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Trallwm farm

Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by Trallwm farm

  1. Good thoughts for Holly and the sad funeral. poor GSD would have been luckier if they hadnt come back for him.He could have had a chance of something better. Not sure what day it is in comparison of 12 days of Christmas but today we get the 10 goats that would be leaping if they were not in a foot of snow and their owner leaving wales today. Seriously if anyone knows of anyone that is looking for a Boer goat then please tell them they are in a sanctuary waiting for a home !
  2. Im so sorry Amy. What a shock for you. You need to be with your family not working. Be kind to yourself right now.
  3. If they look up trallwm farm or trallwmfarm fundraiser they can join the groups. Failing that we have a whopping great website
  4. We swapped to FB so can give you a link for that or I can send you some photos. I will be really grateful if they could be crossposted!/photo.php?fbid=10150158875824498&set=a.10150156504854498.334686.632844497
  5. Thank you ,Im very grateful. the population doubled when these came in. The foal has a huge shaggy coat just to survive the mountains but underneath there is just skin and bone
  6. Yes thank you ! Tiny little thing better than she was yesterday and actually eating now. The babies have been wormed and now the mums have adlib food Im hoping they can produce enough milk for the babies who are desperately nuzzling their mums. This baby and one other would have died and it was still touch and go untill last night. Hopefully the worst is over but I now have to delice the whole lot.
  7. Trying to put a photo of the tiny foal but it wont go on
  8. Lovely to hear abot Tigger- does she bounce- T I double G Er Can we visit you Fallabella's once they are better please I will post you a couple of fallas if you want. They are so tiny they could almost fit in a little box. They will all need proper forever homes.
  9. Thats a rather lovely Christmas skin, It really is Christmas now. Thanks everyone for the congrats on my new Grandaughter. She is called Tiagan but Tigger for short. There have been quite a few comments on FB concerned that we have called a child Tigger ! The little Fallabellas are still causing concern. They are not waterproof, they are skin and bone and appear to need delicing now they have warmed up a bit. Another day left and the foals would have died. We got the tiny babies wormed and Im trying to get as much food into the mums so their milk production will increase because the milk had almost stopped due to their own starvation. I womder how many foals did die before these got out. Two foals are so stunted they look like toys.
  10. I had to collect my daughter and new Grandaughter from hospital today and the snow was heaving down. On the radio it said that several hospitals down the M4 corridoor were shutting due to lack of staff in.
  11. Bugger...Ive got to get to London tommorow and back here Sunday. I can see me hopping to anywhere I can get to and staying Hampshire. I will get back to find Dibs will have moved the goddam mini ponies inside with the goddam outside cats.
  12. So wheres the problem ? Both are going to operate. Which ones more like a hotel and serves good food ?
  13. The modern Granny, Not desperate to get a loaf of bread from the corner shop but fighting her way to the airport ! Im sure she will be fine.
  14. Its snowing here and Santas little helpers/Midgets are in the yard with a layer of snow on them. Sigh... I guess they will need christmas names. What are the dwarves called in snow white ?
  16. Perhaps Snow can do a very sympathetic refuge skin for the event. Cheryl you have shown respect and loyalty to Mr H plus integrity with your honesty so have nothing to reproach yourself for.
  17. What did she do to get him for Christmas ? I bet he out lives you all. They say the devil takes care of his own. I have the greatest sympathy for all other posters who have had tragic and sad passings of family members.
  18. Its dreadful news about Fudge and Gracie. Gracie is a national institution just like Dennis. Its so sad that we draw to the end of this year with so much sadness. It seems to be across the board at the minute with everyone having a hard time.
  19. And lucky me has 19 indescriminately bred Fallabella/miniatures in to loan out.Mums,dads ad tiny foals. That should be fun with people wanting them for back gardens. I wonder how many death threats I will get when I turn people down. I often think there should be a rescue just for those of us working in rescue
  20. Is this the same Alan who has made your life hell for years ? If it is then I would help him on a bus and leave him on the top deck. It could be weeks before you had to report him missing.
  21. Question about 'out of control' wire haired pointer Someone i was chatting to took a 16mth old one on 4mths ago and basically hes wrecking their house big time. He eats handbags , shoes, tarmac furniture and anything he can get hold off. Apparently hes a loving dog but just destroys everything in sight. They work [the woman does school hours]and go home at lunchtime , the dog has kongs etc but nothing seems to work. To me it sounds as if its the wrong dog for them , i dont know how much exercise he gets although i know he goes out daily. They're lovely people but at their wits end with the vandalism. Is this normal for the breed and any ideas what to do? Pointers are not my favourite dog for this reason. Without being indelicate, Ive seen an owner bitten and bullied by one. Can I suggest you put them in contact with Dibs as she has them bang to rights and will do a phone consult if neccessary
  22. Everything crossed for you. Empathy to all going through the mill today.
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