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Everything posted by Happylittlegreensquirrel

  1. oooh thats looks very nice and what a fab garden good luck with selling yours
  2. I can see a tree the house we had before looked out on our neighbours parking space ( but they had a nice car so it was not all bad ) the view was one of the main attractions to me for this house (after 9 years of looking at someone else's car we fancied a change ) Sam
  3. as a Tufty Club member I have received quality training on how to cross busy roads ( and always hold my mummy's hand ) Squirrel fact #3 The squirrel's erratic path while crossing a street is an attempt to confuse the oncoming vehicle... thereby causing it to change direction. This is obliviously the squirrels biggest, and often last mistake. * *Clearly not all Squirrels are in the Tufty Club
  4. this is the view from my front door and inside in the woods ( on a different day of course ) its very squirrel friendly Sam
  5. we are just 60ft away ( could not get the double bed up the tree )
  6. tis very very windy here as well which is a bummer when you live next to the woods
  7. Squirrel Facts #2 Squirrels communicate through a series of chirps. The frequency, and the duration of the notes communicate everything from laughter to alarm. Their frequency range is normally between .01 KHz. and 10 KHz. (kilohertz). These sounds when used in conjunction with tail gestures, form the basis for squirrel communication * * Green Squirrels can also use the internet
  8. Mindy WHEN you shovel shite ( Missus Oook does not accept sick notes mate ) don't do Bumpys Kennel today young master Bumps had a very poorly bum
  9. we are fine ( other than starting dupicate threads ) how are you ? Random Squirrel Fact # 1 In broadleaved woods grey squirrels live at a higher density than reds.
  10. yes she is bloody stalking me can't say to much she has borrowed Aislings Laptop and is here with me now
  11. Mods Mods Mods now we have two threads what do we do ????????????? I think Anne posted hers first so maybe you should lock this one and I will wait till next time Sam P.s Claz told me to do this ( her voice is a constant in my head )
  12. thats also a very good point, although we normally think of women being in such relationships it is also men in my previous post I mentioned the man at work who offered me a place to stay , he had been married to a woman who sounded like the twin of my then boyfriend who had started to hit me ( but only places no one would see ) she was every bit as controlling and used to hit him and as he was a decent sort he would never defend himself physically so he was in fact a battered husband ( both mentally and physically ) I think thats why he went out of his way to help me as he recognised me as someone trapped by a controlling partner when he offered me the room in his house I was still unconvinced I could really go through with it and kept coming up with excuses he gave me what turned out to be some of the very best advice I have ever been offered , he said " you will always find reasons to stay, but you only need one reason to leave" I owe a hell of a lot to that chap Sam
  13. thats a very good point Trudi in my case all my time was spent not rocking the boat , I was spending so much time pandering to his whims I was no longer myself for me the turning point was one Saturday when I was shopping in Iceland a chap dropped a load of boxes behind me and I burst out crying and I realised that normal people are not that on edge every minute of every day a chap I worked with offered me the spare room in his house and that gave me the bolt hole I needed and I left the next day and basically stated living again to start with I was so conditioned I kept telling him and his house mate what time I would be home, who I was out with etc , they sat me down and explained I did not have to ask there permission for anything and I was free to do as I wanted and it made me see what I had become and start healing and when I started seeing Mark 18 months later I could not get over how different a normal relationship was and how warped my previous relationship ( if you can call it that ) was Sam
  14. Thanks Jules I posted this in RMF and it fits here as well I think as a look of people I relate to a lot of whats written my partner prior to Mark ( when I was 18 ) was very controlling , in my case it was my youth and inexperience with relationships that allowed him behave in such a way , once I was a couple of years older I told him to sling his pathetic hook and feck off he lives locally to my mother and I sometimes bump into his family members and basically he has not learnt any lessons and has treated every single girlfriend in the same way since and every single one has walked out on him for the same reasons I did. if any one reads Jules post and thinks bugger thats me, then please please think about talking to some one who can help you you can PM Jules or me, or use the internet to find people to help but what ever you do please don't think it will go away or that you are at fault and if you change( change/do as you are told/don't rock the boat or whatever you call it ) the situation will get better because it does not Sam xxx
  15. bugger I lost it but it started with an 8 what squirrely fun
  16. Sam Squiggs married to Mark Squiggs ( Hollysdad ) we have one daughter Aisling ( Baby Squiggs ) we share the drey with Hollie a 2 year old Collie X Noah a 3 year Lurcher Winniebobbaygo 2 year old Saluki type lurcher Molly Cat Salem puss and Princess Gertie of the spare room including the kingdom of the kitchen table ( dentally challenged Persian cat ) and lastly the worlds largest drawf rabbits ( bigger than the flippin cats ) Pippin & Merry ( named because they were meant to be small like hobbits )
  17. he is feeling very special in his member group of one ( and all Pink )
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