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Everything posted by phoenix21

  1. erm no, (sorry to people who's dogs are called Fudge) I have a week to think of a suitable name. She needs a special name because she's so pretty and has beautiful eyes She looks like an Amber or Ruby? whatever is decided she is definately
  2. i HATE mobile phone companies. Rang O2 on sunday as my new nokia 6280 decided it didnt like switching on anymore. they said ok, we will send a courier round on tues, give the faulty phone to them and they will give you the new phone. They couldnt change the day they delivered it or tell me when it would be. So my mum waits for phone, i come home from work at 4pm, no phone. 6pm i decide to look at the order status online......and says phone is out of stock!!! so, i could have had to get time off work to wait for this phone all day and no one contact me to say it wont be delivered and so now i am paying for a phone i dont have and wont have for at least another week until its in stock again.arrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh I have relieved some of my anger by having a good complain to them and telling them i am not paying for a contract when i have no phone RANT OVER lol
  3. Its May, England and i have got burnt today!! how did that happen!!!? have been plastering the grey ponies with suncream on pink noses as well, should have put some on myself....these are the days when working outdoors is all worthwhile!!! i even had my legs out today, although it may have blinded some people No rain in cumbria..............thats a first.
  4. thanks. Molly being a lab appreciates food any time of the day so dont think she would mind having meals split, she'll probably think she is getting fed more When you split the meals did you gradually give less at tea time and just a bit at breakfast to begin with?
  5. Am hoping someone can enlighten me as to what could be wrong with molly! Background Info: Molly is our family dog who we have had since a pup (Molly is 11 now). My parents had one litter from her and she was then spayed at the age of 4. Our vets at the time seemed to have done a very poor job of the operation. She was very poorly after the op (prehaps given too much anesthetic) and her wound took a long time to heal. After the op her shape changed completely and she got quite fat. (she has since lost this weight) I took molly to the vets today for a check up as she had been breathing heavily and i wanted her teeth checked. In those respects she ws in tip top health but the vet said she was very tender in her abdominal area and could feel a few lumps. She has also lost weight up top on her back but is carrying it below (if you understand what i mean in her belly area). She has had blood tests which the vet said would test her kidney and liver functions....(results come through tomorrow or tues) but me and my mum are now wondering if these problems are related to the bad spaying job the previous vets did on her. She really was ill after the spaying comparison to phoenix (my dog) who was wanting to go on walks the evening after the op and bouncing off the walls and her scar is tiny and so neat compared to mollys. Any one had any experience of this kind? Molly is a black lab btw. Also she has been getting quite bloated after her dinner...the vet said this is because as the dog gets older the metabolism slows and digestion takes longer. I forgot to ask the vet but do you think it would be better to split her main meal (which she has at 4.30pmish) into breakfast and dinner? (she gets fed JWB Senior/light) Thanks
  6. yesterday at work we had snow, hail, sleet, rain, sun, high winds and finally thunder and lightning. during the hail, snow, thunder and wind period we were cancelling the treks when the sun came out and the wind disappeared
  7. After a day or two of resting she is back to her normal self again thankfully...thanks for the reiki.
  8. phoenix21

    Strained Leg?

    Molly went on a walk today and decided to go for a swim in the river. Shes 11 and its hard to keep her out of the water! anyway she went in but couldnt get out so my mum who was walking her, had to lean over and try and pull her out (shes a black lab so not easy). my mum said she was fine for the rest of the walk but now after a lie down she is limping heavily on her right front leg. I guess she has just pulled something. i dont want to take her to the vets unneccessarily as she is petrified of the vets so was going to give it over night to see how it is tomorrow but in the mean time do you think putting some arnica cream on it would help? She suffers from arthritis in her back legs occasionally so they are not all that strong so she is struggling a bit to get round.
  9. molly was on metacam last summer and it did nothing to improve her. she is miles better now than what she was on metacam, ive bought some more of the denes stuff and she is better once again so sticking to that!
  10. good morning....its snowing again here, am hoping i'll get another day off work...who wants to ride in snow anyways
  11. my first sunday off for ages!!! phoned work before i set off this morning as it was a bit blizzardy here, its half an hour to get to work and its normally worse there. they said it was only fine snow so rides should be on. the main road hadnt been ploughed so was covered in snow, then i had to pick people up on my way, got about 2 min away from work and got a phon e call to say we were cancelled so just wasted an hour in driving but who cares when i can now go and play in the snow!!!!!
  12. Good morning...lovely day off why the blooming heck have i woken up so early!!!!!!! Richard Hammond is what we need
  13. i know, i cant imagine not having my grandparents... they are coming up to 90 but live on their own and keep active, my grandma goes away on painting classes etc. my gran and i have talked about her past and things (mainly her past dogs and cats ) but my grandad doesnt talk about his past much, so just know what i know from my mum. i am actually quite interested in going to the next interview so i can find out more about when he was younger. rmf: there is winter sickness bug going round center parcs and most of the people that come riding with us come from there i really really dont want it!!!!! have seen people in white zippy up suit things with vans disinfecting the lodges,
  14. ooo lucky you. i bet proper japanese sushi is gorgeous mmmmmmm
  15. Lloyd owen (paul from monarch of the glen) has been interviewing my grandad today. He (lloyd)is playing beatrix potters husband in the movie they are making with renee zwellwigger (sp) and ewan mcgregor. My grandad used to work for potters husband as a clerk and hes one of the only people alive now that knew him and beatrix. Lloyd is going to see my grandad again so am so going to go and sit in on it he is mmm . There is a part in the film where beatrix's husband goes to court (hes a solicitor) with the clerk (my grandad) so they are going to call the clerk george in the film after my grandad. My grandad (hes 89) seems really pleased to be doing all this and my grandma told my mum on the phone that Lloyd was gorgeous.....thats so not like my grandma to say something like that!!!
  16. just out of lipped mussel and synflex are ok to use together arnt they?
  17. she does seem a lot better now i think it was the cold weather or me being paranoid. compared to last year though she has faired so well through this winter, last winter my mum thought it would be molly's last.. after introducing g.l.mussel to her diet and now synflex she is like a new dog, with a bit of weight off her as well, she even ran after a rabbit with phoenix today!!! so i think she is feeling fine but sometimes she forgets her back legs are dodgy and ends up falling over i'll keep going on what shes on for now then think about what else to add to her diet when she gets worse....shes so much better than when she was on metacam from the vets last summer.
  18. woohooo it says on weather we are getting heavy snow on tues....about blooming time too... am going to fish them sledges out in anticipation lol
  19. not sure what to do....previously molly was on denes G.L.Mussel but after finding it was cheaper at H & Barratt i changed to them and also added synflex (been on it a week). The capsules from H AND B are 500mg each and she previously had 3 capsules of the denes ones at 200mg each (600mg). Her back legs have been worse this week and i dont know wether it is due to the v.cold weather we have had this week or because i have changed her medcines around. the Denes g.l.mussel had glucosamine in it as well but i thought the synflex that i give her now should compensate for that. do you think i should up the green lipped mussel to two capsules (so 1000mg) or is this way too much for a labrador? i think it could be due to the cold weather but just wondering if i should go back to the denes stuff or persevere with the other and wait for the synflex to kick in? (not sure how long it takes)
  20. just completed my first transport run...only got a little lost and only had to ring up for directions once (this is good for me). my dog guard was a little useless against the big lad staffie cross called bruno who barged his way through to me as soon as he was put in the boot. had a lovely sweet gsd x called penny who sat quietly in the back. bruno sat in the front seat and was good for periods of time but then would turn round and slobber all over my face!!! lets just say it was an experience!!! but i'll do it again
  21. just booked last min hol to iceland flying on tues for 3 nts woo hooo!!!!!
  22. thanks very much will check out holland and barrett on friday...and just looking at the synflex site
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