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Luca - Stubborn As An Ass


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Luca has settled in very well here at EGAR, and lives in the house, not the kennels. She is being walked twice daily and she has the run of the yard. However, she has attached herself to me like a little leech and refuses to go for walks with the volunteers. They will get her as far as the yard gate which leads to the driveway. She then stands still and refuses to budge. If pressured she will sit down or for a finish lie down and refuse to move. Her eyes will be fixed on the door of the house. It makes no difference whether I hide or not, she will NOT move at all. Whereas I am flattered it does her no good as she will be leaving here again once a suitable home is being found. She also refuses to eat if someone else is feeding her. She will not touch her bowl but rather sits drooling in front of it. She is a very quiet Dane, she rarely barks or whinges at all. I have to go into her room then and she will devour whatever is in the bowl in a split second.


Treats etc have no influence over her unless they come from me. She will not touch the tastiest (sp?) bits if they do not come from me .


Considering the short time that she is actually here, I am dumbfounded.



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From her body language, do you think she's frightened of doing the wrong thing? Maybe she's been 'trained' with lots of punishment and has been told off for wandering off or eating without permission?


Is she comfortable with people generally? Perhaps she's scared to go with strangers becuase she's worried about them?


Seems a shame that she's missing out on all those lovely walks :( I don't think there would be a quick fix to it.


I know danes are kind of one people dogs as it is, but this is pretty extreme!


I don't suppose you've got much time, but could you start going for walks with her but with a volunteer holding her and you not interacting, and then gradually increase the distance between you and her?

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Luca is extremely friendly and not a nervous dog at all. She nearly sits on humans that's how friendly she is.

We did try the walking together bit and I handed the leash to a volunteer and she will walk not minding who holds the leash but she ignores the other person 100% - it's as if they are not there. She makes sure that I am not further then 2 meters, if I am she will stop dead. We tried different speeds etc but to no avail. She is very persistent. As she likes cars we even tried to take her for a spin with a volunteer but as soon as the car moves without me in it, she starts tearing at the dog guard and makes her displeasure known. I thought it too risky to let the volunteer leave with her in the car.


I did get a tip off Joa to make a volunteer wear one of my coats and see how she will do with that.


I am really stumped as to why she got it in her head that I have to be there all the time...



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