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Everything posted by JessandCos

  1. I have just come back from doing an hours talk followed by question and answer about Dog Rescues, Responsible Dog Ownership, Puppy Farms, Pet Shops and Breeders, the importance of training, socialisation, Deed Not Breed etc etc at my kids school. I spoke to year 7 year group, the 12 year olds, and took Cosmo in as well as the PR for big dogs Cosmo was the perfect Ambassador for big black dogs who smile alot . Gemma walked him around the hall and he said hello to everyone and behaved like an angel. Gemma did sit, down, stay and roll over with him and he then lay down and went to sleep I am very proud of my boy and Gemma for being an excellent handler
  2. so far 40 houses since January two different areas and increasing budget. Me kids and dogs are looking 10-12 on Wednesday
  3. I have a moving date and nowhere to live yet
  4. to all that need one and to everyone else RMF It is eight months since I gave up smoking and I am one step nearer to leaving london
  5. for all that need it I haven't posted in a while. I am still house hunting, still in the New Forest just a different part. I have now officially reverted back to my maiden name on my passport (only 10 years after my decree absolute) so I can now change everything else, my license has gone off today. The whole re-invention of me is happening and it is great and my brother accused me by text of being in a cult
  6. for anyone who needs it RMF 1: My mum came home on saturday - only then I found out that the first op had failed and she had an emergency bypass . RMF 2 : Spent the weekend in the New Forest househunting RMF 3: I spent this morning with my mum and took her some freshly baked bread, and we went for her obligatory 5 minute walk. RMF 4: Graham has a place at 6th form college
  7. Lots of new toys to play with RMF: today I have played squash for an hour and came home and sacked my estate agent
  8. We have had snow and Jessie and Cosmo love it RMF: I am in the process of reverting back to my maiden name - so I have had the most ridiculous conversations with the bank etc - I would not mind I am just dropping the North bit - not rocket science
  9. good luck Elaine and Loobie with your new homes There is something very weird going on on a non-dog related forum, which is leaving me
  10. for Poppy My dad is now home and recovered which is good news My mum goes in on Sunday for her heart operation on Monday morning - which will take four hours - and then she will be in intensive care for a few days and we cannot visit I have had my hair dyke spiked and it looks much better I am great friends with Freecycle London and arguing with Miele over an invoice I have a new fridge freezer that I brought home from the New Forest yesterday, sadly because my friends have lost their business All go around here
  11. Morning everyone - long time no post for all that need it My dad got admitted to hospoital at 3am last night with kidney stones, and my mum is panicking as she has her major heart op on Monday . My brother has been abusive as always - but such is my family I have been lurking but been frantic with househunting and sitting on the motorway and spending weekends in the New Forest.
  12. I was married, albeit very unhappily, and during that time I had affairs. I knew I was not marriage material and subsequently got divorced after 6 years, it all came out when discussing the divorce settlement. I got married very young and for all the wrong reasons and it was a big mistake For years I did not trust myself to get involved with anyone in a relationship as I knew I would struggle to be faithful for a number of reasons. So I avoided relationships like the plague as I did not want anyone getting hurt. It takes two adults to have an affair, and both parties are consenting adults and are aware of the implications and fall outs should it be found out by wives, husbands etc. It is a risk both parties take when they embark on an affair, there is no one wrong party, and cannot ever be justified, if the relationship is that bad, it should end first before any new relationships start.
  13. Marketing The buzzword in today's business world is: Marketing. However,people often ask for a simple explanation of "Marketing." Well, here it is: You're a man and you see a hot girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a hot girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's fantastic in bed". That's Advertising. You see a hot girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Telemarketing. You see a girl at a party, you straighten your hair. You walk up to her and pour her a drink. You say, "May I?" and reach up to straighten her collar,brushing your breast lightly against her arm, and then say, "By the way, I'm fantastic in bed." That's Public Relations. You're at a party and see a hot girl. She walks up to you and says,"I hear you're fantastic in bed." That's Brand Recognition. You're at a party and see a hot girl. She fancies you, but you talk her into going home with your friend. That's a Sales Rep. Your friend can't satisfy her so she calls you. That's Tech Support. You're on your way to a party when you realise that there could be hot girls in all the houses you're passing. So you climb onto the roof of one situated towards the centre and shout at the top of your lungs, "I'm fantastic in bed!" That's Junk Mail.
  14. Feeling Inspirational and crafty, look no further Tamponcrafts
  15. I am now on my second one, no PMT, no bleeding - fantastic. Just make sure you change it before the 5 years or there is a possibility of a hormone crash which I experienced , and never want to experience again in my life. Apart from that brilliant - keep drinking the green tea and there is no weight gain
  16. The Lithograph is a Picasso done in 1952 and there were only 200 done the last one went for £8.5k two years ago
  17. for everyone I have discovered a lithograph on my wall that I got as a wedding present - nearly 20 odd years ago - is the end of all my financial problems I can clear all my debts and still have some left over - I am and now consuming a bottle of red
  18. a quick hello My parents and I are not seeing eye to eye at all, they fail to listen to what I say and clealry have no respect for me as an adult My father is the ultimate control freak and as he keep trying to control me we will have rows, and he cannot accept that I do not want his money, he cannot buy me off and I will manage on my own thanks I have also started reclaiming about 7 years worth of bank charges from Abbey - should be fun
  19. for anyone who needs it My kids have inset day today, as it was the schools open evening for new parents last night, and thy both represented different departments and got home at 9.30pm. They are both asleep, as are Cosmo and Jessie
  20. to everyone who needs it Kazz I wouldn't dare say that to you anytime I have just registered with 19 estate agents in Romsey, Hampshire I now am looking forward to the mounds of unsuitable properties that will arive on my doorstep
  21. we are watching Mr and Mrs Smith - what a total pile of *****
  22. for everyome who needs it We have freeview , the sockets downstairs have been messed around with by either Sky or NTL and are not working. Howver I tried the socket in my room, plugged it in to Graham's TV and it works. I have an aerial man coming tomorrow who will have a much reduced job of repairing two sockets I need to clean the house as we have estate agents coming around
  23. for everyone who needs it I am back from the new forest, went to a great party last night and got invited to another two when I was there . The housewarming we went to was my idea of heaven, a three bed, manageable garden, off street parking, and the back garden leads out onto open forest - unfortunately a bit out of my price range at £700k Tomorrow I am getting some estate agents around to valu my house, and I will start getting house details for properties in Romsey
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