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Sarah B

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Everything posted by Sarah B

  1. Yes - I want to make sure he can get away from it if he wants too. Also Scooby likes to burrow so I would be worried about him getting underneath it and pulling the cord out.
  2. Just got hold of the bloke re hydrotherapy. Its a one hour session, this includes warm up, assesment, swim, wash and dry afterwards. Its £32.50 per session. He will only allow groups of ten bookings to start, these must be paid up front. He will not deal with the insurance companies direct, we pay him then claim the monies back. I cannot pay weekly. Its the same cost if I go through my insurance or by myself. So going to have a looksee if there are any hydro pools locally that won't necessitate the removal of one of my kidneys to pay for it...
  3. Morning. Just been to Docs, she has prescribed me yet more pills that may/may not work. Last ones haven't so not holding my breath. She has also prescribed me Xenical but warned me that as I am on a stupidly low-fat diet anyway they may not do anything. Fingers crossed though. Thankyou I tried ringing but their answerphone went all funny and cut me off after asking for my security number so I have sent an email. You take care of yourself and have an easy day Really need to go into town but I daren't leave OH's Aunt here own her own with the dogs with the postman due - she will open the door and let them onto the road - so have to wait for OH or his Mum to get up Need to take OH for a gentle walk too seeing as we can't go to the park for a while, but again can't leave the house just yet.
  4. OK thanks for all your help I would be worried about putting an electric one in a crate though and leaving it on - do they have a safety cutout? I'm assuming they don't get as hot as human heat blankets get...
  5. I am looking for a heat pad for HRH to help with his bad hip. I don;t like tye idea of having one that plugs into the wall. I've only found the Snugglesafe, which is a microwaveable pad, however don't know how big this is. Has anyone used one of these or anything similar?
  6. Poor Neo I was expecting it to be more expensive than that, so thats good! The leaflet I was given is for a centre in Radstock, so I will give them a ring tomorrow and find out some more details.
  7. Not everyone who breeds mice/rats for feeders treats their animals badly. I keep snakes (most are rescues), and I was so sickened by the state of the mice I was buying frozen I decided to start breeding them myself. Mine are kept like pets in a huge tank, plenty of varied food and water, lots of stimulation like branches, wheels, tubes etc and then they are euthanised by myself as stresslessly as possible. 'Feeder' rodents are usually kept in rodent stacks with no stimulation, and euthanised in a Co2 chamber; commercially this is a tank where hundreds are crammed in at one time, the gas is put in far too quickly so the animals become very distressed. I had several batches of frozen mice that had blood coming from their mouths and other signs of horrendous distress that I won't go into. I can't feed my snakes knowing that the mice were being so cruelly treated, so took the decision to do it myself knowing I can treat these mice as well as possible with the respect they deserve. It really annoys me when people keep 'feeder' animals like this - the least breeders can do is give the animals the respect and care they need Feeding live mice is completely unnecessary and also totally illegal in the UK unless you have a vets report for the animal. Good luck with rehoming them - can we have some piccies soon? Would love some more pet rats but just don't have the room at the moment (plus I doubt any rescue would rehome to me because of the mice)
  8. Well HRH has definitly got a sore hip Vet has prescribed Metacam, lead rest and no haring about/jumping about like a twit. However trying to explain this to Scooby is, well, difficult. We shall see how he is after 7 days and if he's no better he is to go back. If he is better then it's light off lead excercise for another week, then see how he goes etc etc. If he is no better then he'll have to have more tests The vet says he *may* have the onset of arthritis - not good as he is only 5 I shall look into hydrotherapy and physiotherapy for him tomorrow. I think he'll prefer hydro. Can peeps with waterpups tell me roughly what it costs on average for a session? How do you get diagnosed with that? OH has told me I do it, and I know he does it. I thought it was normal I had to Google them - OH came in and said "Oh my God you are not having a pair of them...." Edited as I have crapper hands than normal tonight
  9. Afternoon. Great news for both of them Just was just getting up to take Scooby to the park. He jumped of my lap and twisted his hip again So vets this evening, and trying to explain to Scooby why we can't actually go and try out his new frisbee I will see how is is a bit later and try for a walk but he's a bugger - if he thinks he wont be going out because of an owie then he won't show it hurts Also meeping a bit as to the vet bill afterI nearly had to sell a kidney for his innoculations....
  10. My 'friend' who is trying to rehome their dog Melon has said she has found him an amazing home, however he will be running free over the new owners land and will need a shock collar to make sure he doesn't go near the sheep I suggested a fence, not letting Melon out unless he is supervised in that area, or just old-fashioned training but I think she's a bit narked I said it was cruel. She said it was crueler to the sheep and Melon could be shot so I suggested she rehomed him somewhere that wouldn't be a problem As soon as Melon has found a home I think she'll be coming off my friends list as I couldn't be comfortable to anyone who would rehome their dog into that situation
  11. I may get another one done for Scooby in say six months time - but this time I will remember to write all my questions down! I did write notes as Becky was talking to me, I keep reading back through them.
  12. I went into this with a completely open mind. I like to beleive in things, but have been dissapointed a few times. I'm not a animal communicator - I have an affinity with animals and know (mostly!) what they are thinking/feeling, from Scooby having a thorn in his leg to knowing which way a tarantula is going to leg it. Becky started off by explaining what she did, how it worked etc. She then started to describe Scooby to me. Becky described Scooby as a fun, cheeky, and norty boy, who will often roll over and play with his toys on his back. She said he often lies with his legs in the air being silly Completely spot on. She then went on to say the Scooby is either running around all over the place, or chilled out relaxing, to both extremes. I wouldn't say to extremes but he isn't a moochy dog - everything he does, he does. Becky mentioned he had some pain in his hips - Ellie bounced on him about a year ago and he does still get sore sometimes. She also mentioned that he had 'hay-fever eyes, all itchy and stingy'. Now Scooby suffers from really bad grass allergies on his paws, making him most uncomfortable. She said he loves other dogs and was very excitable towards them. This was the only innacuracy as Scooby adores other dogs but he is very sensible towards them. That stunned me totally with the accuracy, then Becky said she was satisfied with the connection and asked me to go ahead and ask questions. She picked up that Scooby is worried about me - although he is happy where we are there is a situation he doesn't like as it upsets me. He has started guarding food as food=stability, and this is whathe feels has lost a bit. He feels we aren't as close as we were - spot on as I know he misses sleeping in my bed, which he can't do anymore as he's not allowed upstairs. He loves having fun, but when it was just us we had more fun that what we do now He wants more mummy-Scooby time. His back is still sore and he's overcompensating so his shoulder hurts. Warmth helps (I thought he was upset that the fires have been turned off). He enjoys his training classes and the interaction he gets from other dogs, and his best mate is a sighthound-type dog that he runs with. (this is Sascha, our next door neighbours dog) He tolerates Ellie (OH's parents dog we live with) and they have a mutual tolerance and respect for each other, although they are not proper friends. My final question was, does Scooby miss Con? (my last dog, Connor died about 18mnths ago from a brain tumour) Its still very raw for him, he is uncomfortable sharing feelings about him. :mecry: Becky, thankyou so very much - that was an amazing and insightful session!
  13. I've just had my animal communication from Becky (BrightPaws) That woman is amazing. Ridiculously accurate and a real sweetie too. Thankyou Becky Will go pop a few more details in a relevant thread. She has done what thousands have never managed - stunned me into silence....
  14. Thats briliant, thankyou. I will email the details to Melons' owner
  15. Ooh can you email me one please? Most interested in the one at Yeovil. Can you send it to happypawscaninedaycare at hotmail dot com? How far in advance do you have to book?
  16. I haven't received my phone call that I was expecting at 5pm I am sure there is a valid reason but I haven't heard anything. Just to show I did pay in case I slipped through the net -
  17. I am waiting for a phone call that should have come at 5pm I have emailed but not got a reply
  18. Interested if there are any in /around Wiltshire?
  19. I just watched his 'Jingler' demo video. The poor boxer was so bloody distressed - cowering behind him, panting really hard and all tensed up I didn't bother with the rest of the website. Plus nowhere was there any info on how the 'Jingler' actually works Got up early to watch the F1 qualy. Waited for HRH to come back from his run as I bought some Piriton to try on his allergicy feets and today is the day he hasn't had a reaction Go Alex - surprised you didn't ask the courier to shove the seatbelt up cowboys derrieres
  20. :laugh: :laugh: Thats brilliant
  21. Morning all My multiquote button just ate all my multiquotes The problem is I don't have any income coming in at the moment,so I can't move out. There is no way I could afford to move out even if HPCD goes really well as I can't do too much cos of my FM. OH won't move out as he has a purpose built animal shed that can't be dismantled; it's two rooms so there is no way we'd be able to get anywhere with enough space to keep everything I have said I will try and get council accomodation but the chances of getting it here are bog all - especially with HRH in tow. So for the moment its gritting my teeth and baring it. Something's got to happen soon cos it can't carry on. Just not sure what. Spinach and sweet potato curry is the nommiest of noms - got to have poppadoms too though And can we have details of the David Cameron dream? I'm intrigued... Oh and if anyone can offer a home/rescue space to Melon I would be grateful - my friends are having to give him up He has his own page on Facebook - Find A Home For Melon -
  22. Hi all I have been asked by some friends to help rehome their collie x lab, Melon. I would have him in a shot here but in our current situation there is just no way on this planet that OH's parents will let us have another dog. Melon is 8 years old but acts like a puppy. Fully vacc'd but not neutered. He is housetrained, OK to be left for short periods, doesn't chew, doesn't steal unattended food, and is good with kids although over 7 years as he is so bouncy. I am gutted I can't help out. Melon needs a new home or rescue place ASAP. His current owners are more than happy to help with transort. Melon - For any more details please PM or ping me on Facebook - Melon has his own FB page so let me know if anyone would like a link to that.
  23. Morning all I think the world is about to end - there be much slammin' of doors and grumbling from upstairs. I'm already in the sh1t cos HRH keeps scrapping with the Flump - not entirely HRH's fault, he may be a bit bossy but he will tell Flump to go away when he's had enough and she just bounces and screams at him. Then last night when I had a shower I took the towel off the towel rail and the towel rail came with it. OH tried to fix it but its back broken again this morning. I have also (again) removed Flumps' dog bowl from the kitchen floor (HRH's bowl is never kept on the floor but Flumps' bowl is.) I think this is a cause of contention between the two dogs so I keep moving the bowl onto the side, where it promptly gets put back onto the floot again. I have been told my pet sitting/training business will never take off as I have no relevant experience and Flump is still completely untrained even though I have lived here for 6 months. Well I guess managing a kennels, training other peoples' dogs and a ton of rescue dog work aren't experience then. Oh and when I offered to train Flump I was catagorically told NO as she didn't need it. Pissed off from Wiltshire .
  24. Just double checked - it was for his KC vaccs as well. But still, I know I never paid that much last year
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