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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Some of the techy things I'm involved in mean I monitor some radio frequencies very close to these devices and quite often I'll tune through their radio band as I go from a to b. You're right, they are VERY effective bugging devices as they have a very sensitive microphone in them, because they are all built really cheaply there is no privacy option so it's a bit like having your house bugged and then broadcast on the radio for anyone with another listening device who lives locally. I can hear dozens of them within a couple of miles, don't think they only go as far as your house or neighbours, they can easily go across town And yes, I have even heard THAT happening on them Never leave them switched on for longer than necessary, although for a few more quid you can now buy DECT versions which are digital and can't be listened in on by your neighbours. Paul Shopping when the football was on worked a treat, empty roads, half empty shop and no queues!
  2. I didn't recognise him or the dog but if he does complain and I really don't think he will then I'll certainly follow it up. You can only imagine what could have happened if it had been a small child running passed! The office is pretty good when it comes to dog bites although of course it usually happens on private property, most owners get a warning then if it happens again they have to collect mail from the office. So far this year out of 22 staff we've had two bites. Paul RMF - We will be hitting Tesco's at 2pm precisely and ensuring the shopping takes no longer than 90 minutes
  3. Yes, no skin broken thankfully, just a few red dents! First off I was suprised, then I was angry, then I was f****** angry so lost it slightly at the owner who seemed to think the pavement was entirely his. Thing was, the dog spotted me from about 10ft away and watched me draw level before having a pop, it was the neanderthal owner who didn't see me coming and breath...
  4. To the 'gentleman' whose rottie bit me this morning and then tried to blame me for 'sneaking' up on him, you are a of the highest order and if you can't control your dog it shouldn't be on the road. And if you are going to complain to my office about my attitude I look forward to it rant over
  5. for the squirrels and Mungo tonight and for Debs and Ian. Trail free Sammie Trailie
  6. Paul

    Poor Kitties!

    Run free little kitties
  7. RMF, According to my bank I'm not allowed (under the data protection act) to ask MY wife My security number when the bank call me to discuss MY account, what a bunch of tw@ts. Oh, and they can only send out another paying in slip on the bottom of a statement and it will cost £5.
  8. Hi Ange, she is a full trailhound but yes she is quite a bit smaller than some of the other ones there. She's about the same height as Bob but is quite 'lean', her racing name was Ashanti, posh or what! She's got a bit of a poorly toe that gets sore when she races which is why she was retired. What you can't really see from the photo's is how wet it was and guess who forgot to take a coat The drive home was a tad steamy to say the least I was reading Rescue Mag (I think it was called) while we were there and there's a nice piece on the Oldies Club celebrating its first birthday. If it wasn't for the OC we'd not have met Bru and fallen for Trailies so I've a lot to thank them for Sarah, I was talking to Leanne at the centre and she said how cute trailie poopies must be with those floppy ears and serious faces, now I know, thanks for posting that pic. Yantan, I've mailed Eileen to tell her the good news too Paul
  9. Well........ Meet Meg Meg Trailie is four years old and an ex racer, she's quite timid and needs lots of TLC so she's coming to the right home She's just come into season and can't be spayed yet so we aren't sure when her gotcha day is going to be but we are going back to see her next weekend and then maybe the next weekend she can come home with us Paul
  10. It's a three and half hour drive each way to the Dogs Trust at Snetterton and we've only just got back but it was worth it
  11. Bob was awake half the night being sick and having diahorrea, he's a lot better this evening and his appetite is back, so much so he even went and ate up the pile of sick in the garden that we hadn't spotted.
  12. I remember when the lady at Babbington brought you out, you looked like a collie but you had this funny thick sticky up tail and when you jumped up to say hello we thought we just might fail as fosterers. You made the big chair in the back room your throne and made us laugh when you, Bob and the cats would play musical chairs in it. I can't believe I'm never going to cup your furry soft ears again, have you bounce up and down nipping my nose with your teeth and stinky breath when I get home from work or listen to the thud of your tail on the bed when we come in. You melted the heart of everyone you met with your sad face Bru dog, none more so than mine, when we said goodbye last Sunday, your head in my hands I thought mine was going to break. You're coming home for the last time tomorrow Bru dog, we haven't chosen your tree yet but when we do you'll be with it, reminding us of all the happy times you brought us. Find Lucy at the bridge at look after her for us. Paul and Allison xxx
  13. Thank you everyone for your lovely words for us and about Bru, knowing we did the right thing doesn't make it any easier but he was a brave boy and slipped away quite peacefully in my arms on his sheepskin rug. The house seems empty this morning without him sprawled across the bed between us. After leaving the vets yesterday in the rain we went and sat with him on the Downs before going to the chapel at Raystede, by the time we got there the sun had come out and we left him, resting on his rug. I'll post something in Rainbow Bridge in the next few days but for now thank you all for being there and listening Paul and Allison
  14. Paul


    Sorry to hear your news KP :Group_Hug_Emoticon: Run free Beau
  15. This is for OLG as her links dont work in chat The place we stay at is near Lynmouth, it's called Deen Steep and they look like this, sorry bout the car in the way lol The view from the front View from the back The fully walled in back 'garden'! On one of the walks near Morte Point Another one in Heddons Mouth Go down in the summer and you'll see David Kennard showing off his sheepdogs Who are pretty keen to show off Another favourite walk near Davids farm is down by the Slade reservoirs And the boys in the boot David Kennards site is here both the DVD and book are brill.
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