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Everything posted by DitzyLips

  1. Happy birthday,,it's a glorious day for it.So i hope your off out enjoying it.Haven't seen u around for a while? Hope everythings ok! Laura
  2. Hello! RMF: I really really should be working much harder than this. I know I'm going to regret it later. But the sun is shining and I'm eating Wine Gums. I'd quite like a wine gum please :-) How are you and the doglets? RMFeckin'ell - I was measured for a noo bra today - I am a ph34r.gif Can someone tell them to stop growing please wacko.gif For a little person i have rather large boobs myself.I'm a 30ff but i don't mind who knows it The right size bra will make all the differance to you.Even eliminating backache etc.Plus they can be rather gorgeous.I'm not a clothes person at all but i love pretty bras
  3. DitzyLips

    Puisin an aside would adam be up for being auctioned? He could put himself up for a night out with a refuge lady :-)
  4. DitzyLips


    Michelle is right he is abit dishy.Who is he?
  5. I must add a hadn't read the written bit which makes me a wee bit less of a plank.Great idea and well done bert <lovely boy> Now come to meeeeeeeeeeeee
  6. Are you back on the porn and electrution again? Do we need to get you help?
  7. Well said and it did make me take a look at help needed and a think about what a might be able to do :-) Help needed can be found here
  8. Calling topic dirty chook
  9. I have to confess to not understanding this
  10. Questions are by all means allowed but generally a thread is kept for the topic for which it was intended so any other big matters need a thread of there own.
  11. I'd like to apoligise for going off topic too.I'm sorry!
  12. Reason for edit,post i was referring to has been removed.
  13. I see your point but are you saying that good faith is a crime or just a personality fault? An auction is a different matter with funds going to a stated cause,the sponsor lounge as i recall was an extra area to chat and give abit to help with the running or things and get some paws.People donating to a rescue obviously don't then own the rescue but they do have a right to know the money is being used for the purpose intended and therefore the person taking the money is answerable to them.
  14. I don't think pingu or anybody here should have to answer to anyone for the disappointments and trouble caused by other people although i understand your need for answers. This board has long since been running on and succeding on it's own merits and the only thing connecting it with dogpages is any joint members and it's purpose of animal welfare
  15. Oh well done,it must feel like such an achievement to be able to reach a wider audiance and help your dogs even further I'd be so proud of myself :-)
  16. I have thinking been thinking about the reaction from this site over these things and think the handling to date has been clear,open,consistent and quite frankly admirable and very dignified.Everybody has the right of reply and to defend themselves here but without the same facilities on dp.It may be impossible not to respond more proactively in self defense against such unfair and consistent persecution. I totally understand the need not to give this unwanted fight air to breed but fear it may be impossible when certain people continue to behave the way they do I also wish to welcome shansey and say sorry for what i know is a horrible thing to find out about people u thought you could trust. This is sadly not by any means the only case of double standards on these boards.
  17. When i used dogpages and saw the occasional post about a problem with someone,i thought fair enough you are bound to get some trouble from people but my eyes were well and truly opened after seeing quite how many people were banned esp through association.It's nuts! Do these groups not have minds of there own? Of course they do,THAT is why they have been banned. You struggle to understand this man and the varies situations because you are a genuine,caring person who is in it for the love and upkeep of the welfare of dogs
  18. Aww bet that was nice,everything looks so pretty in the snow.Am hoping to get to an animal place at some point in the near future but not sure what there is now i've moved. We get to see alot of deer here.A scottish wild cats? I'm jealous
  19. I know i can always come back but the break was nice.
  20. Well i became a live gifts addict on facebook but i other than that i just kept myself to myself for a while.I was ill loads over the winter and quite miserable so didn't do much so hadn't really got anything to talk about so stayed away so people didn't think i did nothing but moan.
  21. This is the real me,as is earlier today
  22. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.I had a lovely quiet day and liked all my gifts.I thought i'd managed to keep it quiet this year 26 really isn't soo bad,i'm just glad to have made it too it
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