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Everything posted by Brammie

  1. This is the cutest trick ever, i saw it on tv a while back but have only just dared attempt it To start with have your dog stand on a mat or towel, click for any foot movements gradually add the commands right foot, left foot or front foot, back foot its up to you. Let us know how you are getting on
  2. Clicker training your dog by Stephen King is a good one.
  3. Sorry its taken me so long guys - if its not one thing its another eh? Anyway I need ideas as to what you wanna learn - ive got a big list of possibles but its no good if you already know it all I suggest we start with some easy stuff first for the newbies to CT Paw Wave High 5 High 10 Let me know what you think
  4. I intially taught Ash with the target stick but he prefers hand signals so im stuck trying to wean him off them now - i point to the floor and being a tart he puts his front feet down first and holds his bum in the air jsut long enough for me to C/T. Ive found he works it much better if hes playing or happy than if he knows there is food on offer. While he was playing with pop earlier i called to him to Bow and he did we were both shocked that he got it right Ive also managed to get him holding the Bow for about five seconds now, once hes in a bow I shovel treats into his gob until he goes into a down then the treats stop.
  5. I taught Ash the bow at the weekend, hes got it perfectly although im trying to train out the hand signal at the mo but hes struggling to hold the bow for longer than a few secs - he just automatically goes into a down without thinking. Any ideas to get him to hold it for a few seconds longer?
  6. Im Maze im live in Maidstone with Matt my lovely Bf and our three mad doglets, Bramble a 5yr old Bcx Ash a 2 1/2yr old Staffyx Poppy a 2yr old Bc x something teeny. Im the fundraiser for Staffycross and hope to soon be able to foster and if i can rope the OH in (i cant drive) transport to.
  7. Brammie

    Poo Question

    Wow great advice thanks guys He seems abit better and his tum hasnt been so bad the last few days thank god although i will deff keep a note of all your ideas for future usage. Yep got 'The book' Sandra
  8. Excellent thank you almighty flyball lady
  9. Sorry about the brief thread everything was a bit of a shock. My darling girl had a stroke three days ago, i did try to post but it wouldnt let me and i was hoping she would recover - yesterday she took a turn for the worse and at about 4am this morning i got a phone call from my sister (who she was living with) to say she had passed on. Every cat is special ofcourse but before she was two Jazzie had had god knows how many litters of kittens and was dumped in the countryside whilst pregnant - thats how she found us, she gave birth in my nans shed and had seven beautiful babes. Night night my sweet angel, i will miss you.
  10. Cant remember the name (something in coventry) but in the end i think they broke up - a few upsets ;) I will have to find somewhere around here that will let Mr.Snarly barky boy in
  11. Good night my angel, now you can run free at the bridge with Molly, Hamish, Sam and SamT.
  12. It was drummed into us at classes that they had to be ball mad Excellent thanks Gooster, theres hope for me having a flyball champion yet then
  13. Brammie

    Poo Question

    Hes been showing stress signs since he hurt his leg so you may be right. Pasta for him from now on then (obviously if it continues he will go to the vet ) Thank you Julie
  14. Brammie

    Poo Question

    Bram had lots of mucous in his poo tonight and it really stank - i dont usually gag at poop scooping but my god :o Should i be worried? Whats the usually cause? Are you feeling sick yet? :P Maze x
  15. Feel free to add if you have found any good clicker books, ive not run out of shelf space just yet :lol: "Dont Shoot the Dog" - Brilliant book, very inspiring. "Click for Joy" - Everything you need to know. "Click to Calm" - Written with aggressive dogs in mind but some of the exercises are great for "normal" dogs to. "Clicker Training for Obedience" - Ive not actually read it yet but have been told its brill. "Clicker Fun" - Excellent - has lots of recipes. "Ready Steady, Click Workbooks" - Good for the theory stuff. And a dvd - bit empty but shows you how its done "Clicker Train your Dog".
  16. Bram was meant to be my flyball champion, he got to classes but was way too interested in the other dogs and wizzing up stuff I think Ashie would make an excellent flyballer (depending on his dog aggression) but hes not overly interested in a ball, how do i get im crazy about them? Or is it something they are born with?
  17. Poppy taught herself how to close the baby gate - only when Ash is on the other side though :lol:
  18. I used target training to get my three interested in the clicker as its such a simple command. So once you have your dog tuned into the clicker you are ready to start. You can use anything as a target - i started with a bit of bamboo with a white mark painted on the tip and a clicker attached to the bottom, its less fiddly that way ;) Rub a bit of something very tasty on the white mark, dogs are curious beasts and stick their noses into everything so as soon as your dogs nose touches the white mark C/T - if you are slow and he licks the mark thats what you will have reinforced. Ive found with my three that they can sometimes "forget" a command about 6 times after repeating it so if your dog sits back and looks at you with a "What the hell do you want" expression dont panic, put the stuff away and try again later. Once you have your dog touching the target everytime you can add a command word, as your dog touches the target say the word (touch is always good lol) and then C/T repeat, repeat, repeat. Dont forget to make sessions fun and SHORT, if you or the dog arent in the mood try again a different day. If anyone else has a better way or tips feel free to add here
  19. 7 years Pam :o you are way ahead of me and my year then :lol: Two excellent books for the newbies are "Don't shoot the dog" by Karen Pryor and "Click for Joy" by Melissa Alexander. If anyone has any suggestions for commands/tricks/behaviours they want to learn then feel free to add them here.
  20. This is your chance to stop thinking "Oh one day i will try clicker training" and DO IT To join all you need is a clicker and a dog (oh and some food) - i have some clickers if anyone cant find one in the shops (donation to staffycross please ;) ). Similar to the HTM area we will do a trick/command every week or two depending on how hard it is but im gonna need your guys in put! APPLY NOW Trainer - Brammie Doglets - Bram, Ash and Pop Past Clicker History - A fair few tricks Maze x
  21. Let us know when you do some. Im totally addicted to clicker training its fun for both doglet and owner and you get to teach lots of cute tricks that leave people gobsmacked :lol:
  22. Brammie

    Sign up here :)

    Go on then Handler : Brammie Dog / s : Bramble Breed / type : BC Dog age/s : 5yrs Joined challenge : week one Handler : Brammie Dog / s : Ash Breed / type : Staffyx Dog age/s : 21/2yrs Joined challenge : week one Handler : Brammie Dog / s : Poppy Breed / type : Sprolliexsmall thing Dog age/s : 2yrs Joined challenge : week one We will see how it goes with Bram because his back legs are still a bit funny and Poppys suspected luxating patella may hold her back a teeny bit (lol i doubt it though).
  23. Have you done any yet? How did you get on? I love clicker training - its amazing to see it sink in and for them to "get it".
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