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Hair Lose Problem

Guest Denise

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Allie, AK Manky pants knows of my female Jazz. Shes become very unsociable around the other 3 of mine

and spends most of the day upstairs :( Only coming down for food and wee wees :) .

This all started after her litter left for their new homes ( 1 i kept ). In the last 10mths Jazz & Leyla have had 5 fights :( So the fact shes taken her self upstairs is a god send in away.

Getting back to the hair problem, now once the litter was weaned and left she lost some of her coat ( This is normal after whelping ) But in Jazz's case its getting no better, then she started bitting her feet.

I never took her to the vet as i knew it could only be a number of certain things that normally cause's this to happen.

So i changed her diet, she had always been fed James Wellbeloved but had heard from a friend the company had changed hands so of course i'm now thinking the ingredients must have been changed slightly thats why Jazz is losing her hair.

Put her onto Wafcol ( Salmon & Potato ), brilliant stuff it cleared her feet up in 2wks :) All bitting of the feet stopped and i'm now waiting for the fur to return. 2mths later still nothing, now shes thinning round the eyes.

So i get some Avocate from the vets ( As Staffords are prone to mites ). Shes had 2 applications and next month will have the last application. But to be honest theres no difference, the only thing left to try is change her water to just bottled water. If this does'nt work well i stumped i've gone through everything i can think of that can cause this problem :( .

It cant be a carpet thing as i have wooden floors, and the bedroom she hides out in has wooden floors too.

Shes not bathed every week, so its not that her coat is losing its natural oils.

I must add though that the hair seems to be breaking not actually fulling out. As she sleeps on my bed, and it can look like hair cuttings over the covers mixed with some full fallen hair :( .

She does look depressed, and i have considered rehoming her where shes the only dog, as i have wonder if she stressed out and thats why shes losing her coat.

Jazz has been speyed now so could this have contributed to it too :huh:


Any help would be great, :)

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As this seems to have started after her pups were taken away, I wonder if she's still grieving? Flower Essences could help that part of it, although I suspect that her taking herself away is her way of telling you she's not well. Could be a hormone element in there too.. I'd talk to a Homeopathic /Holistic Vet if possible. To find one try here


If all that fails, an animal communicator could ask her what's up.


I'll send some Reiki if she'd like it.

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If all that fails, an animal communicator could ask her what's up.


I'll send some Reiki if she'd like it.



You've lost me here :unsure: What is Reiki :huh:


Her taking her self up stairs seems to me to get away from the others, she wont settle if i make her stay down stairs with the others, she has only what i can discribe as a worried look on her face.

When i go up stairs she'll bounce around and want to play :) Its like she does'nt want to share :(


Today i have put her onto Piriton to help calm the itching, touch wood i've not seen her scratch yet :)

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Reiki is healing energy.


You never mentioned scratching before. Piriton isn't a good idea long-term although it can be helpful in an emergency. Watch that she doesn't get breathless, some do. I wonder if that could be the Avocate? Or did it start before that? Like I said, a Homeopathic Vet and/or animal communicator sound like the best bet to help her, and as Flower Essences can do no harm, they're always worth trying.

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