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Trallwm farm

Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by Trallwm farm

  1. RMQ : Does anybody know what sort of bird this is? It was just in my neighbour's tree (excuse poor quality photo, I had to take it through the window cos I didn't want to disturb the birdie) Its one of the Finch family. Could be Green finch, Chaffinch Gold Finch, Mrs Finch, Mr Finch And its a Gold Finch cos I just checked. The look amazing when they fly with the gold flash across their wings
  2. I fully accept that there are some people who do a lot for rescue but I still think there are a lot of armchair welfare folk who would jump on any bandwagon. I remember as a child that C and A had a line of clothers called Palomino when the picture was a piebald and it irked me even then that someone grown up who was supposed to get it right hadnt done their homework. I think in the case of John Lewis they chose the ingredients of a Christmas advert but mixed it wrong creating something that wasnt intended. I think everyones supposed to go ahhh at the poor dog outside and the child giving him a present before going back inside BUT they didnt think it through. I also dont think it is a "country" thing that means dogs live outside as there are dogs in kennels in towns too. Who knows it may make someone re think their dog being outside and some dogs are actually happier that way. I have both and Bojangles would be horrified at the suggestion he is a dog let alone that he would live outside. He is presently comotose in my bed with the electric blanket blazing. I think the breed of dog was chosen for its appeal given that long dogs seem to be in vogue. Maybe a Northern breed that traditionally is associated with snow may not have attracted so much attention. I think also that as is rightly said John Lewis does not sell dog stuff ,not enough thought was put into how it was shown. I think they thought it was enough that a big hairy smiling blue boy was plenty. I still think the campaigns could be better put towards saving poundies that wont live to see Christmas or any of the other important causes. I certainly agree ( as I have a marketing and sales background too ) that they got it wrong and perhaps should address issue as they have eyes on them.
  3. I understand that people are outraged that a dog is shown outside in a kennel but he doesnt actually live there. One comment mentioned that it overlooked the sea as well. it seems that people mistake complaining about things that are not real for animal welfare and helping animals. As the mum of a Blue boy,if I put him on a chain attached to a kennel he would have either eaten through the wood or just dragged it in behind him to get on his sofa. The dog in the advert doesnt look distressed in any way to me. It would have been filmed in summer ready for Christmas so none of it is real. I thought the boy giving his dog a pressie was touching but understood it is simple fantasy. Its not an advert on dog welfare. if it WAS meant to be advertising dog welfare then I would be angry but its not. If all the thousands of people complaining about it put their anger into anti Breed legislation or anti puppy farming or advertised the many dogs in local rescues, THAT would be an awesome affective tool for animal welfare. Over the years Ive had many phone calls on dogs and horses left in sheds so I get that it happens. Owl helped save one Collie which had been abandonded. I just wish people were as quick to help in real situations as they are with ones on telly. I would actually be more concerned about people buying a deerhound pup on the back of this advert as many could end up in rescue because of it.
  4. I was wondering that. Vinegar of any type is my idea of hell. I used to make Yorkshire pudding with watercress in it. I had a supply in Hampshire in the good old days.
  5. On a positive note Im sure it is and that people will come back to see and bid.
  6. The storm has finally fecked off leaving us with the usual hissing rain. One horse being rehomed today so just the whole horse nation to go. I would like to publically announce that I HAVE REMEMBERED TO FEED ALL DIBS DOGS AND CATS AS PER HER EXTREMELY EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION any complaints to the contrary will result in the cat getting it. Dibs is giving a talk at Discover dogs ( I think its that one) and repeating the immortal words "Peter Purvis " will happen for a few days after. Strangely she will collect tinsel and wire coat hangers for weeks after too. She insists on hanging them from the Chandeliers in December. I think it blocks Dyfed Powys police radar signals that confuse Santa arriving with a 50" flat screen
  7. Ask the person responsible to put a link to the Refuge. Thats fair then
  8. I took the academic royalty to be Oxford and a Cambridge The only Triumph I can find is a bike called a scenic
  9. The weather has forgiven us and taken its wrath elsewhere. I have horses and cattle everywhere which means the fields are like a match three game untill I can herd the wild group back in and then the ones that are off to new homes. Farrier is coming to day to trim the hooves of the 40 yr old who doesnt get about like he used to but still took full advantage of fence down and legged it back up the field. As there are people here who work for "agencies", can anyone tell me who uses the energis,gov,uk groups 202 and 303 please for emails.
  10. Jules you sound like you have your friends ex pegged. Owl, Scaffolding went up on your old house but now gone and there appears to be no chimney BUT the chimney liner poking out the roof. I bet the place is wet now
  11. Everything here with a power source buggers about and usually only does it the 2nd time or when rebooted. Actually to be fair Im not allowed to touch anything because it goes wrong so Dibs is in charge. I often have to ask the "Dibs techy dept " to tell something off. She only has to look at the offending article and it works. Apparently I press too many buttons and confuse electrical items
  12. You mean its actually a recognised sport ? Gimmee a post code for the Didcot ones. Im off to get my running shoes and a camera out !
  13. We went to the shop last night and a whole herd of semi naked men ran past all aged @ 30ish. Sadly far to old for me and no uniforms for Dibs. No idea why they were semi naked but not one to ever look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.
  14. we went to the shop and a whole load of 20/30's semi naked blokes went running past. sadly all to old for me
  15. He looks just like Icabod my very special oldie who went a few years ago. I always knew where he was in the dark because he sounded like Darth Vader.
  16. Im guessing that for you, this is the first time someone has suggested you are not normal ?
  17. You were born to motherhood Cheryl. My mother couldnt wait to get my sister and I old enough and into school before she went off round the world. She sent me a rubber small skeleton once from somewhere she had been without us. As a child I assumed it was hell but I think she probably still has that to come. Woohoo have I made the first page ? Have I ? Have I ?
  18. little lissie ear plugs or a radio on low near her
  19. yea justice at last
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