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Everything posted by snow

  1. Happy Birthday Suzeanna Just had a shower so feel much nicer now - slept really well in the arm chair so feeling a lot more human
  2. I am home - I've even been out and voted in the Welsh Assembly elections lol So I've been a bit of a celebrity lol seems sid was a "big un" my consultant said I made her work hard for her money as he was "most impressive" moreover he had indeed torted... and was twisted around himself THREE times!! She couldn't get over it as she said it was so large and the space is so limited they couldn't see how the hell he could twist at all let alone 3 ruddy times!! I said well I did tell you I have been in a lot of pain she showed me the pictures and I was gobsmacked! I have been VERY lucky, even though he'd twisted he hadn't cut off the blood supply so he wasn't necrotic and he hadn't ruptured had either of those things occurred I'd have been very poorly and in big BIG trouble. Anyway he is gone now along with both my ovaries and tubes and shes done a full MOT on me the results of which won't be known for 4 weeks. To everyones surprise I have NOT needed any pain relief after I woke up - I haven't had so much as a paracetamol, let alone any of the morphine they were offering me throughout the night, I'm not martyring or anything I'm fine at the moment - I suspect its because I have grown so used to tolerating a high level of pain over the past few months that my threshold is much higher than it would normally be, but if I starts to hurt I'll happily take the meds or maybe I still have some of the good stuff floating about in my system and I'll feel it later. For now though I'm just a little sore. I had NO nausea either - though that I suspect is because I'd done my research and when I was finally allowed to have tea and toast I nibbled it into weeny bits and took ageeeees to eat it and I'd asked Rob to bring me in about 8 or 9 mini ginger bread men and I had one of those every hour or so - ginger is supposed to help with nausea and also helps with wind and I knew the wind thing was going to be a factor. Again so far so good with that I made sure all night to turn from side to side wriggle my legs and used the electric bed thingy to sit up, lay down sit up etc. so that I wasn't just in one position all the time. I gave them a bit of a scare as my blood pressure dropped very low during surgery and stayed low on the ward for a while so I'm not to take my blood pressure meds for a day or so until I'm back to my normal "high" levels. Haven't had much sleep - other peoples buzzers going off all ruddy night long plus I really really really did not like the catheter which made me feel like I was stuck in the worlds longest traffic jam bursting for a wee (tmi) but its all behind me now - on wards and upwards.
  3. Sid is no more ... in the words of the surgeon he was "rather impressive" he had also torted .. hed twisted three times!!! Ive been lucky .... that was a timebomb that was ready to blow.
  4. Off to hospital in the morning to hopefully finally see the back of Sid - cannot come too soon now after the dreadful few days I've just had. I need to be at the hospital very early so won't be back on the forum until after my surgery now *fingers crossed* its just an overnight stay and I'll be back home on Thursday. I'm taking my new laptopy thing so may be able to get online from the ward if I feel up to it.
  5. Of course they can do something about the cyber stuff they just don't want to - at the very least they could take a crime report, especially as it has led to people turning up at her door, thats incitement and stalking. What your friend must NOT do is respond to any of those online messages she needs to screen shot them and keep a record of it all.
  6. To be honest if they don't fence it we will but I'll be buggered if I'll rush out and do it until we know what they are planning I honestly can't see them wanting to leave their own garden insecure - had Baddie not been such a home bird then we'd have had to do something more permanent than we did after that flipping great dangerous wall got taken down as all we did was buy some metal hook things and hang some brush screening along it for about 8' but its barely waist high and very flimsy its more of a mental barrier than an actual barrier to any animal, but it stopped right next to the side wall of the shed they took down so they left a further 4' gap to the back hedge. It wont be cheap to fence that off as when he wall was taken down all they did was smash the wall and they left all the twisted foundations in place which are right on the boundary line so those will need digging out first before anything can go up in its place and they aren't our foundations to remove so if we put up a fence it will have to be several inches inside our boundary which I'm not willing to do. We've pretty much decided that if push comes to shove and they don't end up putting in a fence or new wall then we'll just string some horrible chicken wire along the boundary & bung in a load of mature leylandii alongside the 10' ones we already have along that side see how they like that lol
  7. I don't think we'll be getting on with our new neighbours to be honest - although the horrible builders have finally gone the work hasn't finished and they appear to now be doing some of it themselves. Theres yet another skip out the front and on the weekend when we had 2 small children here and 2 dogs while we were out they demolished the big shed that formed part of the boundary wall between us and left nothing in its place. When we got back we didn't realise and let both dogs out into the garden now tbh Baddie is a real home bird thankfully and never goes onto that part of the garden as its got chippings and he hates the feel under his feet, however Bruno is a nosy bugger and he noticed the gap straight away and headed into their garden luckily Rob spotted him and called him back before he even realised why Bruno was headed that way, had we not noticed though they have taken to leaving their side gate open so from their garden Bruno would have been out in the close and from there the next stop is the main road! Rob was furious and said a few things very loudly with swearing about inconsiderate people leaving other peoples garden insecure when they have small children and animals or giving us any notice or warning yet again unknown to Rob they had their backdoor open and heard him (good!) and about 20 mins later the bloke came out and jammed a bit of hardboard into the gap. We still don't know however what they intend to do about that side of the garden and we are NOT going to put up a fence at our expense until we see what their plans are. At no point have they introduced themselves or apologised for all the mess and disruption that their builders have caused us nor have they informed us what they are going to do or when. Rob blanks them when we meet them on the drive and I know him well enough to know he will never make the first move as he's so angry with them and I doubt he'll ever be on speaking terms with them now.
  8. I went into work today - seems like its been ages since I was there as I had annual leave then back for a half day then off for 2 weeks "sick" with the failed attempt at my surgery my boss left yesterday and I'd forgotten that tonight was her leaving do so of course since I'd been in they really wanted me to go to the meal so I could say my goodbyes etc. so anyway I came home this afternoon thinking I probably wouldn't go and fell asleep in the arm chair with my coat still on! Rob came home around 6 and I was still mithering about it as it would have meant him taking me then coming home then coming back for me etc. so he volunteered to come with me for the meal as well. So we both ended up going which was nice but flipping heck was it an expensive place to eat! This month has been money going out like flipping water! I'm now completely exhausted and yet I truly haven't done all that much certainly not enough to feel this flipping shattered, the walk to and from the restaurant is a negligible distance something that I wouldn't normally have even thought about and yet I really struggled there and back and ended up completely out of breath and my back spasming all the way home. This damned thing needs to get the hell out asap as I'm fed up now.
  9. I just think I'm going to be stuck at home after Sid comes out I dont really wanna be stuck now and besides I was going out and about and working all along until they found Sid and have been ever since too when the pain etc has allowed so I'm just going to carry on as normal and just be a bit careful not to bend or stretch Robs even banned me from poo picking now LOL Oh the other "good" news was I should only be in hospital over night unless something goes drastically wrong apparently even if you have a total hysterectomy with open surgery they try and get you out the next day as hospitals are unhealthy places! He also said I might only be off work a couple of weeks ... not sure thats good news LOL
  10. No I'm not in hospital and wont be for a while
  11. I'm seeing my gp tomorrow and I have already booked an appointment with the top man in Wales for gyne issues - its costing £150 but I will feel a whole lot better with a 2nd opinion and if possible will see if he will transfer me to his own nhs list.
  12. Actually I may pay privately and seek a 2nd opinion as I am really not happy with what she planned to do today if she'd gone ahead.
  13. Thanks for everyones good wishes however I am home after being cancelled at 5pm you can't imagine just how pissed off I am, I had an utterly lousy experience which I'm not going to go into publicly, I also found out my surgeon was intending to remove bits of me I had no fecking clue she planned to do, had nothing to eat for OVER 24 hours and nothing to drink for almost 12 hours, had no visitors because family were told NOT to visit as I'd be in theater only no one told me that, so I ended up billy no mates and spent the entire day fecking alone only to be told at 5pm they'd run out of theater time and I was being sent home. To say I'm upset is an understatement all I wanted and still want to do is cry but for some reason I don't seem to be able to I think I'm still a bit shell shocked tbh.
  14. Bed available so going in now x
  15. Strike doesn't affect me Alicia as I'm in Wales and our Dr's aren't involved as the NHS is devolved here. Still waiting for news I was due on the ward for 10am so thats not gonna happen now and I have no idea what the latest time is that they could admit me and it all still go ahead.
  16. Not a great start couldn't get through to the ward at first and then when I did I was told they don't have a bed for me at the moment it will depend on discharges after rounds they've taken my number and told me to stay put until they ring me later ....
  17. Right guys I'm going in for my surgery tomorrow (provided theres a bed for me) I seriously doubt I'll be online after today until at least Thursday and even then thats a wait n see thing. Apparently they have got rid of all the over the bed entertainment systems in favour of hospital based free wifi so I will be borrowing Robs HUDL and I'll have my phone but I'm told that the signal in the hospital is not brilliant on some wards so I won't know until I try if I'll even be able to get online. Sods law is already in effect as I am no longer 3 weeks late *sigh* sids kicking my arse to let me know hes still there and not happy and I cannot take any pain killers so close to having anesthesia. Scared stiff but just want to get it over with now. '
  18. Sam I have been looking into your problems posting - from what I can tell there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to post with your own account, its not locked or restricted and not showing up as anything wrong this end. What exactly happens when you try and log in as you?
  19. OH flip did I forget to post that too? I heard from the hospital on Wednesday that they were hoping to operate on 6th April however they hadn't received my heart scan results that I had on 22nd Feb! She asked me to stay available in case she needed me to go in again so had to take the day off work and then I heard nothing! However she phoned first thing yesterday morning to say they were booking me in for the 6th and she'd send me all the info which I should have tomorrow *fingers crossed* they have found my results but they need to be OK'd by the anesthetist so she's emailed him but she is now going off on leave for Easter and won't be back until 4th April so they could still end up cancelling me last minute but we're proceeding as if its on unless I hear otherwise. TBH thats fine with me as people get cancelled because of bed shortages and emergencies all the time so its no real difference. It does mean though that I am now not in work again for several weeks as I'd always had next week booked off as leave for Easter and wasn't due back in again until the 6th myself and thats now out so I won't be back in now until after I've recovered however long that takes. it does mean that I miss my boss leaving and the new one starting and I won't be there to help train him up - although I've agreed they can phone me for advice if they need to after I've had the op. The only thing thats narked me is that I had been assuming that since I hadn't heard anything about the heart scan everything must be OK whereas in fact no one has looked at the results yet so if something IS wrong its over a month since they said the scan was needed "urgently".
  20. Sorry for not updating you all yesterday I was having "one of them days" which I did mention on faceache but forgot to then post on here as well *doh* I woke yesterday morning very dizzy and muzzy headed I do get PVD from time to time so I'm used to it and know to take things careful until such time as my balance settles back down again or I get Rob to help me do the head tilting thing to try and settle my inner ear down, yesterday was my day off which I had planned to be a nice relaxing and quiet day at home in front of the PC so it should have been fine however .... The doorbell for one reason or another had been going off all ruddy day, gas/electric meter reader, water meter reader, parcel force, random people wanting to tarmac my drive grrrr anyway it has meant that I was rushing back and forth to the front door from my office which is at the back of the house and it made my dizziness really play up. To cap it all off nicely the gardeners turned up unexpectedly so I had to run to the front door to see who it was, realise it was the gardeners, run back to the backdoor to retrieve the padlock keys for the side gate, run back to the front door to unlock the side gate and let them in then run back out the back garden to do a quick poo pick which I hadn't because of the dizziness, whilst the 2 gardeners started on the edges and clear part of the lawn. So I bent down to pick up the poo and face planted right in front of them, I instantly shot to my feet in embarrassment only to fall sideways into a bush still clutching the bag of poo, having flailed around for what seemed like forever in the bush I pulled myself free and literally zig zagged my way across the lawn staggering like a drunk on a bender to the greenhouse where we put the bags for disposal and somehow managed to pull the entire greenhouse door off the runner and into my arms! At which point I realised all lawn mower and strimmer sounds had ceased and both gardeners were staring at me open mouthed. I somehow managed to manhandle the door back onto the runner and made my escape back into the house utterly mortified! I had hoped that would be the end of it however last night we took MIL out for a Chinese at our favorite buffet restaurant for once I did plan ahead and thinking things miiight get a bit messy I chose to wear a leopard t shirt figuring if I did spill anything it wouldn't show too much and any stains would just look like more leopard spots - this was very good thinking on my part! It started when I stepped out of the car and immediately fell against the car alongside us so I got soaking wet all down my side - it continued when having sat us at a table right by the buffet in full view of everyone I bent down to put my bag on the floor and headbutted the table with a loud THUD and a louder *OWwww* from me. Not forgetting the fact that for every bite of duck pancake I took a dollop of hosin sauce landed on my chest - similarily the Peking sauce ribs, chicken curry, beef in black bean sauce .......etc etc etc so can anyone tell me whyyyy I chose to go for the marshmallows and chocolate fountain? Nope me neither. We have Owen coming to stay today and I suspect he wont get half as much food down his front and in his hair as I did last night!
  21. You can't get the battery off mine without first removing the seat - though admittedly thats a 5 second job and no way to lock the seat in place. I am considering a bicycle type lock and an possibly an alarm as well. Managed to get it into my Yaris but theres only then room for me and 1 passenger, with the C Max we went out to test it and had it broken down all on the back seats with Baddie in the boot and that worked OK if we go out without Baddie then it will go in the boot easily. Amazed at how quick it comes apart and goes back together and even though I did buy a slightly larger than average boot scooter I could manage it on my own. I think Baddie quite enjoyed me having it as we went over the barrage and rather than it being a slow walk with lots of standing round waiting for mum to take a break he was able to trot along and Rob was able to walk at his usual pace rather than having to slow down for me.
  22. I want to pimp it out but Rob wont let me however some stealth pimping might be in progress Rob made me and I do mean made me, buy the scooter cape. I told him I seriously doubt I'd be ever seen in public wearing it nor can I see the point of it I am hardly going to walk around the shops wearing a tent awning complete with plastic window and if I have to keep taking it on and off every time then I'm going to get wet anyway and add to that its completely the wrong colour for a dalek I have bought a reversing mirror though and some bright coloured coil wristbands for the keys, I have been teasing Rob by saying I want a Welsh flag on one of those long ariel things and a dragon kite with fluttery tassels
  23. I'm here thanks for worrying about me (((hugs))) I'm fine just took a bit of me time to recharge the old batteries, have also been doing a lot of research around endometriosis although hoping I dont jinx myself I've been a lot better the past few weeks just a bit tired and mentally switched off spent more than a few afternoons asleep in front of the TV did bite the bullet and buy myself a scooter after talking it over with family friends and colleagues as I honestly didn't want to get one as I didn't want to be judged or seen as just being lazy - tbh thats kinda a bit why I went quiet I just needed to get my head right with it which I think I have now. So I'm baaaaaaackkkkk
  24. Had my scan this afternoon, talk about everything conspiring against me though, first we couldn't park anywhere so it was a bit stressy until we found somewhere, then I had to pick up the pace a bit to get to the hospital from the car park even though we'd arrived an hour before my appointment, then the lift wasn't working so I had to go up 2 flights of stairs only to reach the top and see this incredible mass of humanity pouring towards us filling the corridor wall to wall - with someone shouting everyone out the fire alarms have gone off so back down we went and then had to hang about and wait to see whether we would be allowed in or not, by which time my appointment time had come and gone. Eventually they gave the all clear so we set off again but whilst the lift was now working the queues were out the flipping door so I again took the stairs and then just went for it, I was kinda hoping that I would then have a bit of a wait before my scan as I'd been exerting myself a fair bit but barely 5 mins later I was called in. As far as I know everything was fine - or if not fine its not too serious. They told me if they had found anything serious I wouldn't have been allowed to leave without seeing a cardiologist, nor did she need to let a cardiologist see the results she is sending them straight through to my consultant and the anesthetist, thinking logically I would have thought that if there was anything amiss they wouldn't rely on a gynecologist to tell me or be able to answer any questions I may have. So hopefully thats that as far as my heart goes and I can just get on with them dealing with me bits.
  25. Thanks for that Alex will have a look. Am all of a wibble as I just had a phone call from cardiology who want me to come in for a scan on Wednesday - that seems bloody quick to me! Though I guess its good they aren't hanging about just a bit of a worry at just how flipping quick they have acted.
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