of love for the 2 very special people who took her into their home and hearts.. Be happy in the Summerlands Moomins.
  5. wiccaweys


    So sorry Age. You have our thoughts. Run free Beauty.
  6. Thank you to everyone who has donated. I have put everyone in a Refuge Help A Rescue file, so I can report back the THE PENGUIN at the end and let him know the results.
  7. You are all in our thoughts tonight. Brightest Blessings, run free Hobo.
  8. In loving memory of Shorty who left us today for the Rainbow Bridge, sadly failed by those who were supposed to help and care for you. I'm sorry that all we could do to help you was to ease your passing. I hope your past few weeks here helped to make up for the love and good times you missed in your life. Run free now little friend - In a Straight Line.
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