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I have 9. All designed myself. None of them however, show unless I choose to show them.


See what she wants then look on google images.


This is my latest. I had it in January. I wanted it to look like a water colour painting and I think it does. I am going up the other side in January again with a sweetpea and larkspur flowers and the whole of one foot is getting an ivy design.




I use a guy called Rob at Skin Creations who is excellent. In Macclesfield.


I know lots of people on here have tats and can probably recommend some one in an area near you. Elric has some amazing tattoo's. Truely stunning.

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Doglets thats stunning , it really looks like a painting



how long did it take ?



The above post was actually made by me. I am on a friends puter and did not realise I was still logged on as him :rolleyes:
 thats stunning , it really looks like a painting


how long did it take ?




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What does your niece want?

The one mistake I have learned from is to never ever have a tattoo done when you're not 1000% sure that that is exactly what you want, where you want it, and are sure that the tattooist can do it. Many tattooists have their specialities, some are better at tribals and other are better with portraits or free hand stuff. My second tattoo was a badly thought out one and I really dislike it now. I want it covered, but I so want to make sure that I will like forever what it's gonna be covered up with, that I won't make an appointment until I'm absolutely sure. My tattoo of Malcolm really is my pride and joy, and it's taken me years to figure out that that's what I wanted and that I wanted it on my shoulder (I was only gonna go for a paw print first! Slightly less complicated :rolleyes:). Then I had to find a tattooist who I trusted to be able to do it, without me ending up with a curly coated bulldog on my shoulder - nothing against curly coated bulldogs, but Malcolm don't look like one!

Seeing all the work that a friend of mine had done by Mandie Barber of True Love Tattoos in Kidderminster made me decide to trust her with it - and you just might of seen the result! :wub:

I know that she is booked up for the next 6 or so months, but many good tattooists will be booked up for months in advance. I'd actually be quite worried if I could just walk in and have whatever done.

Maybe you know all this already and I do apologise if I come across as horribly patronising. Just thought I'd share :)

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Billie is 100% right. Rob has a 4 month waiting list.


My lily was done in 2 sittings and took about 5 hours. Thank you for the complement Miss Squirrel.


Basically, if you walk into a tattooist and he can do it there and then. WALK OUT. He should have a waiting list if he is any good.


Just had some photos taken of some of my others so I will post them in a bit.


Billie. Get your Malc tat on here. It is amazing.


Ask to see the tattooist portfolio. Look how good the detail is. It is what it will look like in 10 years not what it looks like when it has just been done that is important.

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Share on other sites - that's lovely, so different from the usual one on the back - really super.


Billy - I have no clue, never had one myself so thank you :flowers:


She loves Dolphins, has a little one on her ankle already - Oh Laura - where are you .......?x

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Here are some more. Not everyone's cup of tea but, I like them.


Bear's paw print. Present from a pal. Not done by Rob and the claws are getting elongated when I am next in.




The M at the top is my birth sign Scorpio.


The Chinese says Lucy (my bridge dog)


The rest says "Love me, love my dog"




Wolf paw print




Just a couple of designs I liked. The one on my back is actually the logo for a climbing gear firm called "Stone Monkey"




The one on my tummy is the logo (again) for some tattooist in California. I did not use the whole logo. Excuse the pot belly :laugh:



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Your wish is my command Missus :wink:






Done pretty much freehand by Mandie, took about 1.5 hour -which I thought was amazingly fast! I just might get a little portrait of Kiera done as well at some point - at that rate I will look like a dog rescue towards the end of my life :laugh:


Edited to add the photo that was used:

WhatISthatduckonabout.jpg :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by BillyMalc
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