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Everything posted by snow

  1. Run Free Sweety you were obviously very much loved and will be very much missed.
  2. Queen Perv reporting in with a pervless post (don't faint) :lol: Friends especially good friends understand when you have to take a break from things and will always be there for you when you feel ready ...they may however use the opportunity to catch up on all the piss taking that you will have avoided *grinz* As for a prescription for sparkling eyes I recommend 30 mins of pervy chat with like minded individuals... they'll be sprkling with tears of laughter or extreme embarrassment but the result will be the same so who cares? :lol: Spring steps can be acheived with the use of a pogo stick... but you must agree to let your friends watch when you attempt it.
  3. Queen Perv reporting in:) Claz there are many websites that I can recommend to you which would solve this problem, too many to list here although I will share my favourite with you: Boring I would suggest that you avoid spoof sites of anykind especially those related to Dog Rescue as you risk the face pack cracking from frowns of displeasure as well as laughter not to mention that the wind might change and you'd be stuck looking like that...or so my mum told me anyway. :lol: I would also avoid any sites which contain references to or pictures of tiny willies as I'm afraid nothing at all can prevent face pack cracking laughter once you catch sight of those. Hope this helps
  4. Snow has now found this thread :lol: Ok lets start off quietly with: Front Bottom Twinkle. Fairy. Hoo Ha. and my personal fave : Tuppence!!
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