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Everything posted by Abby

  1. I am so bored that I just went through the 900+ old emails in my inbox deleting the 800 or so I no longer needed Am not dealing well with the idea that sitting on my backside doing nothing is ok because my body is busy healing. Any ideas for how to occupy my time that needs no physical input and no mental capacity (drugs are making me extraordinarily vacant) would be gratefully received. I am so vacant I can't even decide between dvds.....
  2. Hopeful news! Best wishes to Tess for a good weekend and that it goes quickly for you
  3. oooooh! Just found this! Why didn't I think of netting? It's green, cheap, versatile and still lets light through!
  4. Yes, well, OH is not convinced as he wants something in green to go with the pub paintwork. I know what he means. He thinks this artficial hedge is just the ticket but I have a feeling it might just look naff
  5. Wow really? That's impressive!
  6. Hmmm...I could go synthetic with a plastic bamboo style cane screen. Fully washable and rot resistant.
  7. Morning I am back home again after a week at my parents. They are wonderful to look after me so well but it's lovely to be back. Sleep is still a bit all over the place but in a few days that will hopefully be better. Just seen Elaine's gorgeous basset foster photos - am in love
  8. So sorry it's not better news Jules. Will be thinking of you both
  9. Thanks guys I agree about the wind issue, it does get breezy up there. I have looked at brush ones and will have another think about them and the pee. Can't think how to keep pee off the and it's an 8 metre stretch. Blummin boy dogs
  10. Thank you tis nice to be here again. Might as well make good use of all the extra time I have not being able to cook
  11. Sorry aboiut Tess, hope she gets sorted soon, she's such a pretty girl The op was on my arm bone where it meets the shoulder. I had a tumour which needed taking out. Not making me sick now but acting in a suspicious manner and making the doctors nervous I now have a 6 ish inch long plate over the hole so will have fun going through airports in future I am snaffling minty chocolate even though I'm in bed and should be going to sleep
  12. Hello I'm doing ok thanks. Am going home thursday which will be nice, though my parents are looking after me very well . Typing takes ages with only one hand available
  13. Your gardens are all looking lovely I will post some photos of the pub garden soon as it is looking lush. Does anyone have any garden screening? I want something to go along the iron fence on our roof garden. Tis not nice for people passing by seeing the boys doing their business I am considering bark screening but am unsure as to how well it withstand being peed on which is sure to happen . Can't paste a link as I'm on my mum's laptop and it's odd
  14. Hello Busy year so far and rather Am at my mum and dad's recuperating from an operation and this is the first time in months I've properly been able to have a looksy around this place. Sorry I am very out of touch with how peeps are
  15. Hello not been on here for ages. hope you are all ok. I am a bit hurty today as I had a bone biopsy yesterday and they took an entire cubic centimetre of bone Am being well looked after by my mum
  16. I'm a bit late on this but I've just sent my receipt by email
  17. Thank you for the tips, I will look into them. Can't stretch to a new mixer at the moment, but will be getting a ricer to help with the spuds. Maybe I should train Dylan up as a kitchen helper... I have now told my two closest friends. One of them was great, the other I seem to be on a different wavelength to at the moment and it wasn't a very satisfying conversation at all
  18. Thank you everyone I knew telling you would be a good thing I am trying to improve things in the kitchen and am looking to get a couple of bits of equipment, but the sad fact is that its the basic work that's mucking my shoulder up and there's not a lot I can do about that. Kev is being very good about having to mash all the potatoes A common catering industry thang though I had hoped to last a bit longer before I started falling apart Still, we go on our honeymoon a week on Monday, and then I only have another week to wait before the biopsy so most of my time will be taken up with thinking honeymoon type thoughts
  19. I haven't been around so much the last few months so sorry to come crawling in and weep but I know you guys are great at listening :flowers: I yam feeling very sorry for myself Since June last year I have been having back and shoulder problems and have been to see various doctors about it. Went to the orthopaedic surgeon in November who scared me silly and sent me for an urgent MRI scan the next day, though I then had to wait 4 weeks to see him for the results. They diagnosed a benign bone tumour in my upper right arm. Though they said they were quite sure it was benign they referred me to the Tumour Clinic at the Oswestry Orthopaedic Hospital. I went to see them after New Year and they diagnosed probable Rotator Cuff Tendonitis (knackered shoulder muscles) caused by all the kitchen work I now do, which explains all my symptoms but said that the bone tumour or lesion was a bit of an unknown. Almost certainly benign but again, they wanted to be sure. They went away to talk about next steps. Today they rang up and said while they weren't too worried they wanted to do a biopsy to see what it is. Despite everything they say about it almost certainly being benign I am still scared. I was feeling better about it all, but today I am back down in the dumps again. My family are being great, but I haven't told my two best friends yet as they are both pregnant and I didn't want to worry them before I had something firmer to tell them. I will tell them now as I need a general aneasthetic for the biopsy and also I can't hide it any longer as I've started avoiding talking to them. It's crap. Christmas was wierd. We've been stressed for months now, both going off to cry in corners. Not many people here know and my friends and family live along way away. Also, my chances of getting properly on top of the tendonitis are very low, unless a steroid injection offers a miracle cure, because I can't stop using it. I am rather
  20. Yay!!! Congratulations :elefant: how proud you both must be Unfortunately, Sirius is unaware of this Important Event due to him being in the loving care of Royal Mail. Should be with you Chez Dogstar tomorrow
  21. Well, thank you very much from me and Dylan
  22. Sorry for the delay in posting here but I am a mean mummy and my boys have only just had their presents today Quite frankly, Clive's been a tad naughty recently and I didn't figure they needed the extra excitement No photos I'm afraid :mecry:and sorry for not having a orking double-u on my keyboard Anyhoo, Dylan says a massive thanks to his (still) Secret Santa. The VVainrights treats have been a hoooge success (never seen them before) and as for his latex duck, vvell, you've made his life complete And as for missus Yantan, I vvish you'd been able to see Clive opening his present He normally scrabbles his vvay into parcels but he vvas sooo excited by the delicious scent he could smell that he just bit his vvay straight through the side of the box in one BIG mouthful I managed to vvrestle the box off him and distributed fishy loveliness in a more orderly manner. The Salmon mousse I knovv vvill be a big hit later on. Thank you both so much - and pretty please vvho vvas Dylan's Secret Santa?
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