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Piddly Cats


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Mintoe (3 year old male neutered Devon Rex kitty) is a piddling monster and I thought I'd post here and see if anyone has any suggestions.


He pees in bowls, on soft furnishings, on bags and up the side of the gerbil tanks. He pees on the floor. Apart from the tanks he squats to pee, he doesn't spray. He doesn't do it all of the time and changing litter, litter trays, cleaners used etc hasn't made a difference. He has access to an outside litter area in the cat run as well as litter trays inside the house. He's fastidious about using the litter tray for poo. He's been vet checked for UTI's etc and no medical reason for his piddling nature has been found. Mintoe is somewhat of an enigma in that he actively pees in foodbowls (his own and other cats) both when they're empty and when they're full of food (this may be a reassurance thing apparently). He piddles onto reflective surfaces and I've rehomed a breadmaker, a smoothie maker and had to throw out two toasters so far because he's taken a liking to piddling into them (toast made in a piddled in toaster has a very distinctive smell, one which I hope normal people never have to recognise).


Tonight he took it a step further - I caught him urinating off the top of a bookshelf onto the TV wall mounted directly underneath. :ohmy:


He's currently locked in a cat carrier, awaiting a trip to the vet in the morning (if I calm down enough I might let him out into a dog crate overnight). I'm fit to murder him right now, I really am. Normally I'm the zen one when it comes to his piddling and OH is the annoyed one but he's really irritated me tonight.


Mintoe lives with 6 other cats - 2 males, 4 females. He ranks fairly low in the cat structure but 95% of the time they get along. When he was 7 months old Mintoe was cat-napped from the cat run attached to the house and we didn't get him back for several days. His piddling started a couple of months after that.


There are no new strange cats outside that I know of and he doesn't have free access to outside bar through the cat run. He gets wet food (applaws and/or cooked meat) and dry food (royal canin), available 24/7. He has access to running water 24/7 through a water fountain inside and outside.


Any suggestions on what to do next? I'm currently considering building him a stud pen. Or using a cork...

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I meant to say that obviously, given that his piddling routine has changed, he is going to the vet first thing in the morning in case there is a medical reason behind it this time. Just because there wasn't before doesn't mean I'll take a chance with his health, especially given how prone neutered males are to UTI's etc. :)

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:GroupHug: for you, cos I have been through the piddly cat stress too and never knew what would be sticky next. We never found out why he was doing it but he seems to have calmed down now. I hope you get some answers :flowers:


Oh, and I know the piddly toast smell you mean only too well :sick01:

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Mintoe had a raised temp so the vet gave him some antibiotics and we're to see how that goes. His underlying piddly problem is obviously behavioural though so we're going to contact a homoeopathic vet too.


I think this was the last straw though and we've decided to build him a stud pen in the new year. It'll be attached to the side of the house with it's own run, insulated, wired, heated, added to the exiting webcam network etc and we'll see how he gets on on his own (the way this cottage is designed we can't really separate him from the others) and take it from there.


I have feliways plugged in for the last couple of years - they're great things :flowers:

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