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New Flyball World Record


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I don't know if everyone has seen this or not, but a new WR was run at the end of March this year by Touch N Go in the USA. No collies in the team, 4 border staffies.


They've put a video on their website, their crosses aren't even perfect and they still managed 15.21s.


You can't see that much, as they're only filming changes/passes/crosses(whatever anyone calls them lol!!) but it's really blink and you miss it. :wacko:


Thought you might like to look :biggrin: :flowers:

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It just amazes me how they have so many teams in america that can do under 17 seconds. In this country anything under 18 seconds is really good, but for them 15-17 seconds is the norm. I just don't know how they get so many fast dogs, that touch and go has about 18 dogs that do a run in under 4 seconds - yet there are only a handful of dogs in this country that can go that fast!

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I def think the runs are shorter in the USA!!!


Do you mean that seriously?

It wouldn't surprise me.

They claim agility weave records too but their poles are bendy so the dog doesn't have to do as much of a weaving action.



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Do you mean that seriously?

It wouldn't surprise me.

They claim agility weave records too but their poles are bendy so the dog doesn't have to do as much of a weaving action.




No she doesn't - it's something we joke about a lot - they just seem to have racing down to a fine art and breeding/finding the right dogs to work together and getting the perfect turn on the box ... Something for us all to aspire to!!!!

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What I always find interesting is that they run these times indoors, and from watching videos and things, it doesn't seem like that many are on grass (I'm assuming because of the heat?). Generally in the UK, we seem to run slower indoors...makes me wonder what those guys would be like outside?!

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When I saw a tournament in Canada it was all down to their box work which was amazing. Before every race they were practising on the box to make those turns perfect, I do also think the US style of box is slightly faster, we definitely knocked a bit of time off when we started to use ours in the Marnicks last year.


There was concern from some of the people I spoke to in Canada about the trend to breed staffie collie crosses to get a fast little dog.


I know all races in Canada are indoors, too cold in winter and too warm in summer. Even though dogs over here don't tend to go faster indoors as you take away all the elements of wind, rain etc it must eventually mean they run faster (John did do a quick walk along the run just to check it was the same length as ours :biggrin: )


Pretty amazing time though

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