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Everything posted by staffymonkey

  1. That sums it up for me. I don't have kids - but if and when I do, that's how I'd like to bring them up, though maybe I wouldn't use the word respect? More like be considerate, polite and thoughtful towards others - whatever their age and relationship to you - and be tolerant. I'll teach them good manners too, because my biggest pet hate is people not saying please and thank you (or cheers - the words don't matter to me, it's the intent) - so maybe I'm not as tolerant as I'd like to be . The word respect, well, it's a funny one for me. It puts my back up, as has connotations of subservience. makes me think, straight away, of teh phrase 'respecting your elders and 'betters' '. It's a phrase I personally really don't like. IMO, age shouldn't automatically mean a thing. It seems (to me anyway) no different that saying 'women must respect men'. I believe in treating EVERYONE with politeness and decency, and make sure you actually listen to other people's opinions, but only truly respecting those who've proved them selves worthy. After all, people of all ages can be small minded bigots; age doesn't automaticaly equate to wisdom. Or a licence to forget common decency, tolerance and good manners. But then, I guess it all depends on your definition of the word 'respect'...
  2. Soon... It'll be more Exciting And Mysterious if you have to wait a bit, you see...
  3. Of course I did And of course I won;t tell! :p
  4. Morning all. RMF: Something Exciting And Mysterious is going to be happing soon for DNB
  5. Right, must go do work now. Adieu for now.
  6. You're no longer addicted to the internet because you discovered a new fetish online. Instead you're addicted to dressing up as a big baby and being put to bed early, thus killing two birds with one stone (though risking a nasty case of nappyrash ) I wish crisps weren't so fattening. Or so lovely.
  7. Diddn;t realise either. My thoughts will be with them...
  8. Phoeny.... come to meeeeeeee..... come to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! you knows you wants to GHorgeous piccies - thanks for sharing. I'm very much liking paddling phoenix and abby-puddy-tat pretending to be a stone
  9. Awww, well done Nellie. Hope she settles down and accepts them soon I can't wait for them to grow a bit so we can start playing Guess The Daddy My shot for now - yellow lab. Thoughi t might change in the next couple f days
  10. Wear black pants - as long as you don;t go brazilian you can just put them up at the sides. Though, again, I'd just do it meself... supafrisk - yep, microchips can migrate. And much snorting at your garden exploits... DitzyLips - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That was a luffley moment that made me grin. Julia Gemstone - habve a most fabulous holiday - when do yu actually go? kittycat97 - keep strong on yer LL malaky - just imagine how happy and healthy you're gonna feel when you're fot as a fiddle in teh summer uke - get thee to a doctors and take care pet Dog Rescue Lover - sorry abut your fireworks and scaredy doglets - hope all is well again today *ssssssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnort* Award for Comedy Post of the Evening goes to sarah the muckyhen! (tis usually em supafrisk so you have done well ) owl - have a luffley jacuzzi. I haven't had a bath in years, so am most jealous (we only have a shower. I'm not a dirty skanky biatch! My mouth may be, but I do wash regularly, promise!) HELLY - You feeling any better today pet? Hope so... RMF: The redundancy letters have started arriving. Everyone at work is very woe. I, on the otherhand, amd in a surprisingly good mood. I don't care if I stay or go, though I apparently am safe (which is ironic as I would have actually rather liked a redundacy payput!)
  11. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww Bluddy hell - that's awful. Hope she's ok dressing up as a monkey then trying to get right around your house withoutputting a foot on the ploor ? Also purchase pins, lighterfluid and a small catapult, then get medieaval on their asses 'houndzrus' - :bigglaugh: Um... yes. Really rather very. RMF: going to pub now. I Have Had Enough Of Today.
  12. :GroupHug: for one of my most favourte girlies. Glad she seems better
  13. Well done nelllie Hope all is ok...
  14. You get let off working overtime and scurttle off home, only to discover that your colleagues get a surprise visit from johnny depp in full pirate regalia, collecting kisses for charity. I wish I had a pet parrot called dave.
  15. JACKYSIAN: LOVING the new avatar. I aim to please And well done for being brave I do me own bikini waxing 'cause I'm a bit of a twisted puppy and aren;t bad with self inflicted pain. And 'cause my mate once had a Bad Experience involving hot wax and a a beatuty therapist who deserved neither part of her title. Shudder. I glad your walk was luffley. And I second the blutac idea. RMF: Tis very sunny here. It;s drawing nme out of my grump, which is good - only 30 minutes to pub for a swift one then walkies
  16. Know the feeling. That's where I currently reside too. Just in case anyone missed that Brave you... at leaset it wasn't a brazillian. Or was it If it makes you feel any better, i tcould be worse. A bloke at work was telling me about getting an, ahem, back sac and crack wax That's rubbish... I say that the marmitearmy'll take over the world
  17. God I hate mondays. We're looking forwards to some news 'about the startegic direction of the business' this afternoon. So I'll be getting made redunant then. Just as well I don't give a flying feck about me job then... I am also hating this clocks forward business. Feel all a bit ill, you know how i mean, like when you get up too early and you feel all dried out like a shrivelled apricot? Bleuuuuuuurgh However, the bullpug managed to make me raise a smile, so thank you for sharing redrotties
  18. You is a bugger. i hates you. not. Glad you're having a wicked time mate Poor love. I'm off home now. Am picking up chinese on t'way
  19. Oh my god. Just saw that thread. Not feeling quite so hungry any more. ROTTEN!!!! In all senses of the word
  20. Evening all. I'm briefely in a caff, so thought I'd pop in and say hello. So hello. RMF: jonathon crisp cris are very rubbish. well, the crisps themselves arent bad, but they come in opaque packets and only have about 4 crisps in the bag. most upsetting. RMQ: shall I have sushi or chinese for tea? RMObservation: I'm a bit food fixated tonight
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