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Some Advice About A Walk


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sorry i found this on another site i go (about cars not dogs!!) the guy has said its ok for me to cross post so just wodnered in anyone has any advice?

(Jake is a rottie btw)


A few weeks back I had Jake out for a walk. I knew there were other dogs about so I kept him on the lead, at the end of the walk a golden retriever came towards us head held high dominant pose, low growl with the owner screaming at her dog to get back. Jake stopped head held high also dominant pose the retriever got closer and I said to the woman "your dog is growling he's going to start" as second or so later the other dog bared its teeth and Jkae tried to go for it. I had him on a short leash so he never got anywhere near it I pulled Jake back and put myself between the two dogs. Sounds dramatic but there was no big deal.

Last night different walk same sort of thing woman ahead of me with two black labs off lead. I kept Jake on the lead and let the woman get ahead a bit. It was pitch black. A few minutes into the walk the two labs came running at Jake he stopped held his ground while the two dogs sniffed around him, one began to growl I saw Jakes hackles go up so I had a fair idea what was going to happen! Same thing as before he would let the dog approach and at the first sign of aggression, NOT before, he would react.

Thats exactly what happened.

I pulled him back, his front paws off the deck and just put my arms round his chest and turned so that I was between the lab and him while the owner got her dog. Which she admitted was prone to aggression.

Now heres my problem I was thinking about it afterwards I had Jake off the gound with his belly exposed and another dog trying to attack him! He could've been hurt badly.

So what do I do next time?

Just let him defend himself if I cant keep the two dogs separated? Bearing in mind the bad press these dogs have had I have a feeling Jake would end up being blamed for it anyway

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Guest scallywags

Growling, standing tall and raised hackles are all part of the communication process. Dogs left to do this on their own will be unlikely to fight. They'll walk around, sniffing each other, do a bit of leg cocking and then either be on their way or decide to play.


The problem is, it takes a very brave owner to drop the lead and walk away or stand there with a loose lead being completely blase and hoping that the other owner will too.


The only other thing, apart from human interference, likely to cause a fight is if an off lead dog approaches another dog whether on or off lead at high speed, bull-in-a-china-shop style.


Each situation is different but he is right holding him back like that is just making it easier for his attacker and difficult for him to defend himself.


Providing that it is in a safe area I would always let the lead go to be fair to my dog, step away and count to ten. It's usually all done and dusted way before the ten seconds are up.

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