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  1. Yesterday
  2. blackmagic

    May 24

    Getting warmer as the day goes on. Spent half the morning trying out mattresses to buy myself a new one. Then a long walk with Harry. Now resting with a cup of coffee.
  3. Last week
  4. Jazz

    May 24

    son took her out this morning. no barking or things getting broke when I was feeding them. cant wait till this is every day
  5. Jazz

    May 24

    how are you all? dogs have just had venison sausages, cor they smell lovely. might chew on one myself lol belle should be going in 3 weeks, yeaaaaaa Lewis is looking round his house today, see if its ready so then just contracts. ill have room on the bed. can glue back the edging shes pulled off, just replaced the sofa, then paint where shes pulled the wallpaper off. will I miss her? not in hell
  6. Jazz

    May 24

    was it on here, someones dog was called fwank lol
  7. blackmagic

    May 24

    My grandson wants to call her Princess but my son said NO. He was not going to be shouting 'Princess'.
  8. Jazz

    May 24

    my friend just adopted a dog called rolo, all chocolate lol
  9. blackmagic

    May 24

    Yes. The owner had 6 dogs but was moving house and could not ake them all so put the youngsters into rescue. Twix is the last to go.
  10. Jazz

    May 24

    ooo is it a rescue?
  11. blackmagic

    May 24

    5 minutes into the walk and it started raining. Son and family are picking up a 1 year old tny labradoodle tomorrow. My grandson is super excited.
  12. owl

    May 24

    Just reading the last April posts and saw the message from Eve. Must be very difficult, we will be thinking of you and send our love x
  13. owl

    May 24

    Finley is celebrating the merry month of May by getting kennel cough. His full dental has had to be postponed. Chest was sounding wheezy, so vet said bring him in. She examined him and agreed that it doesn't sound good, plus he has temperature raised a bit, so she has put him on ABs. Poor little chap is very unhappy. Cuckoo, swallows & swifts have arrived here.
  14. blackmagic

    May 24

    After a misty start the sun is shining. Let's hope this heralds a better month weather wise.
  15. Jazz

    May 24

    Here we are again, this better be a good month for all of us your loved and special, dont forget it Keep in touch xxxx
  16. Earlier
  17. Jazz

    April 24

    how are you all?
  18. Jazz

    April 24

    glad hes settling x elliot is 2 today. <<<<<< thats him when I got him
  19. Sorry to hear that , Eve. Life can be a b——r at times. Things just ticking along here. Spring is trying and I have been doing sow gardening. Harry is settling and his lead walking is improving. I get the impression he was an outside dog. He just goes and lies down if nothing is happening. He does not amuse himself with toys or bones. He patiently waits to be told to come in from the garden and will not go through a door that is not wide open. He is getting used to traffic and only reacts if it is a loud engine like a lorry or motorbike.
  20. Jazz

    April 24

    ive just had this from eve, she said to let you know. lets all support her please I am still around and read every post, but I have lost all my fine motor skills so struggle to type. very hard to join in a conversation . I dont mind if you tell the others as I wont be able to type this again lol
  21. owl

    April 24

    It's been a bit hectic here, too tired to write much but all ok now. I liked the Elizabeth line, especially the doors on the edge of the platform which line up with the train doors and don't open until the train has stopped and opened doors. Just thinking how many lives could have been saved if that had been invented earlier. I wish they were on all the tube stations. Fin has back teeth problems, will call vet first thing on Monday for an appointment. On soft food until then.
  22. Jazz

    April 24

    ooo hope your all ok, gone quiet. your not..... having a life.... are you?
  23. Jazz

    April 24

    got some bargains in tescos and stocked up on dog food in farmfoods. got boxes everywhere so need stuff being sold and sent what you all up to?
  24. Jazz

    April 24

    what did you think of it? my friend uses that a lot I recorded 3 live sales, put them on my site, took 12 hours for them to get there! might have to move to have better reception lol
  25. owl

    April 24

    Harold Wood, not that far from you. Travelled on the new Elizabeth Line.
  26. Jazz

    April 24

    oo where in essex? not feeling as bad, hope it continues x love to all x
  27. owl

    April 24

    Been to see sister and bro in law in Essex, long day. Hope you have a better day tomorrow, Jazz.
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