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Everything posted by Abigailj

  1. How do you then adjust to eating regular food again? Do you just have to stick to recommended daily allowance of calories from that point onwards?
  2. For brekkie/lunch I had a seeded bagel with 2 scrambled eggs. For tea I have just had 2 brown tortillas with veggie mince, peppers, tomato and avocado. I have some red grapes for a snack later (I just tested one and they are v sweet and yummy). I will probably get the munchies later still cos it is early to have eaten tea isn't it... need to find summat else not norty that I can have later. Exercise still = 0 because back is worse than ever. Chiropractor tomorrow.
  3. Same as. Our friend lost loads of weight but then gained it all again when stopped taking them. I'm having sweet potato mash too.
  4. I had an Ikea lasagne at 12 noon. I accidentally fell asleep at 4 ish and woke up just before 7. Ate a seeded bagel and one very tiny mini sampler bar of green and blacks dark choc with ginger. I did go shopping earlier and bought lots of good stuff so hopefully the rest of my meals this week won't be quite so tragic and inappropriate. Have not managed any exercise yet due to back. Seeing chiropractor on Friday.
  5. It just said on the telly that 25% of the worlds construction cranes are currently situated in Dubai. I thought of Sam on a crane spotting holiday.
  6. He appeared in Howards shop (first or second episode) looked alot like The Hitcher actually so maybe it was just him being very bad? Sometimes I just think they have run out of genuinely funny things to say now... instead they are making pointless but controversial remarks that are out of context and not clever at all really. (I complained about comments about rape actually).
  7. Great costumes I'd have gone as Milky Joe. What about the Very Very Bad Man? I complained to Ofcom about him (something that he said). I used to like Boosh but I'm not keen on this new series.
  8. Sirius is coming with us (to Chamonix) Thought this would just add to my post above - nevermind.
  9. We saw Ibix near Tignes about 4 years ago. I do have photos somewhere of me feeding pizza crusts to a wolf in Sauze Italy. Towards the end of the day they would come out of the forest and collect scraps from around the mountain cafe I will see if I can find pic of me frozen stiff and gesturing towards wolf with some pizza. Oh has been snowboaring in Kaprun I think. I've not been to Austria or Germany - will have a look at your link. We are going to Chamonix in March
  10. I am doing quite badly at being fitter so far this holiday because I now have bad lower back pain (one of my facet joints gets all stuck every now and then) and I am waiting to see chiropractor man person so he can release it. It hurts to sit down and I can't bend so I have not been to the gym and I had to miss my ice skating yesterday. I was doing well on the food front until last night when a bag full of norty fings did find its way into our house, courtesy of a few guests who didn't eat any of it and now I am chomping it cos I am boored and in a moood about ice skating. Back to posts by other people who are doing very well
  11. Don't worry. There is nuffink on now anyway. I just went as far as channel 40ish and then lost all feeling in my right arm so switched off.
  12. Sophies face of disgust Did she have to open it in front of the person who gave it her?
  13. Went to IKEA to get a coffee table (ours is broken). Couldn't find one that we liked, or wasn't over £100 or wouldn't get chomped by the dogs so came away with some cutlery for blokes with big hands.
  14. Same here. If we have it in the house then we will scoff the lot of it. Lot of my students gave me chocolates for Christmas and I shared them around in the lessons because there is no way I can bring them home - I'd just eat the lot in one go instead of eating a proper meal.
  15. They don't have any of the things I want in my size
  16. Bumpy Neither will my dogs even though they can see. We had 4 dogs run up to us in the park the other day, 2 were pups bouncing all over them. I kept calling to the owners to keep them away but they just ignored me Then they get all upset when mine are lunging and barking at their dogs. Yes our nasty dogs shouldn't be in the park on lead and under control unless they are happy to tolerate being jumped upon by other off lead and uncontrolable dogs. Silly us.
  17. Was there ever a film/song or book called stale beer and cabbages left to rot in a warm bin for months?
  18. Well you can either have measurements done using calipers where your fat is pinched and measured at certain points on your body. Or you can pop onto some body fat scales that use impedence to measure how fast electricity is conducted through the body. Muscle conducts it much better than fat does. This gives you an estimate of your body composition, including % of fat and water. The result for ladies can vary a bit according to water retention. If you search Tanita scales on the net you will find some that you can buy for use at home. I don't have any here cos the sports dept at work have a set and we all get done every so often. Most gyms will have a set too. Paul used to have to do it the old way with calipers many years ago when he was training professional atheletes.
  19. Basically being a small person doesn't automatically mean that I am a healthy person. Small people can still have high cholesterol and body fat. I'm not looking to lose weight (I'm 8 1/2 st). I'm just looking to have a healthy body fat %.
  20. No not BMI. I am talking about the percentage of my body that is fat.
  21. Knew you guys would be better at Roar-ee charades than me
  22. He is busy snorink and fartink Unless he is in fact playing charades??? I'm not sure what film/book he is doing there?
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