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  1. Anneski


    Do Albion or DAF have websites, please?
  2. Right, I can certainly see both of those viewpoints, many thanks for that. For myself I feel more comfortable feeding my dogs an animal that's had a good life in the wild, such as a deer, rather than a farmed animal that may have been fed all sorts of chemicals.
  3. Nobody can answer my venison query then?
  4. What's wrong with venison? I buy wild venison (and rabbit) for my hounds - obviously I get the general feel of vegans about eating any animal/product, and especially veal with the history of crating, and the fact it's a baby and may make it worse somehow, I get, but not why the lady who feeds her dogs meat won't use venison?
  5. Wendy, I'm so sorry to read about Fin, I will have everything possible here crossed for a full recovery for him.
  6. Maybe she'd forgotten his name? Maybe she couldn't remember how long ago it was, but wanted to mention it so's you knew she'd remembered? Maybe she's concerned about you and called Max 'the dog' because she too is a bit upset and she doesn't want to use his name in case it sets you or her off? Distancing yourself from the subject can be a way of coping with grief, both in yourself and with others.
  7. Have to say I agree with Fee. I have an elderly and disabled mother and elderly and chronically ill dogs dependant upon my income. For just an accident then fine, if I wasn't off work for long, or at all, no worries. But if I needed an operation and extensive time off, I effectively would be earning no money, so I would have to consider suing. I certainly wouldn't take it amiss if I was sued should any of mine caused a serious injury, albeit by accident, as knowing that we are living in a society that likes to sue that's one of the prime reasons I have insurance!
  8. But, as this thread is about what our opinions are, it is exactly up to us to say what we think
  9. I have to confess I stopped watching after season 2, as I found it annoying. I'd loved it and watched it avidly, but then one night something just flipped in my head and I got annoyed and stopped watching it. Too confusing, too many stories within stories, nah, not for me any more.
  10. Yes, it was. They do it every so often. As the boxes are around 25 quid each normally I thought I'd make the most of it! The offer's over now though
  11. Ange, I've just bought two big boxes of the fish jerky, (buy one get one free!) so if you want to pm me your addy I'll send you a few chunks to try, if you like? Willow - and you KNOW how fussy she is!! - loves it, as does Sam. Holly (new girl) has the redfish rolls, as they're slightly softer and she's mostly toothless
  12. Err, beg to differ but as a diabetic I most certainly am NOT aiming for zero, but between 4 and 7
  13. But as you say, you ARE disabled, so I'm glad you're better off! As to your question, I would - as I do - work. In theory I could get attendance allowance (I think it's called?) or carer's allowance or something and stay home and do nowt and claim I'm looking after mum, who is registered disabled. However, she's feeling very well right now, and can do most things herself, so I go to work and only take time off when she needs me, which right now is hardly ever. She's also not renewed her disabled driver badge, because she can walk well right now and says she doesn't need a parking space close to anywhere. She's 76, and an inspiration to me So neither mum or I would sit on our bums and be paid for it, though obviously the couple in question are happy to.
  14. Well I get my meat from Somerset Local Food Direct, who deal - as the name implies - with famers in Somerset. The meat I buy is raised ethically, slaughtered locally (sometimes actually on the farms) and there are no hormones or chemicals involved, slower growing 'traditional' breeds are used so there're no pigs with arthritis from being too heavy, or turkeys who can't support their own weight etc... I find although it's more expensive to buy, it goes further, partly because I'm aware it's dearer and partly because without exception it tastes better!
  15. Ah come on though, we're always hearing about how rich and priviledged they are, but the flip side of the royal coin is that they're always on show, always on duty, aren't allowed to have a life of their own and are generally not free to choose what they want to do. The Queen and Prince Charles and the two young princes are always under scrutiny, and cannot do a thing without the media trying to report it. What priviledges do they get that they can actually enjoy, really? The Queen has so many functions to attend I doubt she can even have a headache in peace and quiet. Even her holidays usually involve state dinners and sitting for hours at functions that she probably can't wait to get away from. Yes, reckon the likes of Anne and Edward (and possibly Andrew) can do what they like pretty much, as they seem to manage to have lives of their own, but I doubt the Queen and Charlie boy do, really. I know I wouldn't like their lives. I admire the Queen greatly, though I think Charles could do with getting a backbone quite a few years earlier in his life. Then again, if he had, we wouldn't have William (and Harry I suppose). On the whole I don't mind most of the real royalty.
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