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Fur Loss


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Our doggie seems to be going bald..


she has to wear two collars becuase she has in the past spooked and managed to wriggle from harnesses and collars so she always wears a second one in case she doesn't stop running one day so she has some id.


however she now looks like a dog recovering from neck surgery or something, she has a bald patch where her collar goes, and on her belly and inside the top of her legs. She lost fur where her harness came into contact with her too. We havn't changed soap powder or food, her fur where it still is is really glossy and shiny and she seems fine in herself, but she does look a bit like something from a neglect case..


any suggestions on what this could be or has anyone else ever encountered it?


it's not scaly skin, we have no central heating, and she has fairly regular baths


the vet didn't seem concerned but we are starting to get odd looks now

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Is her skin normal or is it a bit smelly and is it the colour it should be ?


Maybe you shouldn't bath her so often, it could possibly be a reaction to the shampoo - although logically that should be an all over reaction.


It could possibly be a hormone problem but other than that or allergies I haven't any thoughts as to what it could be.

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If I read that right, she's losing fur where the collars/harnesses are, if so, I'd only have them on when she's outside so that most of the time she's not wearing anything.


I wouldn't bath her at all. Rub her down with a towel if need be, then she'll finish off cleaning herself.


If she has a good diet and is healthy, her hair should be fine.


If she's a nervous dog, Bach Flower Essences could help a lot - you said she spooks very easily, I'd think about Aspen, Star etc....

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I recently posted about a similar problem on Charlies neck. It was directly beneath the collar. The vet said to wash with warm water twice a day with an antibacterial shampoo and put baby nappy cream on it.


His looked looked just a bit flaky in places, a bit scabby in one or two.


Anyway I only washed his neck once every other day and dried it well. I used an anti bacterial shampoo and nappy cream. Then that was too messy in his fur so stopped and used an antibacterial powder. I left his collar off. I changed his old collars as well incase they had the bacteria on them.


A week later its not flaky or scabby and is looking a lot better.

Edited by Amanda Jvv
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Thanks for that,

her skin is completly fine, and it's not just where her harness or collars are, her belly and backwards from there is balding too.

She eats beta adult food mixed with a bit of canned food just for extra taste, she was really sensitive toa nything with colouring in it.

we generally have to bath her because she has a charming habbit of rolling in poo..we have a lot of foxes near us so it doesn't come off very easy.


i thought maybe something in the long grass had been tickling her belly, though it has been the same since november so it can't be seasonal plants.

i tried putting her some kiddies suncream on just as a bit of a barrier, and some fur has grown back, it's just very thin.


We only had her since december and i remember her previous owner saying she never wore a collar before because it made herfur go funny..i thought she just meant it made it go messy but maybe there was more to it.

Edited by gremlin22
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How old is she?


She may very well have allergies but you just never know what it is without taking her to the vets. Does she scratch?


Revel is starting to bald all over his back and sides etc and they vet has said that there are mites that live in all dogs skin and they only become active with a dog is older or has a low immune system and they show in various forms. I'd get it checked if its been ongoing since November. Good luck!

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How old is she?


She may very well have allergies but you just never know what it is without taking her to the vets. Does she scratch?


Revel is starting to bald all over his back and sides etc and they vet has said that there are mites that live in all dogs skin and they only become active with a dog is older or has a low immune system and they show in various forms. I'd get it checked if its been ongoing since November. Good luck!

i've only had her since december, we thought it was just the stress of been taken from her home at first, but i'm fairly sure that would have settled down by now, she is 6yrs old and a lab x.

She scratches very occasionally,though not really where the fur is going. she's been deflead and de wormed, frontline and milbemax.

The vet didn't seem concerned, she's been in a couple of times since we got her just to get her boosters and stuff.


just edited to say, i have no ideawhy i said november on previous post, i must be going barmy, we took her in just before xmas

Edited by gremlin22
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The vet didn't seem concerned, she's been in a couple of times since we got her just to get her boosters and stuff.


just edited to say, i have no ideawhy i said november on previous post, i must be going barmy, we took her in just before xmas


Ha ha :biggrin:


Well if the vet isnt too worried then I wouldnt worry too much either. Just if you have to wash her often use a mild or antibacterial shampoo and keep tea trea wipes or antibacterial powder handy for if she does have an attack of the itchies :biggrin:

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