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Everything posted by doggielover

  1. Could try the Swindon Dog Warden as I believe they have one or know where to get hold of one. I don't know about the North Wilts area that will cover this area. Will ring our Dog Warden Monday as have her mobile number.
  2. Just got back from spending an hour and a half searching the area of the common they were last seen. Found the footprints in the mud where Jane said but that's it I'm afraid.
  3. Difficult to say Fee. The lad I caught out at South Marston took me 5 days of feeding, lying in the mud & sitting like a gnome in the middle of a field whilst he watched me from the furthest point he could. He would eat out of my hand, but not if I had a slip lead near it! Another was so traumatised no-one could get near him and he had to be trapped. Apparently the Brindle is quite interested but the black dog is a little more cagey. Jane said no-one had seen them today & she can't go up until Sunday. I'm hoping to go up in the morning as I have a transport run in the afternoon. Jane's got my mobile number & I've got yours so if anything happens I'll let you know. Di
  4. Been out and had a look tonight. It's quite a heavily wooded area so couldn't see anything for the trees as the saying goes! I wouldn't recommend everyone goes out together as these are nervous lurchers and are likely to get spooked easily.
  5. He'd have to commando crawl Kerri but Henry was 28" to the shoulder and he went through it. He was 10 yrs old when we took him!
  6. Not if QB is disguised in a horse blanket! snort!
  7. Caught Brian and Kubrin trying out the disguise Kerri
  8. Kerri if you are bringing the boy I might make the effort to come. I could do with a laugh! Di x
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