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Everything posted by uke

  1. That's assuming she has friends on the board though.... When my bin went missing last year I was convinced it had been stolen and stomped around cursing my neighbours and my own stupidity for not coming home earlier to bring it in. The bin company rang me the next day to apologise for their truck eating my bin. Apparently the trucks eat on average one bin a week.
  2. Rest in peace Sally RMF: I've just a had text from my boss re a trip to Cork we're doing tomorrow. It says "I can't remember where I left my jeep" and he then asks me to check the Lansdowne (the hotel where we park) for it tomorrow... It's a long wheelbase Toyota Landcruiser with blacked out windows and has foot high green writing on the back & side. How on earth did he "loose" it?
  3. That's terrible. I posted Horde pictures (cat ones) and now I'm exhausted. I have too many cats.
  4. I'm going home now but first I'll post kitten pictures of two of mine Homer: Luci (with OH):
  5. Dear Knowledge-able Peoples & Hamster-Wot-Power-The-Forum, Should I post pictures of my horde in the doggie/ other animal chat cos there's an intro of each of them or should I post them in the pictures forum cos there are pictures of them or should I post them in the welcome-y intro bit cos I never really introduced them properly?
  6. Very important to eat with that. I was prescribed some when I did my lower back in sliding down a mountain after a foster dog and I didn't eat with the first dose. I still remember how utterly crap I felt.
  7. I work for an ISP so it's very easy for my bosses to tell if I'm sciving. Well, technically I don't work for them anymore as I finished working for them on the 28th of Feb but I'm back contracting cos my replacement doesn't start til the 26th of this month. The daft graduate know it all sounds like one of our sales guys. Has he considered a career in sales? You don't have to know anything and can spout all sorts of shite in sales.
  8. I was skiving and doing as little work as possible til a client rang and now I'm remotely resetting access points. I'm not very good at skiving. Help
  9. I found the halti harness just didn't fit Yama properly and didn't give me full control. Her standard harness that leads from behind her shoulders fits better than the halti but then she pulls which is why I went with a headcollar. The Sensible harness just seems to sit better on her chest and I'm not left wondering if the harness will turn but she won't. The halti harness fit Boo quite well but her chest and shoulders are more large breed than giant breed and most things fit her better if that makes sense. I've never used a walkezee harness on them but I'll probably order one for Boo to test it. A side leading harness on her would make walking all three of the horde together that bit easier.
  10. For the Moo (Great Dane) and the Boo (braindead large hairy monster) I've taken to using the Sensible Harness. I got it from here YamaMoo weighs in at about 14 stone and the BooMonster weighs less but pulls on a lead once she sees something she wants to investigate. We say the reason the BooMonsters eyes shine so bright is cos the sunlight has a straight path through from one ear out the other. I've used the Dogmatics (leather & fabric) with great success on Yama. The canny collar is a godsend on Boo but useless on Yama. The Sensible Harness worked on both and gives huge amounts more control than any other harness I've tried on either of them and they both appear to prefer it.
  11. That's nothing - Homer sleeps in the mop bucket and the bin too. He's far too pretty to bother with things like behaving normally. JD is the clever one who can open fridges, presses and doors. Sufi is the one who has a rabbit cage fetish and we cured that by providing her with her own bed of hay: And if you're wondering why there's an empty plantpot behind Sufi here's the reason why:
  12. Indeed I do. I was thinking of bringing Loki Poki to his Auntie Carwashs shop tomorrow to get a second opinion on the truely hideous green mock-crocodile-with-sparkly-bits collar and lead set I nearly bought for him today OH is due home tonight. I haven't seen him since Monday Thanks to all for the thoughts for Monty Rat.
  13. Monty Spaniel left us this morning. He was people aggressive and dog aggressive but there were an awful lot of times when I could see the wee puppy that just wanted to please inside He just didn't know how to behave. He belonged to the family of a friend of OHs and when the father died the rest of the family didn't want him because of all the issues they helped create. I'm sorry Monty Rat but you were too much of a risk to rehome and we couldn't keep you. I'm really mad at my OHs friend - I was left to do the dirty work after they screwed up their dog. He's the first animal I've had pts because of behavioural issues and even the 8 other opinions I got aren't helping me to feel in any way good about this.
  14. Possibly a finger. I've lost 2/3rds of the nail as well. The 8" and 16" concrete pipes were a great idea for the cat run right up until I slipped on one. I was most clever in my breaking and entering. I removed the netting from the top of the cat run (which is fairly difficult when there are 9 cats watching with great interest) and climbed over the 6' panels. Then I used my fish to poke at the window catches - through the cat flap I might add. Who knew the tools of an IT trade could be used in such a devious fashion?
  15. I've just had to break into my own house through the cat flap because Moo locked the front door from the inside again. I'd have gotten in through the window at the back had JD not locked that. I got locked out of my home by a dog and a cat. I think the worst thing is the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened...
  16. I remember Cromwell He's the one who pulls the "my owner beats me" faces out of the windows of your car. Howdy Cromwell
  17. I need to buy two sets of new curtains today. And another mop cos my old one smells of white spirits. I also need to start planning a "free to horrible home" ad for my Yama Moo
  18. He's on Metacam over a week now & it's obviously helping. He hasn't experienced any visible side effects. He'll be in and out of the vets for the next few weeks for monitoring/ revision of his treatment plan anyway. I don't want him on Metacam long term either but I'm not going to allow him to suffer while I try to figure out what will help him best. I've started him on Glucosamine & chondrotin this week as well as fish oils and Vit C. He doesn't do water if he can help it so I'm not sure how successful swimming will be. I've ordered a similar product to Runaround that's made here & am waiting for it to be delivered. He's also going to see a homeopathic vet at the end of the month. I've saved a copy of the replies and will be spending the next while working through everything. Thank you everybody for your help
  19. Loki was offically diagnosed with arthritis in both back hips at the weekend and has started on Metacam to get him through the rest of the winter. We suspect it's in his front legs as well. (He was headbutted by a cow as a 6 week old puppy and was thrown across the barn and knocked unconcious according to the farmer who bred him. We've been waiting for this to show its head since he was 10 weeks old.) He's not yet 3 so I'd ideally like to try to manage this with diet/supplements before medication as I'm concerned about his long term health. I've been quietly researching this for the last few days. The Metacam seems to be helping so he'll stay on that for the rest of the cold weather. Yesterday he even attempted to jump into the boot on the way home from the woods. He's never attempted that before. I've had a read through the other similar topics (and made a list of things to try) so I guess I'm looking for others with experience of young dogs with arthritis. This is Loki: He'll be 3 on the 16th of this month.
  20. Mine's going to London tomorrow on a work course for 3 days & I have loads of house stuff planned. Can you send yours to London? We live really far away from London though so that might not work for everyone....
  21. My MIL went to the states a couple of weeks ago & on her return announced excitedly that she had a present for me. We visited last Sunday & after dinner she got out the bag with the presents. Darling OH got some coasters in purple, orange, snot green & hurty-my-eyes blue. I got a turkey baster. Says she "I saw it & immediately thought of you" Says me: *splutter* *cough* Says she "I know you don't have one & they're ever so useful" Says me: *splutter* Says she: "I got one for FIL too as his old one just wasn't doing the job any more" I had to go outside at that point & she still hasn't figured out what she said.....
  22. I know how that feels! When we bought this place I refused to move in until the toilet was replaced.
  23. It's not much use now, but if you ever run out of oil again ask the delivery guy to check the boiler for you - most of them will know how to reset it.
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