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Everything posted by BrackenMc

  1. Sending lots of get well thoughts to Nog and very gentle hugs.
  2. Congratulations to both. I wish you a very happy life together.
  3. I too had to Google prong collar. Anyone who uses something like that on their dog should be locked up. I have problems with choke chains and frequently tell people that there are far better ways to control their dog and do they even know there is a right way and a wrong way to put them on. I think a head collar is a far better way to control an unruly dog.
  4. Jane, this is where I got a back end harness for my little one when he had a ruptured disc. It helped to aid him to do 'his business'. I hope it's ok to do a link.
  5. Hoping Ted improves fairly soon Jane. My little dachshund had a ruptured disc two years ago and we decided rightly or wrongly, not to have it operated on. He had steroids and pain killers and rest, rest and more rest. At first he took one step, then two and just gradually built up. Once he could walk better I took him for short strolls and before too long he could go out with the others. I have to admit we thought we would loose him, not because he would die, but because we could not give him a quality of life. We researched wheels and there are lots of other aids available. He walks in an odd fashion, but never the less he walks and it was just sheer will power that got him through it. Throughout all of it he never lost his appetite or sparkle in his eyes.
  6. So much saddness, both human and doggie. My thoughts are with alll of you who are going through so much pain.
  7. So sorry Shara has made her way to the bridge. Hugs for those who loved and will miss her. Run free young and fit again.
  8. [/url]">http:// Meet Lyka and her owner's young son Kushan who ardores her. She was spayed using my £12 donation to Dogstar. I wish £12 could do as much good in the U.K. It took me a few days to work out how to post the link.
  9. Welcome back Houndwoman. I hope your little foster dog is fully fit soon. I love your quote - can I join your club?
  10. I use my laptop all the time now and OH now has my desktop. I also bought a tablet with some Christmas money, but can't seem to come to grips with it. I suspect I may pass it on to my Grandson
  11. I totally agree with the benefit of visiting dogs.
  12. Sam you have both given so much to Dogstar that your holiday is certainly well deserved. Hope you both have a great time. The next six months will be work, work and more work while you are running clinics, fund raising etc. I can't think of any couple that I admire more than you and Mark.
  13. Thanks for the links. I was going to ask you to repeat them and Snow did it before me. I had spent ages looking for the thread as I hadn't bookmarked it. Maybe I only imagined you had given the link previously.
  14. Yantan - you have my deepest sympathy as I am suffering with loss of memory too. I can remember starting school and things ten years ago, but often don't know what day of the week it is! I survive by writing lists. If I can't remember, at least I can be organised. Lists are my survival plan, how sad is that. I also have osteoarthritis in both knees and degraded discs. You would think when they were dishing out the aches and pains they could do it a bit more fairly. Lots more ailments as well, but what doesn't cause me pain doesn't exist. Must have had a great youth because I seem to be paying the price now.
  15. Lovely photos of pets enjoying the sun. Long may it last.
  16. Dogstar now also have a shop site, where you can purchase items or sponsor a spay. It is similar to the Hope site where you can purchase a sponsor, a night in kennels or so forth. I shall visit both when I have spare money.
  17. I can't get this link to work. It says that the domain may have been overused.
  18. It's working fine for me and will sponsor a spay when I next have the £12.00 needed. I think my husband is growing tired of hearing me tell him of the wonderful work you are doing.
  19. My daffodils which are planted in the front lawn and had just gone from the in bud stage to flowering, are now covered in snow and flattened.
  20. Just caught up with the topic on poor Bruno. I hope he is feeling much better now. Sending gentle hugs. I read up on the practice Joe Inglis works at and thought it was great, apart from the fact they do not do 24 hour coverage. I wish all vet surgeries were this progressive. I remember the original program when they were all doing their training. I particularly remember Trude vaccinating a dog and the needle coming out the other of the scruffed part of his kneck!
  21. Wel done Snow. Being truthful with your closing remarks obviously did it!
  22. Good luck with the interview Snow. If you suffer from brain fog I would never have guessed. You must be a force to be reckoned with when your brain is 100%
  23. Gin is no good. What you need is a medicinal brandy.
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