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Oh No! I Think Fraggle Is In Season


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We adopted Fraggle back in June I think. She was surrendered to the RSPCA with a reasonable amount of history which stated that she was 14 years old and neutered.


I noticed Fin paying her rear end a lot of attention the other day and then I saw a bit of blood on a cushion. I checked her then but everything looked normal so I thought maybe it was a slight nick on her pad or something. It looked too bright red blood to be season blood really anyway.


Anyway all morning Fraggle and Fin have been very flirty. She has her tail in the air wagging and just tarting herself at him. I didn't think much of it as that's just how she is with him.


Then I saw Fin licking the cushions where she sleeps earlier which made me wonder. I've just been tidying said cushions and found lots of marks on them - brownish blood. Checked Fraggle and her bits are swollen and bleeding.


So what now?


She's 14 - presuming they didn't lie about that too. Would you get her speyed now? Fin is still entire - we were waiting for him to put some weight on but I think he could cope with the op now if needs be. Obviously we'll keep them separate now. When we are out they are separate but I can't rule out that he could have gotten to her at some point when they were downstairs on their own. What are the chances of her being pregnant at this stage in the season (I would say about 4 - 7 days in) and at her age?


I'm so bloody angry that these people would lie! What the hell is the point? It would have made no difference to the RSPCA (who were going to kill her anyway) or Emma at Furry Friends who took her in or us in adopting her. All it has done is put this poor girl at risk :mecry:

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Thanks Denese. I have just rung the vets and they say there is a morning after pill they could give if we are worried she may be pregnant. So we have booked her in for ten past five. I'd like to check it's definitely a season and not an infection or something anyway.


Would still appreciate peoples views on whether to have her speyed. We will get Fin done asap so there is no pregnancy risk and be very careful with them until he is safe so I'm really thinking of a health point of view. Do the health risks of an anaesthetic outweigh the benefits of her being neutered at this age?


She did have a GA recently when she had her teeth done (which makes it extra annoying as she could have been done then!) and her bloods were AOK and she came through that fine.

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Thanks Kazz :flowers: I just spoke to Emma at Furry Friends and she thinks we should get her done too. She says she should be bleeding much more by this stage and the fact that she isn't suggests she may be at risk of complications in future seasons.


My Mum's cat had a pyometra a couple of years ago and they nearly lost her. No way do I want Mrs Debaggle to go through that so I'd rather be safe and get her done.

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If I remember right, she shouldn't have been able to get pregnant at that stage of a season. Wouldn't you have noticed if they'd 'got it together'? Do be aware that there is a risk with the 'morning after' injection and I think it has to be given within a certain time of copulation too. Vet will advise.

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If I remember right, she shouldn't have been able to get pregnant at that stage of a season. Wouldn't you have noticed if they'd 'got it together'? Do be aware that there is a risk with the 'morning after' injection and I think it has to be given within a certain time of copulation too. Vet will advise.


There must be times when the dogs are together when the humans aren't around? I know I'm not supervising mine 24/7 and I'm at home most of the time.


I would have thought the risk of the injection would be lower than the risk of the dog being pregnant at 14 :unsure:


Just one thought, when boys are neutered, I believe there is still the possibility of them getting a bitch pregnant for some months after the op, but if she's being spayed, that's obviously not relevant.


Good luck to Fraggle - sorry you're having to deal with this at all :flowers:

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We're back!


Just to say I am 99% sure nothing has occured between them. Fin is crated overnight and when we're not here so they are rarely alone together but there are times when we're both upstairs such as last night when we were nebulising a rat! I also don't think she is at that stage yet from the level of interest Fin is showing but I really really would not want her having puppies. This would be my feeling whatever her age for obvious reasons but she is 14 and Fin is twice her size so I just wouldn't risk it for her health.


Plus she is a JRT cross dachsund and he is a collie and I think the puppies would be seriously weird looking :laugh:


Anyway she has had the jab. The vet said there weren't any serious risks with it really. She has to have another jab tomorrow evening. If she has been got at that's not 100% successful so we'll still have to keep an eye on her.


The worrying thing is the vet squeezed her little boobies and got stuff out so she may be having a phantom pregnancy. She also said the discharge could be a pyometra rather than a season but she isn't showing any signs of being unwell and her temperature is normal so I don't think that's the case. She hasn't done anything else to suggest a phantom pregnancy either.


So basically we'll have to keep a close eye on her for a little while. Which we'll be doing anyway obviously what with her being a floosie and Fin still having the necessaries. I can't believe this dog is 90 odd in human years and has spent most of the day shoving her bum in the faces of boys who would be in their teens and early twenties :rolleyes: Little pervert :laugh:

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