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Everything posted by staffymad

  1. Julia have loads of these I am thinking of you today. Tango has seen the vet and she is now on some medication for the fitting at a medium level (please don't ask the name, I am crap at names ). She has to go back in 3 weeks time for another blood test to see if the dosage is correct. This is the last straw, if this doesn't help we might have to let her go as the vet said the stress is too much for her as her heart can't take the fitting. So please please send thoughts that this will work. Cindy
  2. Greys mum have one of those Don't give up hope. My gran was diagnosed 22 months ago at the age of 87 with terminal lunge cancer, she is still with us and if you wouldn't know, you wouldn't know she is ill. Never give up hope and sending loads of healing thoughts. If you need a natter, give me a shout RMF: Our company has been taken over and we just had a global call. Can my day get any crappier? Cindy
  3. I agree with this totally. I was in a abusive relationship for years when I was only just 20 years of age and it took me a long time to remove myself from the physical and emotional abuse and same as you I always made excuses for him and blamed myself. As for Bruce being a mild case, I think they all start off as a mild case but as they realise it is working and they can get us to do what ever they want out of fear, the mild becomes a strong case. You might not be totally cured yet Ruth but you are taking steps into the right direction. I personally think I will never be 100% cured as even now 13 years later I have problems trusting people and stay fairly shallow not letting anyone too close. However I have met my husband and he is very supportive of it all. Cindy
  4. Just had a big choco cake slice to make me feel better
  5. Thanks everyone. Our appointment is at 6 tonight, steve is at home in case of emergencies. Claire, no she isn't but I am hoping she will be put either on them or hepa....(something, sorry crap with names) that should help with the cough. As she has Abnormal DCM and not a heart murmor its harder to medicate Cindy
  6. Tango had another fit. We are off to the vets tonight as she is now fitting 2-3 times a day and has the dreaded cough that comes with end stage heart failure. I am scared Cindy
  7. Morning. I won;t be able to catch up for 2 weeks on RMF so please take as appropriate Cindy
  8. Have loads of these We all know its a very hard decission and you have not taken it lightly. Cindy
  9. Where do we meet and when? Is it now a good time then that I used to drive a V6 too? And that I have a german licence so can't get point officially? And is it a good time that I ride tuned Lambretta's across the UK and Europe? Cindy
  10. Morning Fuggees. for those who need one especially Sophie and Nala Emma Great, can I come along next time? I like being norty in cars or bikes too. For anyone who needs :please take accordingly. RMF: Its thursday, I am off tomorrow and going to a rally in Newquay and will have sun, beach and cocktails Cindy
  11. Oh Aly you know you are always in my in crowd Cindy
  12. Glor I remember his story well and I am gobsmacked how wonderful he looks now. Sarah he is a real credit to you. Cindy
  13. My day is getting worse by the minute. Tango was sick this morning, not just anywhere but on our bed. Now bossman has asked me to cancel a days vacation on monday as we are having a demo request for a WMS system part only I know and as I am the senior in the team its expected I am pro-active. We are also desperate for more foster homes but the last few peeps who contacted me are a bit Cindy
  14. Snatch and Tango are threathing to come and visit should you not feel better soon. He might even wear his famous costume, just for you Cindy
  15. Is she related to my mum? I thought you looked rather smashing the other weekend. Cindy
  16. Morning everyone Loads of to those that need one either for themselves, their families or their poochies. Mr. Ook, I just love the ugly oldie. RMF: There are only 2 of us in the office today so we decided we are listening loudly to music whilst pretending to work Cindy
  17. Nope. Will join with a glass of port when I get home in 1 hour. Cindy
  18. What's up? As for the umbrella heads, I neeeeeeeed Cindy
  19. No you are not. I am sitting at work wishing I was home. Cindy
  20. Hello Fellow Refugee's Long time no see, so what have I missed? Cindy
  21. Firstly Kazz I am pro choice for various reasons. I am a rape victim and when it happened the first thing I was thinking was 'Oh my god what if I am pregnant'. Lucky I wasn't however if I would have been I can say 100% I would have had a abortion. I think one thing people should really look into when they say 'Pro Choice' do they only mean its the woman's right? I personally think the father (if known) should have as much right as the mother to say Yes or No to a abortion. What if the father says No but the mother say Yes, I know legally the woman can go ahead but is this right? Cindy
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