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border collie

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Everything posted by border collie

  1. Penny Anne get well soon Chasta's OH good luck and one of my kids has that altered perception fingy Houndzrus poorly neck and shoulder Marion, piccies of your ex? Owl's boiler Jules' nose, can you take sudafed to have a bit of a rest from blowing it? Helly, tub of vaseline for that lip, all day, every ten minutes Steph's mum hope they soon get rid of the evil gallstone she will feel tons better. My sis was really poorly for ages until she had hers out, terrible pain and jaundiced. Sue, I haven't seen my daughter properly for weeks now since she passed her test Alex if you need another pair of hands to hold the paper give me a shout Thanks fugee peeps for pandering to my whinging persona from last night. I promise to get back to being strong and silent again Sam squirrel, don't give in, don't wear it. I never give in and only wear mascara and vaseline on my lips for going out.
  2. Thank feck cos lots of people on here have started to hate me. ooooh I got that feeling a couple of weeks ago. Force yourself to post or else it gets very hard to get into it again Anne he looks VERY lovely for 39, a whole lot better than the gargoyle what is seeing louise and he is 32 Elaine, he is such a snivelling little pr#ck that I order you to not give him one moment more of your thoughts or time.
  3. Ooooh was it really good? When are you going again? How many dings did you do?
  4. He came here about three weeks ago with my eldest daughter's boyfriend cos he is his friend. I thought then "oh my gawd" and I didn't know anything was going to happen then, he has three children and the eldest is 13, a girl. He has custody of the girl. Oh dear it sounds more and more like Coronation st or Eastenders HELLO AMANDA I was too scared to reply have a luffly day. Are any of the men fit? CONGRATULATIONS JULIA 4000 POSTS
  5. I sound awful don't I. It was a shock. Plus I have had difficulty pinning her down since she passed her test. Before that I dropped her off and picked her up from everywhere. So it seems like my little (not so little) girl has suddenly been kidnapped by a man 15 years older. I have gone from being a parent to being just a dog owner in the space of four weeks I have now laid some rules down which she has agreed to. I want her here on school nights or I have said I won't tax and insure her car. Hopefully it will work until her A levels are finished.
  6. probably the kind of person I have assumed him to be, but could be wrong. I will try hard not to alienate her but I may have to kill her
  7. get millions of toilet rolls tomorrow I like listening to them when I muck out.
  8. noooooo not you you don't get ignored and I love your doggy coats
  9. mmmmm wot is your recipe? or is it a secret?
  10. Ooooh Poppy I hope it doesn't hurt :GroupHug:
  11. ooooh Julia!!!! look at your post count
  12. You should have broken the stick up then it would have fitted in the bin.
  13. lol to the having S E X in secret whilst married Yes there are some gorjuss 18 year olds
  14. crikey Cheryl, he needs a kick in the nuts. Ban him from having tablets anywhere except his bedroom. My other daughter says he is dead nice I will say as little as posible I think until I have got over the shock. She doesn't think much of herself, she is 5'10", blonde, slim and fab. It is a terrible waste of beauty to not realise you have it. I'm not suprised. Airing cupboard.
  15. lol, she knows I know but I haven't mentioned him yet, just said I was steaming that she lied. I have to be honest, if he was gorjuss with a good career I probably wouldn't be bothered but he is a gargoyle with a constantly injured knee from falling off his motorbike. he actually turns my stomach and I only saw him once by accident weeks ago lifting his gammy leg into a car. and I think he may be a moaning whinge and too needy from texts I have spied on that he sent to our house phone one night. I am rather horrid though. It is a huge first for me cos I normally love all their boyfriends and get upset when they finish.
  16. :GroupHug: RMF my fairly boring life seems to be getting very traumatic with 17 year old daughter being found out in lies. She swore blind she wasn't seeing this gross scrotey 32 year old but other daughter's boyfriend tells me that she is. I don't know what to do. If I freak out I might drive her into his old wrinkly arms. If I ignore her she might think it is ok. He must think all his birthdays and xmases have come at once. I hate him He might be nice really but I am never going to think it EVER.
  17. Do you know why she needs anti bark collars as well as soundproofing? Is it very built up around her rescue?
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