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Weird Teeth Chattering/shuddering..........


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Ollie's had quite a twitchy/tremor going on with his head where he looks like he's shaking/shivering and the vet feels its just part of his neurological condition :unsure:


The last couple of days though I've also noticed that his teeth are audibly 'chatting' against each other and its actually quite noisy :( Tonight he's been doing it for ages - standing in the middle of the lounge with his teeth chatting/head quivering :( I'm just wondering if anyone has come across these kind of symptoms before?


I've noticed that now we've cut the steroids to 1 a day he's getting more un-coordinated on his feet again so we might have to increase them, which is a real shame as I don't like the fact that he's drinking/panting so much when on them :(

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A little terrier cross who comes to our kennels regularly does the same thing. He is also very uncoordinated on his feet, front and back ends seem to live separate lives so to speak. He doesn't chatter his teeth all the time, but quite often, mostly when he is more alert and awake, as apart from when he just have woken up.. and most often right before he tries to latch himself onto your hand or leg :laugh:

It doesn't seem to bother him much though :flowers:



edited for spelling

Edited by DanishPastry
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