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Woofing At People!


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My dogs have spent 2 years living on a farm where they had acess to the land and generally spent all day everyday out pottering. I then lodged with my parents for 6 months where they lived with their 2 very territoral 2 labs and learnt the habit of gate guarding and barking at every passing person (luckily they live very remote so not many people passed!!)

Anyway Tiz has started woofing (I can't call it barking cos it's more a deep chest woof than a out right bark!) at anyone she see's! Even when we are on the beach and she see's someone miles away she woofs! The problem is she is now encouraging Sidney to react and then it becomes all out barking from all 4 of them!! :mad:


What is the best way of dealing with it?

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What I'd probably do is scan the horizon for other people all the time. When you see someone, call Tiz back to you and get her to sit, preferably before she has had the chance to get a woof in. Distract her with a food/toy/whatever floats her boat until her mind is off the person, and back onto having fun.


Ed used to be a nightmare when he saw another dog on a walk if he was on a lead. Because he is so friendly and playful, he used to lunge and bark and generally be stupid :rolleyes: So now, whenever I see someone approaching with another dog, I always stop, ask him to sit, and now he very rarely barks and lunges when he sees another dog, he just sits and waits for his sweetie :wub:

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