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Tick, Tick, Tick...


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Between Thursday evening and Saturday morning, we removed 37 ticks from Smudge :sick01: He's only a little dog too, and was really completely covered in the things.


He had some more on him, including on his eyelids, so we retreated him with frontline (only 3 weeks since he was last done). This seems to have killed the remaining ticks, and they are now falling off him.


Does anyone have any ideas how he could have picked up so many? He does tend to go down rabbit holes, so we thought maybe down a hole somewhere?


And is there any health impact from him having been infested with so many?

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As long as you removed them as soon as you saw them, that's all you can do. I hope you removed them rather than wait for them to fall off? Ticks can carry Lyme disease. You'll get a tick remover in the vet or pet shop for £1.50 if you don't already have one.


Sounds a very short space of time between Frontline treatments though, do remember it's toxic stuff. I thought it was only meant to be used every 3 months? Maybe I'm thinking of something else. Bach crab apple helps remove toxins from the system.


Ticks are usually either deer or sheep, and lie in wait for unsuspecting dogs etc in the grass as far as I understand. Don't think they go down rabbit holes or on rabbits, but could be wrong there.

Edited by Muriel
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Thanks - we did remove them with tick tweezers - it was the ones on his eyelid that he wouldn't let us remove with the tweezers that we left.


According to the frontline, it needs to be done once a month for ticks, and he was so infested we were a bit worried about it - in general we only frontline the dogs once a year in the summer, if they need it, since we hate the stuff.


I'll look into the Bach crab apple - now he's got rid of the ticks it would be good to get the stuff out of his system.

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