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My Hero.


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Ray went to day centre so no enforcer this morning but they have a security firm dropping off the drivers now :laugh:


This should be fun.

Bus pulled up while I was cleaning upstairs windows. Driver got out left doors open and engine running. New driver and old one had a chat outside our house, then new driver got in cab and sat there for 3.5 minutes - total time with engine running was at least 7 minutes. I couldn't get downstairs fast enough to film it from start to finish but it seems they have decided to up the stakes. What fools they are.

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another changeover - driver left the bus and left the engine running. I called out could he please turn the engine off. He ignored me so I asked him again - there was no sign of the taxi bringing the new driver. The driver ignored me again and so Ray turned the engine off.

That made the driver get off his mobile - the cab turned up and out they piled.

They started to have a go at Ray but he gave them short shrift and said call the cops then - if I am breaking the law, call the cops- and when we get you lot on court - we'll show the videos of what ignorant idots you all are.

I said they obviously cannot read english as above the wheel inside the bus is a sign saying 'turn off the engine' as well as in the garage they come from.


We were told be a neighbour who has a friend at another garage that they are going to complain because Ray always has a dog outside with him and that puts them at a disadvantage and they pictures of the dog on their mobile phones.


Which dog does Ray always have outside with him?


Elsa GSD - No



Tis Himself - nearly 17, deaf and almost blind - well he is a ickle toughie so I suppose they are right to take piccys of this ferocious beast of a doglet.

I almost weed myself laughing - how pathetic are they?

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