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Everything posted by suzeanna

  1. When I saw my oncologist on 11th May and he told me about my dilated aorta, he was very concerned I hadn't been referred to a vascular consultant and said he would do it. The oncologist I saw on 29th May asked had I got an appt and I said no, he said give it another week then chase it up. Right. Easier said than done! The new appointments dept had nothing, so she gave me the direct number for the vascular secretary. All you get is an answering machine! I left a message on Monday, yesterday and today...zilch. How the heck am I meant to chase it up? I wish he'd never told me, ignorance is bliss. Now I wonder if the darmn thing is going to go bang at any moment. The gulls are upsetting the other birds round here, I saw one being chased off by a crow and two magpies! Funny to see really, as the gull was bigger than those three put together but they seemed to have the upper hand. Hope you get somewhere with the consultant Jazz.
  2. Well, Philip saw two of the gulls perched on top of a house a little way along the street, he said by the size, they are lesser black backed but still pretty big.
  3. We're used to seeing seagulls going back and forth morning and evening, I imagine to Ogston reservoir, but the last few nights something really really big has been flying over. Always alone, which is unusual. Having looked him/her up, it's either a lesser or greater black backed gull. Whichever it is, it's certainly much bigger than the usual gulls we see. Rather baffled by our rodents in the garden. They look rather big to be mice, but small to be rats! They bounce across the garden, which is more mouselike I think. We've concluded they must be interbreeding, so we' ve either got mats or rice! Candy is interested in where they go to but not enough to try to catch one. Must order some traps!
  4. Trust your vehicle to be different, Owl! Seriously though, I thought companies such as builders and also farmers who left mud or whatever on the roads were meant to clean it off? Perhaps you should split the bill four ways and send to the firms involved! Sorry, haven't read back and if I do now I'll lose what I've written, something leaked I take it Jazz? Griff, how is your mum now?
  5. No Owl, I do too and I'm born and bred Yorkshire and we're meant to love the vile little things! Candy is happier today now it's cooler, she really struggles with the heat. Ironically, she's going to the groomer on Monday, so she'll be nice and short when it's cooler weather anyway.
  6. Shame the covid doesn't target stupid people, that would cull a lot of them! I think they are feeling that the overstretched police won't do anything no matter what! It needs a farmer with a damn big combine to drive through their cars. Criminal damage, taking fences and gates down and potentially allowing livestock onto the roads. I really dislike the human race.
  7. Well done for alerting the police Owl and miracle of miracles, they actually turned up! I had my follow up from radiotherapy yesterday and the oncologist was very pleased with how things have responded, the soft lumps in my neck have reduced and the solid thingummy along the collarbone has shrunk. He said it will keep having an effect for a few weeks yet, which is good on the one hand but on the other the burning itch is driving me mad! You aren't meant to get it in the sun so I have cotton bandanas round my neck and that's making me hot before the darn thing does it's own impression of a bonfire. This was a new onc, though my original one was around too and had obviously had a word about me as he asked had I got a letter telling me to strictly isolate and before I even opened my mouth he started grinning. I think he knew the answer to that one! He did ask had I had an appointment from the vascular consultant and wasn't too pleased when I said no. He said if nothing in a couple of weeks, ring the department and put some pressure on. Looks like another hot day again, I'll spend most of my time filling up the birds water in the garden, hindered by a very clean freak blackbird who insists on bathing in it several times a day and chucking most of it out! Have a good day, all and Yantan, don't get burned! Any better news of your mum, Griff?
  8. Happy Birthday Yantan, hope you enjoyed your sunbathing and no burns! I know Ruby will be wondering what the heck she's let herself in for, but a few weeks or longer of feeling crap to be feeling great in the long run will be worth it. How sad about the osprey chick. There was something on the Calendar News about buzzards being shot in North much for conserving wild life. Our neighbour was cutting the hedge earlier and I know there is a blackbird's nest in there.
  9. At least a scan went ahead, Griff. If it's an infection that responds to ab's she should make a good recovery, but maybe not as quickly as you'd like. Philip was meant to be seeing someone at Chesterfield Eye Hospital (connected to Chesterfield Royal) about a problem with his eye. He got a phone call today from them to say nothing will be going ahead for the foreseeable future because of Covid. It's getting stupid. They said in the paper the other day that people are already in danger of dying because of heart attacks which are going untreated, not to mention cancer. Ruby and I are lucky that our treatments have gone ahead, but Dr. Sivoglo said he'd refer me to a vascular consultant because of my dilated aorta and I haven't heard a thing. Probably doesn't want to call me in to be examined in case I catch Covid. Thing is, if the aorta bursts I'm definitely dead, whereas if I catch Covid I have a good chance of recovery. Maybe that's too logical? Very hot here today and I was the same Yantan, went to sit out and decided it was too hot even with the parasol up.
  10. That's not good at all Griff..if she isn't being moved properly she'll end up with bedsores and lord knows what else! Do they give a reason for the scans being cancelled? You love the NHS and I do some of they are keeping me alive but over the years I've been furious over the casual to the point of neglect attitude of some nursing staff. When does Ruby need to go for her next session, Yantan? If the weather is still as hot, is there anyway you can go to park in shade? Once you know how long she'll be, you don't have to stay put in the hospital carpark. Meant to be 25 here today and tomorrow, just hope the MacMillan centre has the aircon on when I go to see the oncologist on Friday.
  11. My son's children could go back to school but he's not sending them. Abby won't go without Jamie and Jamie has autism and won't understand the no touching rule at all. He doesn't like being hugged, but he does like to hold hands. Amongst the many and varied birds who visit our garden were a pair of collared turtle doves, always mooching around together. For the past three days, there has only been one and she doesn't seem totally well. She's walking with a limp and although she can fly she never goes far. I've got to within arm's length of her, but no closer. We've made sure she has plenty of water and sunflower seeds and I'm hoping that she will recover from whatever is wrong. I have a nasty feeling she's lost her mate, either to a cat or a car and maybe she was hurt at the same time. Pretty little thing, I hope she makes it and maybe finds another partner. I'm glad your young blackbird was safely released Eve, must have been one of his more unusual call outs!
  12. It's time people like them were fined, and fined heavily, for bringing out the emergency services. Different if something is a complete accident and in no way your own fault. Yantan, which room is your boiler in? Probably the kitchen but asking as ours is in the back bedroom. I think the best thing is to have the door and windows wide open when others come, if they aren't wearing gloves don't be shy of asking them to wash their hands (and dry them on kitchen paper which you can chuck away) and for Ruby to be as distant as is possible. Thorough clean of surfaces when they are done, wipe down door handles etc and honestly, I think you'll find she's fine. If you explain the situation, there's no way they will take offence or think you are being hysterical about things.
  13. Eve, can you see the size of the bird? Should it be able to get itself out or is it jammed? If the former, the food may well tempt it. Can you safely leave a window open so it can escape, or would that leave you vulnerable to burglars? We did our bit for birds the other day, I'd seen someone in Chesterfield post that they'd lost their barn owl. Then a couple of days later, someone else posted there was one in their garden, so we forwarded the first post to them and now the bird and owners are reunited.
  14. Trouble is Griff, if you have staff that can't be bothered they are having a field day now as they know relatives can't come in and confront them face to face. Beg borrow or steal a hazmat suit and get in there! Seriously, I'd make a bloody nuisance of myself, I'd be ringing every hour till I spoke to someone who knew what was happening.
  15. Nearly got blown over in the garden! Sun is warm when the gale stops blowing! Philip is keeping a low profile Yantan, he's worried you'll be gunning for him if we ever come up your way😂
  16. Hope the boiler is soon fixed Yantan. Philip looked most put out when I told him it's his fault your weather has turned, he thought you'd appreciate some rain for your plants! That doesn't sound good Griff. Usually they can find a vein somewhere, even if it's in a foot.
  17. Well, it'll never be warm again as Philip has taken the car up to a garage to have the aircon regassed! Blackmagic, has being with your family reinforced your intentions to move or have you found you are missing your home? As the lockdown is going to be lifted to an extent in Scotland, will you be able to visit different areas now and look at houses? Hope today brings better news of your mum, Griff. Glad the dogs are doing well, Yantan. Must be a load off your mind.
  18. Griff, if it comes to it better lose her leg and live! She is being silly so far as you're concerned, but to be honest if you really don't feel hungry it's an effort to eat at all, and unless that hospital is better than most hospital food doesn't exactly tempt the appetite. Good news about being able to see your son, Eve! Well done on the claws Owl, at least if the weather isn't great tomorrow, either too hot or wet, you and Wispa will probably both be too shattered to be bothered about staying in! Philip says thanks all for the birthday wishes, we've just had a takeaway from his favourite Indian restaurant, so he's podged and happy! ;
  19. Eve, I appreciate it's annoying when others moan about temperatures you aren't having, but trust me..when your thermostat thingy is still reading 24 at 2am and you are hanging out of the bedroom window because you are having a hot flush, it's appropriate! Philip's birthday today, and he's wandering around saying how the heck did I get this old? My daughter and her husband are coming over later and bringing his card and present and some things for lunch, so we can sit at the correct distance in the garden and have a small celebration. I hope your mum is making a recovery after the ab's etc Griff x
  20. The thermostat controls for the boiler show the temperature..25.5 upstairs! Poor Candy is puffing like a bellows. We got her a paddling pool the first summer after we had her when we realised how much she felt the heat, but she won't get in it. I plonked her in it and she jumped out and glowered at me! Silly girl.
  21. Oh lord Griff, so sorry to hear this. I know Philip said BT were sending tablets to hospitals so patients could be in touch with their families, wonder if they have anything at the one your mum has gone to? If it's sepsis and they are quick off the mark with antibiotics there's no reason why she shouldn't make a good recovery, fingers crossed here. If you were including me in poorly ones Owl, I'm ok. My neck looks as if I have a very bad case of sunburn and it's sore and rather swollen and my voice keeps going a bit but otherwise, I'm good. Candy is hating this warm weather, doesn't help that she wouldn't let me use the clippers (no surprise there!) and her coat is heavy at the moment. I've managed to get an appt with the groomer but not until 1st June.
  22. Ouch Marion! I hope it's not done any lasting damage! I remember Claz who used to be on DP and here had a greyhound run full tilt into her knee, she had endless trouble with it afterwards. A neighbour of mine a few doors down was crashed into by a dog up on the field and it shattered her knee, she was on crutches for months. Thanks for the good thoughts all, I won't know if it has done the trick until it either starts spreading again, or doesn't. Time will tell!
  23. That's my radiotherapy finished. Funny, all the Linac machines are the same but the two young women operating this one did things differently to the neck and collar bone are very red and swollen, hope that's to be expected and not that they messed something up! could be they do a higher dose for the last one or something. I thought today was meant to be warm and sunny? Warm yes, but very cloudy now. It's Philip's birthday on Thursday and he has that day and the next off, so hope it stays reasonable for him. I had a look at who is eligible to have a Covid 19 test, and I don't qualify. Silly thing is, they are complaining that not enough people are taking up the opportunity to have the test. If they made it available to more people then they would! Since I have to attend hospital pretty regularly I would have thought I should have one, to stop me possibly taking anything into hospital if for no other reason.
  24. Sorry you are feeling bad again Jazz. I hope the chap makes a recovery from whatever he's got. I was tidying up in the garden and a very bold little robin was following me round, when I sat down he nearly sat on my foot. If we can find anywhere open tomorrow on our way back from Sheffield where we can buy mealworms, I'll see if I can tempt him onto my hand.
  25. I know they are vermin and spread disease and all that, but it was quite interesting watching a rat as she bustled along the patio, up onto the raised flower bed and vanished for a bit and then came back along the same track. (saying she as Philip says it looks like a female.) She did it a few times, always on the same line. I'm thinking of putting up a mini agility course for her.. a few jumps, maybe an a frame? would a tunnel be too much?
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