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Everything posted by chasta

  1. Congratulations on being addicted Helly Hugs evrywhere, cos its gonna take me ages to catch up! I came home from work earlier to fimd this....... (scuse the grottyness) And this....
  2. Can I join up with Kenza please, we've not done any clicker training so far,but she is bright and quick to learn, and Im hoping I can help her overcome her 'other dog' issues with positive methods... any advice gratefully recieved. I'll get us a clicker asap and get going!
  3. Oh god.. dont start with the badgers again.... my ears will bleed! So..... morning everyone, looks like I missed loads yesterday... Hope everyones ok Day two (just for the pedants) of my son being away in France with the school... not wibbling anymore, though the teenyboppy blighter hasn't bothered to text me to say hes ok..... Still, no news is good news right???
  4. Or is the 1 and messageS that are causing the problem?
  5. A shrub has just run past my dining room window I could be right in assuming theres a dog under it somewhere
  6. Morning...(again) My name is Chasta and I am a refuge-aholic.....
  7. Morning alll... My one and only son goes off to France today on a school trip...... wibble...... On the other hand I hope he has a stonking good time
  8. Hi Anne, glad youve had a good day, hope tomorrow is as good.... Aunty Bessies it is then... strangely the kids think she makes nicer roasties than me
  9. Oh god, not man flu, mine had that for about 24 hours...
  10. Hospitals round here do an emergency service at weekends (called Dentaline), might be worth giving the local A&E a ring to see if they do
  11. Now... should I let aunty bessie deal with the roast potatoes, or shall I make fresh ones??? Decisions decisions Kittycat, hope the phone thing turns out ok for you RMF.. I have spent a goodly while washing, polishing and rejuvinating the leather sofas, so now they are paw print free and shiney... bets on how long that will last are being taken!
  12. I know just how youe feeling, my lil boy (13 lol) is off to france with the school for the week tomorrow... wibble... I'm standing ironing watching the dogs play hide and seek with a chew, rotavating the garden in their hide it, find it game....... praps I should hire them out!
  13. Morning all... taken ages to catch up and Ive forgotten half of it (blame the hangover!) So help yourself to whichever random emoticon fits the mood Over the last few days Ive have not been fond of my dogs, and yesterday when they added a new (worn once) jacket to their trail of destruction they very nearly found them selves in athe 'dogs neding a home' thread (I am not kidding) So after a large amount of red wine and copious junk food Im feeling a lot better today. But the dogs are now being relegated to the very bottom of the heap (lower than the goldfish) Dont think they'll like that much!
  14. rabbit rabbit bunny bunny yabber yabber Is that drivelsome enough Kazz?
  15. Well.. I was hoping to make addicted member status today, but I still need 30 posts and I think the bottle of red Ive downed to numb my memory of today has killed all hopes of that So.... Ill stop posting more drivel than usual and find something to fall asleep to on tv.....
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