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Everything posted by kittycat

  1. Leon the Lappytop sleep well Grizzly I love the smell of garlic, I'd like a candle that smelt of garlic Today has gone so quickly, I believe it to be a malevolent trick of time as I have work tomorrow
  2. It was, she got a letter out of the blue one day last month and she had her wisdom teeth removed with no issues. She still needs some work, but just routine fillings Snow wishing you the strength to get through this difficult time, I don't really know what to say but I am thinking of you and sending lots of love your way. Murtle, hope the docs can give you some answers and it's nothing serious very sad about the man who died
  3. I start getting depressed in June because I know the dark nights are on they're way back in and I'm usually crippled by hayfever! Beau I had plans to clean the house today but the nice weather has put me off
  4. Happy Birthday Jack Happy Gotcha Day Timmy I'm glad to see April I like this time of year, light nights, not quite hayfever season, bit of green of trees, flowers up and out, lovely
  5. Bloody government, why would they start a mass panic like that that's awful about The Newfies
  6. Fingers crossed for the car Alex Hope Ruby feels better soon Hope all the lost dogs get reunited with their owners. What has Cameron said we have to be prepared for? What's going on with petrol? I'm living in a bubble right now
  7. I work in a cinema, Tuesday nights normally do 1100 + so 400 was painfully boring. Good luck for Trudy and Uncle Albert Morning I am tired this morning, Mother has gone to dialysis, OH is off sick and I have a domestic duties today
  8. Eve there is nothing Worse than being somewhere you don't want to be, that's enough to make you feel miserable is there scope in the future to go back home? Tonight's shift at work was so boring, we did 400 people all evening, it was like a ghost town, I spent most of the evening updating HR files *yawn* .
  9. For Hammie and mouse Tis lovely today, one of the rare times I'm glad I'm working the night shift as work Social are due round today though so can't really go too far but we spent a nice portion of the morning in the park
  10. That man was lucky to have you drive past Alex, can't believe he got back on his bike though Phoenix is back from the vets, they took six teeth out and gave the lump on his chest the all clear. He's a little woeful right now so we're having cuddles on the sofa
  11. Sounds like a positive day Owl, hope Bones is found soon I've had a good, yet confusing day, was up early but since some of clocks had changed themselves and others hadn't I spent most of the morning losing then gaining time Ate breakfast in the garden, snoozed on the sofa, had a really good walk with the dogs, both Gypsy and Rufus lunge at cyclists and we made great headway with training as there was sooo many of them out today, went to the cinema and now everyone is tucked up in bed. Early start tomorrow, Mother has dialysis and Phoenix is going in for his dental, I hope they do all they can as this is the last time I'll risk an anesthetic, he's got to be over 12 now and I think we've been very lucky that his kidney function hasn't caused him problems. Night night everyone
  12. That happened to me the other day Happy Birthday Gooster Today has been so nice, got all the washing done and sat out in the garden for lunch
  13. It's a portable hoist, I can use it but the hospital delayed her coming home due to wanting the social to follow up I would have liked a tracking hoist instead of this humongous contraption! Jack and Cherry My word do I know my Mother is home, she's already insulted and, demoralised me and created a mountain of washing Things you have do eh!
  14. Morning Mother is now home, I can finally relax now After all the hassle our local social services created they was meant to come round yesterday to go over the hoist and quelle surprise no one came or returned my calls Pointless venture anyway I've not even had to use it! At least normal service can resume, though it may take a while to get used to these early mornings
  15. I wish I had the patience to grow things, it all sounds fab having proper fresh veg and pretty flowers in the garden. When my Mother was well she used to keep our garden full of plants and little pots of flowers, now it's just tatty and covered over with bark chippings Plus I'm a skinflint I say every year I'll buy some hanging baskets but can never bring myself to part with a tenner for it! Well everything is set for my Mother to come home from hospital tomorrow if no one from the social halt it any further
  16. Fab video Morning Off to the hospital today for some equipment training so my Mother can finally come home
  17. Already voted, shared and re-shared Will keep spreading the word though
  18. good thoughts for you and your Mother Snow. Good luck with tracking down Diesel Can we see a picture of Starbuck? Or has one already been posted and I've missed the clever chap? I am awaiting a visit from social services to do an assessment on the house, I am hoping they don't put up too many barricades so my Mother can come home!
  19. I used to Skype with my Niece but I lost my ear piece so I'll have to buy a new one. Nog. No advice about introducing rats but would love to see some pictures please OH came home with flowers, a Xbox game, cake and some menthol filters (as I've developed a taste for them after my Niece bought me some cigs over) to cheer me up she's not bad as far as OH's go
  20. I'm putting my holiday form in as soon as I get in work I'm pretty devastated TBH that they have gone, didn't quite think I would feel this upset. I guess I'm just a big softy Fab news about Ian Good thoughts for your bunny Karen. Oh well better get ready for work
  21. Morning. My Niece is on her way now and I'm sobbing worse than the baby Back to work as well today However, the positives are getting OH a passport so we can go visit them
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