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Everything posted by elefan

  1. Ooh how exciting!!! I shall be serving tea in a GazebOOK.............
  2. If I can be unchained for a few minutes, I'd like to chat about ele-rescue with you..... Is it Saturday yet? Is it, is it?
  3. LOL I'm behind the table serving the tea and cake!!!!! I'm staying in a hotel just down the road - too old to camp! I'd love to join in the Saturday night fun but it depends if I can get a lift back to the hotel, not that I drink much you understand....
  4. Farah Finn? How quick am I.......? I shall be in the refreshment tent for the 2 days so please make yourselves known to me! I'll be sporting a bright red Grandad Brynn pinny and, if it is as windy as last year, a cap with Elefan Pen on it in case I forget who I am... Getting soooooo excited now.
  5. Oven Pride is brilliant. Shove it all in bag - supplied, shake it about and leave for a few hours. Turn it occasionally. Rinse off and that's it, no scrubbing at all. HTH
  6. Pawz n Ribbon perhaps? Linky To help Wiccaweys
  7. Eyebrows OK Leg hair doesn't grow anymore after waxing for donkey's years Shave armpits But face - Thanks to the menopuase, I started to sprout a beard, tache and a hairy neck I got so miserable plucking that I eventually tried electrolysis and it's the bestest thing I've done. It's taken a while to kill off the horrid, black bristles but after 18 months I'm now down to maintenance visits every 6 weeks.
  8. I'm off to Monkey World shortly.
  9. elefan

    So Sad

    So very sorry.
  10. Has she just sprogged perchance....?
  11. Very odd but nothing a Monty pic couldn't cure....
  12. Hi, my TF and DnB mugs arrived safely yesterday too. Gorjuss M thanks
  13. to Dolly and Wendy. Loads of good thoughts coming your way.
  14. elefan = Penny Spokes and has paid
  15. For Marmite lovers only:--
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