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Dunno if you are a fan of homeopathy, but in Jan 2005 I was knocked over in the street by a person and fractured my hip and ended up with meralgia parasthetica (trapped nerve in hip)


Anyway after almost a year of non stop excruciating pain from my hip up my buttocks, into my back, and all the way down into my ankles, in desperation I went to a homeopath.


Two weeks later for the first time since my accident I was able to climb stairs.


A month later I had the great pleasure of walking my dogs for the first time since the accident.


Six months later I was back playing rugby and have never needed to go back to the homeopath.


I periodically now trap my nerve and go to my chiropractor who untraps it pretty quick.


The one thing I cannot do is go bowling as the motion of bowling traps the nerve.


I used find stretching very very good for the pain, but I am double jointed and my chiro warned against excessive stretching when I was in most pain as this can cause spasms.


HTH :flowers:

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Dunno if you are a fan of homeopathy, but in Jan 2005 I was knocked over in the street by a person and fractured my hip and ended up with meralgia parasthetica (trapped nerve in hip)


Anyway after almost a year of non stop excruciating pain from my hip up my buttocks, into my back, and all the way down into my ankles, in desperation I went to a homeopath.


Two weeks later for the first time since my accident I was able to climb stairs.


A month later I had the great pleasure of walking my dogs for the first time since the accident.


I'm open to suggestions! Can I ask what the homeopath did? I mean did they give you tablets or exercises etc?


I do have a set of exercises that I think will help but in the short term they aggravate it and when I've had a bad day I just can't stand the idea of anymore pain or if it's a relatively good day they are so infrequent that I can't bring myself to turn it into a bad day. Now I hopefully have found a way of getting rid of the pain it will be easier to face up to doing the exercises.


I so want to be able to enjoy a walk with my dogs. I've taken them for very short ones but it is so painful it's hard to enjoy it.


Thanks for your suggestions :biggrin:

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I had awful sciatica for over a year, finally couldn't walk. I ended up on the floor at work, unable to stand. My boss gave me the number of his osteopath, I had a series of treatments and was not only cured but ended up with a stronger back. That was 30 years ago and the sciatica never came back.


Some osteopaths are better than others, and some overcharge. Ask around and find a good one.


Another treatment to consider is cranio-sacral therapy. It is so gentle it feels like nothing is happening, but it's very effective.

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I'm open to suggestions! Can I ask what the homeopath did? I mean did they give you tablets or exercises etc?


I do have a set of exercises that I think will help but in the short term they aggravate it and when I've had a bad day I just can't stand the idea of anymore pain or if it's a relatively good day they are so infrequent that I can't bring myself to turn it into a bad day.


The homeopath gave me a specific remedy for me and my personality/issue, in my case rather ironically it was arsenicum


Anyway I took that and a few days later had a small improvement and she worked with me to tweak the dosage levels and then I was *fixed*


My chiro at the same time gave me exercises, one problem I had being double jointed was that my natural sitting positions (I would tend to sit on the sofa with my feet tucked under my ass) were aggravating my injury so I had to relearn normal sitting and not over extend, but I know exactly what you are saying when you talk about exercise causing you grief.


Hope you get it sorted soon :flowers:

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The homeopath gave me a specific remedy for me and my personality/issue, in my case rather ironically it was arsenicum


Anyway I took that and a few days later had a small improvement and she worked with me to tweak the dosage levels and then I was *fixed*


My chiro at the same time gave me exercises, one problem I had being double jointed was that my natural sitting positions (I would tend to sit on the sofa with my feet tucked under my ass) were aggravating my injury so I had to relearn normal sitting and not over extend, but I know exactly what you are saying when you talk about exercise causing you grief.


Hope you get it sorted soon :flowers:


:laugh: @ arsenicum Homeopathy is fascinating, I don't understand it at all. I think I will look into finding someone. Whether I can afford it is another matter.


I've had the same thing with sitting positions too, I find it very hard to get comfy without one leg tucked under me but have had to learn to sit properly.


I'm wondering if you can get addicted to TENS, it's had a lot of use today! OTH I am not in pain and the difference is amazing, it's like I've had a personality transplant. Not sure how much I can do without the pain coming back as yet, it's just so nice not to hurt :biggrin:

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