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March For Greyhounds Website


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There is now a March for Greyhounds website -


This will be updated with information about the march to let everyone know what is going on in the lead up to the event itself.


If you want to use the sig below to link to it from your posts that would be terrific. Just use the following as your sig, but remove the asterisks.




Hope to see you there.

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has anyone actually promoted this thru the ADCH??


ADCH members


ADCH is the mainstrem rescue umbrella organisation in UK.

About 40 members i think, inlc Battersea, RSPCA, Blue Cross, Dogs Trust, FOAL Farm, etc, etc.


They have a website... you could ask them for a link. And ask each member rescue that has its own site to link and promote, as well.

They send blanket emails to each member rescue..job vacancies, campaigns, etc.

They could do likewise for this march.

They have several meetings per year, this march could be on the next agenda, assuming thats beforehand.


They have a big publicity machine, etc, etc. You would have more promotional clout via ADCH than just individually emailing the member rescues (although, thats a good idea too :) .


You may have done this? You may not? As this board is mainly composed of smaller/foster based type rescue people, you may not even know of the ADCH??

I am in Denmark now, so i dont know, and obviously cant come.


So, apologies if its all been done, but i figured it would be the ultimate irony if the big mainstream rescue movement, their members and staff didn't attend, as they didnt know anything about it.

Usually, the peeps that work at these places either dont go on or havent heard of DP, Refuge, etc.


Just putting it out there,


good luck,





PS - just to add that getting rescues to feature the march on their own sites is great publicity, as some individual rescue sites get equal or more hits than some of the rescue forums, so the news would reach even more of the public.


Just as an example, my own former rescue: if you type the word 'foal' into google, even without clicking the UK only box, FOAL Farm is number one on the listings.

So, imagine how much exposure Battersea's site would give :wink:


(Might be wrong on some of the techie details there, but you get my drift).

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