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Everything posted by Abby

  1. Abby

    July Rmf

    You're braver than me Amy! I am attempting to kick myself into action with coffee. Not working terribly well OH is rebuilding a wall in our living room and the boys aren't pleased with the disruption to their space.
  2. Abby

    July Rmf

    Thanks guys Unfortunately economics of pub don't stretch to employing a cook and no family is near enough. I'm hoping I can start again in 2 weeks with lots of help from Kev on prep I have another appointment in 10 days and then I find out my scanning schedule. As the tumour turned out to be the norty kind they need to scan regularly to ensure the bone is growing back healthy, though I don't know how long that will go on for yet. And I might need the plate taking out at some point, partly because it is probably impinging on my shoulder movement due to its high posiiton. That was always a risk. Chickentikka - you made me laughing, laughing at me so thankyou Off to drink tea and eat chocolate to continue my journey into non-cooking lardiness
  3. Abby

    July Rmf

    Thanks guys, I'm going to try sorting out a planned diet for him in the next couple of days. Sorry Michellle, I got half way through writing mine out for you and then got distracted by my trip. Will sort it out for you. I am back from my sister's where I had a lovely if tiring time. However I had a horrible journey back on the train. Ironically nothing to do with the trains misbehaving. SOmeone bashed into my arm at 8am (quite gently, but doesn't take much) which set it off and I'd run out of drugs last night and couldn't get any more until I got to Shrewsbury at 11am. And that necessitated a walk into town witha gammy knee and non-functioning one arm, a sore other shoulder (woke up yesterday with even more sore bits from stupid stupid fall ) and a roller case than no longer rolled because I stepped on the handle and broke it. Had to carry it. Alarmed staff in superdrug by ripping open packet of pills at counter and throwing several down my neck. Then on way back to station I dropped something and stupidly stretched down with my bad arm to pick it up which resulted in much pain, loud swearing and lots of nasty looks from passersby. Once on train I spent half an hour fighting off tears until the painkillers dulled hte pain. Got home to mach and whilst walking up the platform in the heavy rain dropped something else and...yes! bent down with the wrong arm. Had to drop everything and bite my tongue to not instantly burst into floods of tears. Crap crap journey. I am sick of hurting and being useless. Went to pick up Kev's prescription and had the receptionist ask if we were serving food again yet and had to say no. FIrst person to come in the pub tonight was after food.Everyone is nice and asks how I'm doing, but they don't want to hear any of this on their night out so you lot are getting it in the neck. Sorry I am not very emotionally strong at the moment and all I want to do is curl up and stop being broken
  4. Abby

    July Rmf

    Yes he does get veg and I will up it but he's so sensitive that too much gives him tummy trouble. It's a fine line with him and food I should be having a shower and packing my bag but am feeling very very lazy. Coffee me thinks might be in my near future.
  5. Abby

    July Rmf

    Az What clever boy I am feeling okay this morning. I am stubbornly wearing jeans which rub against my lovely teenage knee graze, but other than that I seem to have got away with it. Clive on the other hand has yeast infections in both ears and has put on even more weight I am going to have to thoroughly review that boy's food as I can't feed him little enough on his current food (barf) without him turning into a food obsessed (even more than normal) bin raiding customer begging table surfer (yes, in the pub ). On the other hand, if I take him off a raw diet onto specialist food I am afraid his colitis will come back with avengence. Sigh.
  6. Abby

    July Rmf

    Interesting, Griff. It is the third general anaesthetic I've had in under 4 months. Maybe it has a cummulative effect Good luck with your op by the way, there seems quite a bit of it going on at the moment! My knee has settled to a nice sore throb. I am organising my knitting projects that I am taking on the train tomorrow when I go see my luffley big sister for a couple of days I don't see her nearly enough because we live too far apart. RIght now though I need to go see why there are still people in the pub.I want to watch the next episode of True Blood
  7. GOlden cockers one of my absolute faves Happy Birthday beautiful Alfie, I hope you have been spolit rotten:flowers:
  8. Abby

    July Rmf

    Probably, but actually this time it was a mixture of our chronic untidiness and my newly acquired clumsiness Since my op I have broken several cups and teapots, dropped full lemonade bottles (which of course emptied themselves in a horribly sticky mess), crushed my toe with a hardwood chair leg, ripped the bottom of my foot on a nail, cut my fingers several times attempting to cut vegetables up with the wrong hand, dropped a full hot cup of tea over myself, and lots more in the same vein. Now ordinarily I would do these things anyway, but not so concentrated into such a short period. I think I left a bit of my coordination skills back in hospital Doesn't bode well for when I start cooking again... I think I clonked my head earlier as well as I have a general thumping starting up. Spose I shouldn't really be looking at the laptop. Thank you, I am now installed on the sofa with a hubby made cup of tea and he has taken over in the pub. I think it is the shock but now you mention it I do have naturally low blood pressure so that's probably the head rush thing. I have had concussion several times in teh past and this is nothing like that bad
  9. Abby

    July Rmf

    I just fell over Went down hard on my knee and skinned it, and banged my bad arm too. Managed to sit down on the stairs and hold onto something while I went all fuzzy but thankfully didn't black out. Thank god my arm seems to be okay, maybe the plate has settled down enough now. We'll see how it is in a while. My knee is red raw but hopefully just bruised. I, however, am shaky and teary
  10. Abby

    July Rmf

    Afternoon I am on the sofa with two very soggy doggy bookends We have been out for a family drive and dog walk and HUSBAND did the driving. He is now really enjoying it and has a formal lesson on Wednesday
  11. Is there anything on the Kidscape website that might help Fran? I am sorry you and your boy are having such a hard time. It sounds like several things are going on, though they may well all originate from the bullying (do you think it does or could there be anything else going on?). I don't know much about the history of your son's problems so forgive me if I am on the wrong tack I would suggest things that need work on fairly urgently are confidence (in his own self worth, and in you and his teachers and the world in general and your ability to help him), communication ( he may feel he can't express himself properly because there is no point) and empowerment (like the dieting, anti-bullying startegies etc). Sounds like he doesn't feel like anything is ever going to change. Do you think it would be possible to have a conversation with him where he talked about what was happening, how it made him feel, and you just let him explore it? If he gets angry, let him, if he gets sad, let him, if he shouts, pushes stuff around, let him. Pent up emotion is very limiting and if you just be there for him and agree that its horrible / unfair / hard to deal wth etc it might provide an outlet for him. I wouldn't push immediately for solutions, but just try and tackle the lack of expressing himself part. Often in the course of letting off steam, things get resolved or other issues come to the surface that can then be dealt with. Sometimes even just expressing emotions helps a child feel better because it is frustration at a situation they can't change that is bothering them. Emotions themselves aren't wrong, but supressing them and not dealing with them properly is. Is that of any help at all? I am very happy to pm you more if you think it might help. As a child I was bullied, unconfident and very reserved and as an adult I have suffered from and been treated for depression (happily with excellent counselling much better now). Different of course to your son, but I am now very interested in the way child's minds and behaviours develop and I wish with all my heart I had had someone to take the above approach with me.
  12. No staples thank god! Just a few stitches. Its a much neater scar than the one from my biopsy, though its longer its not healed with a big ridge. The bruising was indeed colourful, especailly after they removed the stitches
  13. Abby

    July Rmf

    We do often have to inspect him closely as he breathes sooooo slowly when deeply asleep. Often though he will let you know he has started again with the most humungous staccato series of snorty intakes of breath followed by snoring that makes you vibrate on the inside A spaniel's resonating chamber is truly amazing. I am feeling virtuous having completed 20 mintues more filing. I have also posted in the manky body parts thread
  14. Wow, this place has been quiet recently! Anyway, feast your eyes on my bone tumour arm op 5 weeks old and doing pretty well, except for the lingering swelling.
  15. Abby


    Glad she's come through ok. I would echo the 'take every drug possible' in these early days. Having recently had an op in the shoulder area and been given the nerve blocker, when it wears off you sorely miss it! Best wishes for a swift recovery
  16. Abby

    July Rmf

    Poor Jodie run free snails and Katie My poor squashed fuschia Still, at least Clive is good and relaxed
  17. Abby

    July Rmf

    A cup of coffee, dogs with full tummies, West Wing and knitting I'm finally getting to grips with being a (temporary) lady of semi-leisure
  18. Abby

    July Rmf

    We had that too last night. The lovely big fuschia my mum grew for us for our wedding (the type is called Wedding Day) looks as though a boulder bounced on it, it's decimated At one point a deckchair was flying round the roof terrace. I think it came to rest down the side of the flat and I am just very grateful it didn''t go through a window Hubbie is out for his 3rd driving lesson with friend this week and I have had a recommendation for a local isntructor which I am going to follow up this morning. Feels too good to be true.... Also must report that physios are truly evil people
  19. Abby

    July Rmf

    For you and Jemima I am going to be a bit norty and drive into town for my physio appointment. The times just don't match up with the buses On a happier note I have just ordered the second Citizen Dog comic book and am very excited
  20. Abby

    July Rmf

    Thanks. At the moment he is going out with a friend for free to kick start him, as I can't drive so I can't take him either. But there will have to be a formal instructor at some point which will indeed be ouchy but worth it after waiting so long! I have retired from the pub for the night as my arm is not so happy and am about to get comfy on the sofa. haven't got any nice chocolate, which is very very sad
  21. Abby

    July Rmf

    OH has had his second informal driving lesson this week and was really positive about it afterwards This is a real shocker for him (looooonnnnng time coming this driving lark) but a very good thing for us
  22. Abby

    July Rmf

    Dogs fed, not time to feed us yet, not sure I should really have another cup of coffee, bills paid, texts sent to friends....erm.....darnation, it's going to have to be the filing
  23. Abby

    July Rmf

    Hello I am busy avoiding the mountain of filing in the office
  24. Jules I am so sorry Run free and happy beautiful Tess
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