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Everything posted by Rowansarah

  1. Thanks, I will do that! Can't believe I didn't think of it.
  2. Hi All, I'm having a problem with my 3 year old cat as he has stopped eating. He has slowly gone off every type of cat food available, even the whiskers pouches which he used to wolf down. Now he will eat a small amount of tuna but that's it. He doesn't seem to be unwell or loosing weight as this has happened over a few weeks. I wonder whether we have been giving him too much choice?? Sometimes he won't eat all day and then just have a few cat biscuits the next day. He doesn't show any signs of being unwell, still running around doing his thing. But yesterday he stayed under the table all day which has got me worried. Has anyone had a similar problem? I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks, Rowan.
  3. Thanks everyone, its nice to be welcomed! I will be jumping in soon, I expect! Asking for advice no doubt... I'd like to be a transporter or a fosterer. I work full time though, so I'm not sure if its possible? Basil and Brian look lovely, such appealing faces!
  4. Hi I'm Rowan. I live with my partner and cat. We have recently lost our lovely chow-chow rescue and hope to have another rescue someday. Until we can find the right one/s i have joined the forum to help in any way I can. I enjoy reading the posts and hearing about the good work people are doing. It makes it seem less depressing that there are so many people working so hard to help all the lost and lonely doglets out there. Hope to hear from some of you in the future. Best wishes Rowan. x
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