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Everything posted by riley

  1. Howard actually says "crumbs"
  2. Good Evening. Long time no catch up - Hope everyone is ok. I am in PAIN. The sickness has abated, I'm down to once every couple of days now but I've moved on to craving Orange Ice Lollies which then give me horrendous trapped wind across my shoulders. And I mean HORRENDOUS. I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to burp. Several long loud and resonant BURPS. And as for that old pregnancy myth that you can become really horny - bollox. With J I went off it but this one is like one long dose of pmt Got my 20 week scan a next wednesday........boy or girl?????
  3. Emily's future brother in law is called Jack I like Henry, my friend has a very similar JR called Jagger
  4. time for bed, although my chances of sleep are slim...H is full of man-flu and snooking and snorting away, the bedroom reeks of Olbas oil and Riley is having a noisy dream night. I could banish them both to the spare room but then I'd have to change the sheets again before H's mother arrives on Saturday.......or would I.........?* *Actually of course I would, I'd probably miss a stray pube knowing my luck
  5. it's so upsetting when they're ill Hoping it's just a blip and sending love x
  6. I don't think I felt J til I was about 22 weeks, from what I understand they start to kick around about 14 weeks but their movements are too slight for you to feel. I think you just realise what it is earlier second time round.
  7. Fish N Chips and Im 17 weeks (with my second baby) Edited to add that this apparently makes a difference to when you feel the boot.
  8. Earlier, H went and got me F&C's to satisfy a rather profound craving He is now making me sit through an episode of Blade the series (Blade the movie yes but the series is dreadful) and has lost all brownie points. R (not so M) F The baby just kicked for the first easily recognisable time
  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Welcome Anne! Wishing you and Martin every happiness here in the UK Much love, hope to talk to you soon, Amanda x
  10. Oh My Word, anyone else watching whistleblower on beeb 1 - scary stuff
  11. Good Lord, I have no hope of catching up but will try...... I'm very excited about Riley's new collar - an Elricc creation as soon as it arrives I'll post pictures as no doubt he'll look stunning RMF I feel sick again
  12. I have a very bad nedache, so time for bed. Cheryl, Im sure it's just a matter of her bonding with her new family but that doesnt make it any the less heart wrenching for you Alison, I've heard of foofs being called Badgers but can't aid further Im afraid Snow that is seriously shitty. Khanu - hope you're okay Elaine - sleep well Yantan happy moving home Sorry if I missed anyone night night x
  13. Right, shattered, early start and all that, night night x
  14. so an hours worth of masterchef and what do I come up with thinly sliced and lightly toasted ryebread topped with a tuna cocktail and finished with a garnish of vintage canadian cheese shavings or tuna and salad cream on a ryvita with a nice slice of cheddar on top
  15. Dolly (wendberts) Georgia is adorable Elaine - I have three spots of magnitude on my chin - I look like a glue sniffer Alex - glad you're ok Dolly - Congratulations on your offer! Well done you It's no good, Im starving.....
  16. It was called scrotum skin at my school (seriously, stretch your arm out and pinch and pull between your finger and thumb, you'll get what I mean) Why am I watching masterchef when I'm a) Hungry and b) disinclined to cook anything for just me RMF Torchwood looks good tonight, I've been recording all sorts for H but have watched all the ones I like so it's unlikely he's gonna get to see them (at least without me chirping 'oooh this is a good bit' anyway )
  17. riley stood in poo - I swear that dog is a poo magnet, if its not hanging out of his arse attached to grass or hair he's standing in it or falling in it.
  18. Gnite, It's lights out time round here too x
  19. Murtle - Good for you - you look beautiful OMG (it's from the straightdope link in the Websites thread before anyone wonders what I was looking up!)
  20. I am watching Hard Sell on beeb 4 - it's making me snigger Abby - good stove (and good hogging too)
  21. Alas as I'm up the duff I don't have the luxury of the glass of wine (although I did have half a Theakstons OP the other day ) Ladies quit!! I'd sell my granny for a G&T
  22. Do I want cheese and biscuits?
  23. Good Lord - poor boy and what a disgraceful woman. Hope he's feeling much better soon
  24. What a distinguished gentleman. My thoughts are with you
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