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Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

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Everything posted by Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

  1. Staffies!!! Springer (L+W) Lab Rottie These will obviously have to be grey and at least 8! And a gsd puppy for competitive training but thats last on my list
  2. Its bloomin' painful!!! But it is very pretty!! It has taught me not to bite my nails though
  3. my thumb being very very very hurty tonight
  4. Couldnt watch nail removing surgery, although i was awake, and whineing to the surgeons to let me watch. I did watch when i saw the emergency plastics surgeon who couldnt work out which way round the top had twisted itself. She turned it anti clockwise and then went no thats nots right so twisted it clockwise and my friend ran out of the room to vomit. I want to be an emergency nurse so i tend to get the giggles when it comes to gorey things.
  5. Arnt the best of photos- having to do everything left handed! In A+E, its a shite photo- sorry, but top of thumb was facing wrong way round Couple of days later before surgery- but this point top of thumb had been rotated so it was the right way round and stitched back on. They didnt think it was viable at this point, so surgery was for amputation, reparied nail bed and skin graph. Lucky it was viable so they only took the nail off From behind (can clearly see where i amputated it) Bandages are coming off on sunday, so will take photos of missing nail, and healing process
  6. I work in a club and we were just closing up. I put one of the heavy bar stools up, and it fell and caught my thumb. The base of the stool is sharp, circular, and metal, so just sliced right through. Still trying to find up loading cable!
  7. Im amputated top part of my thumb at 3am sunday morning. Was sent to plastics unit in london because it was too complicated for a+e. Had thumb turned around to face right direction (it was hanging on with what looked like a piece of thread) and stitched back on. Wasnt expected to survive but it has- had surgery to remove severed nail and to give thumb a decent change of healing before nails start growing. Will post photos, although orginal one is blurry- was high on morphine when it was taken! Its very very hurty
  8. Howdy!!!! I just skim-read that very quickly and i get the impression its on the same tracks as things like karma. Cycle and effect correct me if im wrong I take things like that with a pinch of salt, but as a guidance. I was having a conversation about something similar to a friend of mine who pointed out that 'it doesnt matter which actions you choose to follow to change your life for the better. Willing to change it usually is enough'
  9. Could i change my nomination to Friends of the animal shelter then- they are a JRT and smaller rescue
  10. Would it still be possible to nominate Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue?
  11. Although im not as close to her 'choocks' as she is, i still loved them and thought they were fantastic! Just recieved this email 'Hello, We had a fox attack yesterday - 15 dead. Skippy and 1 girl only survived, she was one of the old girls and I found them on one of the top nesting boxes. did kennel feeds then took old food down to chickens and found feathers and bodies everywhere. 3 bodies in the pen, 4 found randomly in the field. 8 missing but lots of feathers in the field. At least Mark was off yesterday so had help clearing up the carnage. Did wonder if the shock would kill the remaing girl and Skippy but both alive this morning. The saddest part was when Skippy was madly crowing yesterday evening, then we realised he was probably calling his girls.
  12. It has suddenly hit me that i only have a few weeks of uni left before im on my first placement- with real people!
  13. The top one! to all those who need them! (And Flora )
  14. I have just crawled in from the pub after celebratingh a f****** good first essay!! Im going to bed
  15. No it depends on the family. Puppies need a hell of alot of time and training and if people are out all day, the puppy is left long hours and when people get in there is alot of other things going on, and the puppy doesnt get the socialisation or training it needs. I would never rehome a 8 week old puppy to people that work full time and kids go to school from 8.30-3.30 and i dont think any reputable rescue would either
  16. I dont think puppies are really suited to a busy family life. Puppies need alot of time and attention and training, which a busy working family wouldnt be able to offer. Roughly at the end of January-March in the dog pounds, its the post christmas puppy dump. People get a cute puppy only to realise they are monsters!
  17. Emma Magnus Emma Magnus is a clinical animal behaviourist and a member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors. She has a degree in zoology and a masters degree in applied animal behaviour and animal welfare. She worked with veterinary practices in East Anglia for 15 years and now runs puppy parties at a local veterinary practice to help to teach the basics of good behaviour. Emma is also the co-founder of the Rabbit Behaviour Advisory Group ( Her books include How to Have a Relaxed Rabbit (Pet Behaviour Centre, £3.50) and Teach Yourself: Keeping a Rabbit (Hodder Education, £9.99). “Many people get a pet in an attempt to fill the gap their children leave and there can be enormous benefits. Any pet will provide children with a sense of responsibility and companionship, while helping them to develop trust, patience and self-control, and a dog will make sure that you get regular exercise. “However, a dog can mean different things to different members of the family, so make sure that it is something that you all really want. All too often, families get a puppy in the belief that they will all enjoy it, but it can soon become a point of tension, particularly if there are any teething problems, such as the mess it can create or who will do the regular walking that it needs. “If you do go ahead, think carefully about the kind of dog you buy. Though no single breed comes guaranteed as the perfect family pet, there are a few things you should be aware of when deciding what to get. First, I would advise strongly against an adult or rescue dog as they are more likely to display unwanted behaviours. It is vital that your dog is comfortable with people, particularly if there are young children in the house. “I'd also suggest that you avoid large breeds; they are not suitable for younger children who may find a big dog intimidating. They are also more likely accidentally to knock over a child. ‘Working' breeds, such as collies and beagles, are also best avoided for families, as they often need more stimulation than a busy mother can provide in her daily life. “A puppy is ideal as it can be trained and your children will bond with it quickly. But before you buy, bear in mind that its early environment - and the age at which you get it - can have a profound effect on its later response to social situations, such as meeting people and other dogs, as well as environmental stimuli, such as traffic and loud noises. “My recommendation would be to get your puppy when it's about seven to eight weeks old from a breeder who is rearing the litter within a busy family home. This will mean that the puppy is used to children and the type of handling and noise that can mean. “Once your puppy's vaccinations are complete at ten weeks, you can take it out for walks. But, before that, try to carry it with you when you visit public places, and invite people and their children to your home so that your new dog gets used to a busy environment. It is also wise to enrol on some puppy training classes, so that you can start working towards having control over your dog.†For more information, log on to Taken from the Times life and style section Times Online And could also be found in on of yesterday's supplements
  18. No they are wondering round in boxers, which is even worse because they keep sitting on the work surfaces!!!!!
  19. Im getting slightly annoyed at the smelly young men in my house! Although they are giving me french lessons my kitchen has a certain odour to it because they are all in there!
  20. Im liking Serina on the poundies list
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