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Murphy @ Vets Again


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I would really appreciate healing thoughts for Murphy peeps.


I've noticed over the last few weeks or so that Murphy has a lump that comes up from time to time of the crest of his skull (between the ears), its not always up and if it does come up it can go down again within 30 mins but the other night it was visible from right across the room, THe lump is hard not soft and is not war or hot either. See pic below:




I took Murphy Murphy to the vets today but it didnt go well and Murphy didnt take to the new vet at all and had to be muzzled and even then Murphy was still very very aggitated so we decided to leave it and hes booked in for a biopsy on Thursday but has to be muzzled prior to getting to the vets, which I totally understand but I feel awful


Poor Murphy loved the old vet, Jamie, but hes gone to Glasgow now. When the vet initially came out Murphy got so excited cause he though it was Jamie.


For those of you that dont know of Murphy, Trust me, he's been through hell of a lot (2 x TPLO op to name but a few) - in fact hes had over £14,000 worth of ops/xrays and meds over the last 2 years and we have only just managed to get back to some normality and now we have this


The vet and I think it is some kind of fluid pocket/Cyst that is filling up but then the pressure is causing it to drain and so on.


Poor Murphy will have a big shaved area on his head and they will do a needle biopsy and possible an xray - hes gonna have a cold head the poor dude.


Healing thoughts for my boy please.

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