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Advice Needed - Been Threatened With Baliffs


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We had this issue with Powergen. They mucked up our bills and then refunded us in error leaving us with a £300 debit. We agreed to pay off at £17 a month but they kept sending us letters saying they would increase our monthly payments to over £100 so in the end we left them (to go to npower!). We said we would carry on paying off £17 a month by direct debit. We had this conversation with them several times and not once did they tell us that you can't have a dd if you're not a customer. They kept sending us charge cards and demands for payment and we kept asking them to set up a dd and they never did and never told us they couldn't. About 10 months went by and then last May we got a call from a debt collection agency. I contacted Powergen, got promised a call back and never heard from them. I wrote a huge stinking letter to them and never got a reply. Another 10 months went by and another debt collection agency contacted us. This time they were really aggressive. Powergen lied to us and told us they couldn't recall the debt from the debt collection agency and let us pay them off as agreed. Turns out they just didn't want to. In the end we had to pay the whole lot on a credit card just to get the debt collectors off our backs. Powergen were complete barstewards and in the end twisted it all to make out it was our fault for not chasing them and sending them cheques!

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No, they are not. All the biggies do it, NPower just seem to have the most heavy handed tactics. We might be able to get them off your back if you call us, Brenda :flowers:



Thanks Claz, :flowers: we haven't had a letter for a few weeks now, but I shall call you if we get another one. Just wish I had phoned you when we got the first letter.

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Unless things have drastically changed, gas/electricity companies can request that Debt Collection Agencies halt their process if an account is in dispute.


The forms you were sent wanting to know the ins and outs of your finances are standard. Once returned, usually minimum payment is set which, four or five years ago, was £2.64 per month if you proved you were on benefits. The 'collections' department of the gas/electricity company will suggest all sorts of stupidity like getting rid of your phone so that you can save money and pay them more, but tell them you need it for emergencies (sick relative does the trick). Remember, these guys are paid to get the maximum monthly payment they can from you.


Citizens Advice and Energywatch carry weight and can get things sorted out.


Estimated meter readings that are incorrect are deemed to be the fault of the customer, not the company since they are put onto the bills that are sent out - theory being that you are supposed to check them. Since privatisation of the industries, meter readings are less frequent and meters can go unread for 2 years without any wrongdoing on the company's part. Direct Debit payments set too low are deemed to be the customer's fault, the theory being that bills are sent out and the rising level of debt should have alerted the customer to contact the company.


I've never had a problem with NPower. I did work in customer services for three gas/electric companies (at the same time - customer services covered all three).


Do not let Bailiffs enter your property - don't even open the door to them.


There are usually quite a few threats before things go to court, so try not to stress out too much, but do go to CAB and Energywatch and stress the urgency - they should be able to help you get things sorted

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Ooooh Claz I didn't know you got a job for energywatch. We'll have to have a saddo's work type natter at some point :laugh:


What period does the final bill for the electricity cover - is it for more than one year?

Also, what is the debt collection company. Many suppliers first level of debt collection may be from a different company but they are an in house operation.

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