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Everything posted by EGAR

  1. Does anyone on here speak Finnish??? This is quite urgent and rescue related, please sent me a PM or catch me on MSN: THANK YOU
  2. It's Hypometric Gait. It's often associated with spinal arachnoid cysts but not necessarily so. I would take her to a good orthopaedic vet and have her thoroughly examined. Her behaviour could well point towards spinal pain, hence the shaking and the aggression.
  3. Thank you so much. I thought I have to share this as it brought a big smile to my face as well when I saw him prancing around like that! I really thought at the beginning he wouldn't make it but he proved everyone wrong!
  4. Here comes a MEGA brag as I am so happy and very proud of this achievement. "Harry" arrived here earlier this year in a pitiful state. He was crawling with lice, full of worms, underweight like hell and severly anaenic, he could barely walk and had to balance his hindlegs before he could put his head down to eat. Lots of meds, tonics, supplements, haylage, ration and now grass later he looks so much better. Image those pics without his thick wintercoat and you get an idea what shape he was in. Lots of meds, tonics, supplements, haylage, ration and now grass later he looks so much better. At 17hh he was VERY hard to get right and is like a bottomless pit BUT he is getting there and showed it today! Loads of pics because I am so proud of him as 2 vets recommended PTS when they saw him: He isn't fully there yet but BOY he is so much better now! EGAR doesn't just "do" dogs, ya know
  5. Hehehe, before any rumours start, the foal isn't mine ;). Corrine seems to have the knack of making friends fast . I took the pic of the foal over the wall as I didn't want to upset the mare.
  6. Thank you!! This is so very important.
  7. Stop the Poisoning of Eagles in Ireland (SPÉIR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think the poisoning of recently re-introduced birds of prey by indiscriminate farmers is wrong. Please add your name to the following petition organised by the Golden Eagle Trust. Also, forward the petition to anyone you think may be interested in signing. Resolution: We the undersigned wish to see Eagles live safely in Ireland once more and call for the use of indiscriminate poisoned meat baits to be banned completely by legislation and anyone found poisoning Irish Eagles to face all sanctions and legal consequences that already exist under the current legislation and grant payment schemes. Use this link to sign the petition: From
  8. EGAR


    The latter me thinks ;). But Otis fits in well, he's lala too . "runs for the hills" I HAVE to be careful since Corrine now knows where I live ;).
  9. EGAR


    Corrine is the only person alive with three EGAR hounds ;).
  10. Yeah re breed rescues, especially since he said it will be a rescue dog... Politicians, eh?
  11. So much for *It will be a mutt like me*...
  12. I've been called worse *ggggg*. I'd love to see some pics of Anam!!!!
  13. ... like giving the poor Alpaca a heart attack whilst Corrine (Lizzie) stood by to snap pics ;): But we had to catch him, he had brambles embedded in his wool and they needed to come out hence the hands-on approach to a very shy animal: Isn't he lovely?
  14. 50 pups in one year? The mind boggles...
  15. Glad to hear you got back home ok!! Horses were still in the field when I came home and Billy was here 10 minutes later to enquire about "the lovely English lady" - boy, has he taken a SHINE to you!!! Baine who came home with me:
  16. I am so very sorry...
  17. But more importantly... look what she left with!! It was a pleasure to have had you here for the few days and I hope Otis the Bracco will make you as happy as Pierce and Maya did. (hope you got home ok!!)
  18. EGAR


    He's on wood chips and sleeps in a house with hamster bedding (grey stuff that looks like sheep wool).
  19. EGAR


    He took some cracker from me!!!!!!!!!!! Here are pics I took this evening, he is getting more active now:
  20. EGAR


    I appear to be in possession of a long-haired black hamster... Someone saw it fit to dump him/her on me while I was out to leave a dog at vets for neuter. He is sitting in a brand-spanking new plastic cage with with l, tube etc (in which he got dumped here). I have no idea if he/she bites since it appears to be sleeping 24/7 and I haven't worked up the courage yet to handle it since I got bitten quite badly by one when I was younger (yeah, I can hear the chuckles now, Bull Breed lady is afraid to handle a hammy... ). I know how to care for them, what to feed them etc but any ideas on handling?
  21. EGAR

    Lurchery Peeps

    McGinty has neither Wolfhound nor Deerhound in him. I have spoken with his last owner who is also his "breeder". Mother is a fawn coursing GH bitch who is quite tall and the father is a Wheaten x Irish Terrier.
  22. One of my dogs has gingivitis (Leonie, the DdB x), I asked on quite a few boards about it and lots of cat peeps told me to give her L-Lysine as it "works wonders with cats". I\ve just started her on it so can't tell you the results but the cat peeps are swearing by it.
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