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Cat Killer


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Should a dog that has killed a cat be brandished as dangerous and viscious?

And does the breed of dog change the answer?


No and no


Its expected for some breeds to chase more than others eg sighthounds/lurchers.

Does that give them reasonable excuse should they do it? Because its expected?


Chase is a natural instinct of any breed of dog, some breeds are faster than others.


The arguement on another site is a staffy should be PTS for killing a cat. In the process of trying to save her cat, the owner was bit.

Many are saying the dog should be PTS, and being a staff, will probably bite a person again :grrr:

And one is also saying that it should be PTS beause there are already too many staffs in rescue and it could take up the space of a decent family pet :grrr:



I'm been caught a few times by my dogs and other people's dogs whilst breaking up fights or something. It doesn't make the dog vicious, it bit me by accident.


Yep, the Staff could take up the space of a 'decent family pet', but as the Staff almost certainly is itself a 'decent family pet' that argument is null.

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Its expected for some breeds to chase more than others eg sighthounds/lurchers.

Does that give them reasonable excuse should they do it? Because its expected?


No. It is up to the owner/ walkers to know that dog and if on lead or off lead do everything in their power to avoid it.


IE muzzling if necessary. I would never blame the dog if the owner/ walker took risks that were unnecessary. (I hope that makes sense) When we foster, we do try to cat/small furry test before we let doglet off lead anywhere.


If I am unsure then a muzzle goes on just in case. I would rather be over cautious than see someones cat/small furry harmed.


Kazz xx

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The arguement on another site is a staffy should be PTS for killing a cat. In the process of trying to save her cat, the owner was bit.

Many are saying the dog should be PTS, and being a staff, will probably bite a person again :grrr:

And one is also saying that it should be PTS beause there are already too many staffs in rescue and it could take up the space of a decent family pet :grrr:



The question was:


Some of you say it would be better if the staffy was pts, could i ask why that is,


and not should "dogs" be pts for killing cats.

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The question was:


Some of you say it would be better if the staffy was pts, could i ask why that is,


and not should "dogs" be pts for killing cats.



either way the answer is the same. We dont know where this dog is. We dont know anything about it and we dont KNOW that there isnt a rescue space for it. We can hazzard a good guess but cant say for sure. So we cant say pts.


The owner has no interest in the dog from his actions. The dog iirc is now doing time as a stray and is likely to be pts in the end due to lack of space. If the dog is in stray kennels he cannot do harm. If he does get a space they have his history so will be aware. He can still be rehomed safely. If there isnt any space he will be pts. But not being cat friendly shouldnt play a part in that.

Edited by A.L.L.I.E.
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yes but the rest of the question was this,


lots of dogs arnt small animal friendly, but live good lives, even those that have killed small animals,

(my dog included)

before i got my lurcher she was used to work, she was trained to bring rabbits back to hand, used for lamping,

and had also been allowed to kill cat's,

when she came to me she would go nuts if she even smelled a cat, let alone see one,

over a 6 months period she was re-trained so that she could be in the same vicinity as a cat,

with out taking my arm out of its socket, today she can be around cats no problem,

and will even ignore them when they walk past,


and also this

so why is this staffy any different to my dog, or the thousands of other dogs that arnt animal friendly,

just cause this pillock let it kill a cat,

with proper training and responsible owners, there should be no reason that dog cant live a normal

life, the scum who encouraged the dog to kill should be branded the cat killer, not the dog.


some people wanted this dog pts, it was asked why,

it was also asked why is this staffy different from the lurcher or the thousends of other dog that arnt cat frendly.

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Michael was a working dog.

moo is keen as mustard.


they have caught and killed 2 cats-both in the garden.


they ae doing what they were bred/trained to do....


i try and make the house cat proof-and had pemission from next door to scare the bejesus out of he cat every time i see him-he now keeps out the garden.

But when i walk my dogs outside they are both walked on leads as i know they will catch and kill small furries given the chance-Michael managed to knock a mouse out of some over hanging ivy by jumping in the air and head butting the branches-luckily for little mouse i got it first! so i dont take unreasonable risks...



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I have answered a hypothetical question.


Mrs Mop has a valid point. We have actually been asked a loaded question with a real story behind it. If I knew the real circumstances and they didn't sit right with me I could actually be in the queue saying oh dear I think this dog should be pts poor thing.


I'm always a bit uncomfortable when people start having conversations that relate to a whole other discussion from another forum. This is like reading a newspaper story getting one side of a story and only being told one thing. Dog killed cat and people are saying should be pts. Apparently there is more to this tale and you need to tell us the full story if you want us to answer properly.

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